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ZRP Officers Beat Matabeleland Villagers, Force Them To Sing War Songs - Human Right Lawyers

6 months agoTue, 10 Sep 2024 13:52:46 GMT
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ZRP Officers Beat Matabeleland Villagers, Force Them To Sing War Songs - Human Right Lawyers

Some 11 villagers in Nkayi, Matabeleland were flogged and forced to sing war songs in Shona by Zimbabwe Republic Police officers, human right lawyers have said.

Posting on X today, Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) said the villagers were beaten as part of “a brutal crackdown” apparently to investigate theft of diesel.

Said the ZLHR post in part:

The Nkayi villagers have asked ZRP authorities to take remedial action against some delinquent police officers, who ill-treated them by severely assaulting them & coercing them to sing some liberation songs…

In a letter of complaint written to the Officer-In Charge of Manoti Police Station by the Nkayi villagers’ lawyers Jabulani Mhlanga & Prisca Dube of ZLHR, the villagers protested against the conduct of the police officers for conducting a violent operation across 3 homesteads belonging to the Sibanda, Ncube & Lunga families, under the pretext of investigating a case of alleged theft of diesel belonging to Oscar Mawarire, local entrepreneur.

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Mhlanga & Dube stated that the ZRP officers, who were armed with a rifle, truncheons & whips, unlawfully assaulted the villagers including a minor, using excessive force & without just cause. In addition, Mhlanga & Dube stated that the villagers were coerced into singing some liberation songs in Shona language & were further assaulted for allegedly failing to sing the songs correctly.

The ZRP officers, Mhlanga & Dube said, rummaged through the villagers’ homesteads even though they did not have search warrants authorising their actions & proceeded to seize various tools from the homesteads, alleging that they were weapons that were used by the villagers in committing some criminal activities.

The human rights lawyers said although Mawarire, who is the complainant in the matter, informed the ZRP officers that the villagers were not the people whom he suspected of stealing his diesel, the law enforcement agents insisted on arresting the villagers & subsequently, 7 of them were apprehended & taken to a police post located at Kana Mission. The villagers, Mhlanga & Dube said, were not given an opportunity to wear their shoes or warm clothing & neither were they informed of their rights at the time of being apprehended.

The ZRP officers reportedly threatened to make an example of the villagers in order to deter “Ndebele thieves” from crossing into “Shona territory” & were once again subjected to further physical abuse & forced to sing more liberation songs. At the police base, the villagers were made to sleep on concrete floors, without the provision of blankets and with no ablution facilities, with men being handcuffed to each other.

The villagers were all released on 15 July after being ordered to pay US$30 each per person by a police officer, who only identified himself as Dube but were not issued with any receipts acknowledging payment of what was supposed to be an admission of guilt fine & were also not furnished with some request for medical report forms in order for them to seek medical attention at government-run medical facilities.

The villagers only received medical treatment for their injuries at a private medical facility and afterwards engaged Mhlanga & Dube, who on 1 August wrote a letter of complaint to the Officer in Charge of Manoti Police Station demanding that the law enforcement agency conduct an investigation into the ill-treatment & assault of the Nkayi villagers & take remedial action against the perpetrators of such brutality.

The human rights lawyers protested against the violation of the villagers’ fundamental rights including the right to liberty, right to dignity, the right to bodily & psychological integrity, protection from cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment & the right to equality & non-discrimination, all enshrined in the Constitution. The conduct of the ZRP officers, Mhlanga & Dube said, amounts to a serious breach of their constitutional mandate & hence the perpetrators of the brutal assault of the villagers should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

The development has angered who have referred to this as “Gukurahundi all over again”.

Said writer and activist Thandekile Moyo:

When they did this during the Gukurahundi genocide, They said we were dissidents. Is this tribalism another operation against yet another generation of dissidents? This is unacceptable and Matebeleland should not accept this.

Mbiko KaMadlenya said it brought back memories of a similar ordeal he experience:

This happened to me and my relative in 1985 we were in grade 7, forced to sing shona song’s beaten and kept at police station for 2 weeks, our crime for being Ndebele. Shocked that its happening in 2024



Anonymous · 6 months ago
Sorry can you report this to Ibetchu likazuliu and tell them to come to the 5th brigade offices at Manoti to see comrade Marwebo from Zaka
Mbaramatonya · 6 months ago
If the story be true that would be a very sad day for Zimbabwe. However, we must always remember that there are evil people who wish to split Shona and Ndebele people. They create false sensational stories to cause bloodshed between our tribes. There is no police shift in Matebeleland that doesn't have Ndebele members. These would never allow such a thing to happen. Besides that, Shona and Ndebele officers are one family.
Big Dude · 6 months ago
You are very right @mbara
Anonymous · 5 months ago
It's not evil people, it is actions like these that make people feel some type of way.
@Man to Man · 6 months ago
Jaison Ndlovu · 6 months ago
Too bad
The real MC racher 🤪 · 6 months ago
Ku varungu kune wo tribalism zvekuti heki, kuma India yaka wandisa if you recall ma Sikh akanetsa kuma 80s, ku Nigeria Zviriko futi vamwe ndeve ma religious supremacy etc, but ganda remunhu rakangofanana and belching tribal concortations is archaic, Zvimwe zvakonzeresa kudaro ka, we are abandoning the main language of English as an official language, that has created chaos and insatiable battles for supremacy all the 16 languages Homies can speak in their mother tongue but we're you don't belong at least express yourself ne chirungu ECD can learn English at schools, venecular should just be at home
theLastAntKing · 6 months ago
ma worryaz were held to a goal less draw. Now sitting on #3 Cameroon 4 Kenya 4 Zimbabwe 2 Namibia 1 Zimbabwe needs strikers who can find the gate, otherwise Cameroon & Kenya will qualify ahead of us
Tman · 6 months ago
Anowanika kupi vachitotya kugowesa ava
drc · 6 months ago
ko Namibia point yakaiwana kupi???? ndangoti ndipfuure ndichibvunza
I · 6 months ago
murungu haambo zvione zvekuti ndebele or Shona anongoona a black person....the tribalistic police must realize we are all black people... Africa for Africans no matter the tribe Africa is our home..there is no superior or inferior Africa those partisan police are ****s still persuing a colonial policy of dividing and ruling black people...the sooner we unite the better it is for everyone tribalism only benefits other races whites Asians hameno ikoko
nherera · 6 months ago
This reporter must be arrested. causing division in our country that how the Rwanda war started by a **** reporter
Sir African · 6 months ago
What has a reporter has to do ne police brutality?Such things must be exposed so that it won't happen again.The same thing happened in Chiadzwa where a high ranking police officer killed an innocent man and tried to cover up the murder but the murdered man's relative could have non of that .The officer ended up in high court and was sentenced to 38 years in 2010.His defense during trial was that he was defending Zimbabwe's wealth.
wischigonero · 6 months ago
draw 0-0
zim citizen · 6 months ago
ma warriors akatamba seyi nezuro5
Tsholotsho president · 6 months ago
Bebuye bezokwenza eTsholotsho bayobuyela begijima eNkambeni
!?? · 6 months ago
Mapurisa ayo zvaakaita hazviite pa fair muNdebele mushona we're one mapurisa ayo anoda kusvasvangwa zvekuti heki
· 6 months ago
Not a true story.
vip · 6 months ago
bhur a vanhu officer ingwere idzo
🏃 Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 6 months ago
zvapandukirana gonzo na chin'ai we always urge you don't vote evil you take us for granted and vote the devil see what lucifer is doing to you I feel sorry for you
@ · 6 months ago
you seem very familiar with the devil
Z · 6 months ago
Ndoo news dze pindula no international news kana local zvayo inemusoro.EVERY TIME KUNGOTAURA MARARA CHETE!
gaucho of pampas · 6 months ago
one love Zimbabwe mabatwanei vana vekumusha kwefu hatidaro,peace ,love and harmony
Rudo💅 · 6 months ago
mapurisa chaiwo here Aya ane hunhu hwakadai.Vapinzei mukati inhubu nhy
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Its the suspected thiefs who are complaining. How else can they defend themselves.
unknown · 6 months ago
This just divides us even more. I have Shona friends and this makes me feel some type of way. Ultimately the end game is to divide the people.
Anonymous · 6 months ago
trust your friends at your own peril… one day RAR soldiers. walked into a shop in St Lukes( Lupane), and one of them held his FN rifle butt on the ground and nozzle facing upwards,. He stretched to by a bottle of coke, he slightly lifted the gun , but slid off his hand …. that machine released a bullet that went through his chin blowing off his ear….. his last words were ndiNgwenya, ndi Ngwenya….Ngwenya was already in the kudu…. how is that
Anonymous · 6 months ago
The Mayor(Byo), Rhodes and the BSAP co, are by far a better species than you , right now you speak and write english( wadzidza ka), you now use toilet paper instead of your hands, or a twig ,cretin. This Border Gezi indoctrination will definitely haunt you and your ilk, mark my words….like I said earlier the day of reckoning is coming
nherera · 6 months ago
Tshabangu and Welch ncube area good example. of sell out.
Gr se · 6 months ago
You know what a place where sometimes have lost grassseed, you can forget of that seed by time you can see that grass growing again in that area. Remember in Heroshima today we see babies being born with defects of the war fought nearly 100years ago. Where gukurahundi was fought some powder left now affecting the engineer slowly the battle arises
HomeT4 · 6 months ago
Manjeso akomana. Divide and Rule.
Corruptmore Looto · 6 months ago
Onai Tshabangu the sell out, he is dining with the enemy
Mhofu · 6 months ago
Mucallshow wako
Sir African · 6 months ago
The way people hated BSAP is the same way Zimbabweans hate Zanu Republic Police(ZRP) At least BSAP was not corrupt as this police force.
Biggie · 6 months ago
Ko maWarriors adii neCameroon
Unknown · 6 months ago
15mins of play so far zim 0 - Cameroon 0 25 mins Namibia 0 - Kenya 0 Full time: South Sudan 2 - 3 south Africa Mozambique 2 - guinea Bissau 1
Zvakaoma news dzekudhara · 6 months ago
Pindula tiitireiwo serious anditi, kutipa news dza July nhasi shuwa
Anonymous · 6 months ago
inhema dzavo avo
ndini mudaburi · 6 months ago
imi why thats why we want our own state separate from ****
Mhofu · 6 months ago
You are invaders in Zimbabwe, go back to South Africa where you came from. At least Rhodes was a better invader he built industries, you Ndebeles petty thieves stealing **** wealth
𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖛𝖆𝖟𝖆 · 6 months ago
Sorry tata, andithethi nge Zimbabwe ngithetha ngo Mthwakazi ilizwe labantwana be zinkanyezi. Wena abanye bakho sebabuyela eTanganyika, eKenya, uhlaleleni. Kukambira kambira wa nyanya Chimsoro.
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Zimbabwe is yours Matebeleland and some part of Midlands is ours
𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖛𝖆𝖟𝖆 · 6 months ago
𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘻𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘦. 𝘈𝘮𝘢𝘱𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘢 𝘬𝘢𝘣𝘢𝘺𝘦𝘬𝘦 𝘪𝘮𝘬𝘩𝘶𝘣𝘢 𝘺𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘩𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘪 𝘦𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘪, 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘣𝘢𝘺𝘦𝘯𝘻𝘢𝘺𝘰 𝘴𝘪𝘺𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘻𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘢. 𝘒𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘪 𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘦 𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘪 𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘣𝘢 𝘬𝘶𝘱𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘬𝘶𝘧𝘢𝘬𝘸𝘢 𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘥𝘸𝘢 𝘦𝘻𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘢𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘯𝘪.
Juju · 6 months ago
44 years after Independence, terrible! No lessons are learnt.
Oncemore · 6 months ago
Police should be given more power even to beat criminals, well done ZRP. Police should not behave like cevilians,
Sir African · 6 months ago
Imbecile,only an uncivilized shona condones violence against his fellow human being.No wonder the country is divided.
Corruptmore Looto · 6 months ago
Then you wonder why the country is like this
Jah🇿🇼Tsvarie-07 · 6 months ago
Jah🇿🇼Tsvarie-07 · 6 months ago
Chibaba · 6 months ago
Kune wese vakarohwa go and report the matter to Tshabangu so that he can raise the issue in parliament.
Simukai · 6 months ago
Mabasa e mtwakhazi aya kuda kutsvaga rutsigiro ku spliter nyika yedu
Mhofu · 6 months ago
Eheee rega zvikwapainzwe zvima Ndebele izvo, zvine hutsinye husingaite
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Dodos destroyed a beautiful country
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Blame it on tshabangu he sold out
Mhofu · 6 months ago
Ndebele don't belong to this country same as Rhodes all invaders
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Day dreamer, go to school and stop sick pondering
Anonymous · 6 months ago
….that day of reckoning will surely come. The BSAP , were equally ruthless, where are they?
Mhofu · 6 months ago
They are there , they just changed form, one of them is Coltart now Byo Mayor
chaka · 6 months ago
vanhu ngavazive pekuvhotera
father flour · 6 months ago
causes of war
ehe · 6 months ago

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