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Zimbabwe's Policymakers Are Conflicted And "Hate" ZiG, Says Mutisi

5 months agoFri, 20 Sep 2024 09:15:36 GMT
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Zimbabwe's Policymakers Are Conflicted And "Hate" ZiG, Says Mutisi

ZANU PF-aligned political commentator Kudzai Mutisi believes that Zimbabwe’s policymakers are conflicted, which is why they aren’t properly promoting the use of the ZiG, as it might hurt their personal interests.

In a post on X, Mutisi argued that regular people shouldn’t be blamed for the ZiG’s poor performance, as they have always supported local currencies over the years.

He claimed that it’s the policymakers who “hate” the ZiG, as shown by their refusal to sell fuel in local currency or accept ZiG for wheat.

Mutisi suggested that these policymakers likely own fuel stations and are involved in wheat farming, which is why they hesitate to accept ZiG in these sectors.

He also recommended that 90% of the people at the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) should be fired, saying they can’t be trusted to support the ZiG because they were there during the Gideon Gono and John Mangudya eras, and have repeatedly failed to deliver.

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Gono served as the Governor of the RBZ from 2003 to 2013. His tenure was marked by significant economic challenges, including hyperinflation and the introduction of the Zimbabwean dollar redenomination.

Mangudya succeeded Gono and served as the Governor from 2014 to 2024 when he was succeded by the incumbent, John Mushayavanhu.

Mangudya oversaw the introduction of bond notes and the reintroduction of the Zimbabwean dollar. Wrote Mutisi:

1. The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) suffers from TOXIC INSTITUTIONAL MEMORY, that’s something needing urgent attention. More than 90% of the people working at the RBZ were there during the Gono era and the Mangudya era. These people have clearly proved to be INCAPABLE, INCOMPETENT, and MANIFESTLY CORRUPT, they can’t be trusted to save the ZiG. Governor Mushayavanhu should be allowed to select a NEW TEAM, RBZ needs that.

2. The ZiG is experiencing two things: Ever increasing supply and ever decreasing demand. This is a recipe for disaster, and that’s what policymakers should be focused on. The simple question that needs an urgent answer is: What will make a Zimbabwean citizen or business ACCEPT the ZiG and KEEP IT??? This is a very simple question but the answer to this question isn’t simple, it involves implementing DRASTIC POLICY CHANGES! It requires courageous policymakers, not the current crop of lazy policymakers who take years even to adjust interest rates. They don’t have what it takes to manage a currency, more so a currency in perpetual competition with the USD.

To slow down (ZiG) money supply growth, the RBZ should increase interest rates. The 20% interest rate introduced at the introduction of ZiG was not well thought out, it was a gamble. The interest rate should be increased.

To increase demand of the ZiG, the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and lnvestment Promotion should take the lead. Mthuli Ncube and George Guvamatanga have been enemies of the local currency, their love for the USD is destroying the local currency. IMTT on ZiG should be removed without delay, RBZ should drastically cut bank charges and other transaction fees, businesses should pay tax in ZiG (this will force them to accept the ZiG, keep the ZiG and to look for the ZiG), and the RBZ should introduce higher denominations for the ZiG (without enough ZiG Cash, the USD will fill the gap making it the preferred currency especially in the informal sector). Without making these changes, NOTHING and NO ONE will save the ZiG. It will collapse faster than the ZWL.

3. Introduction of a FREELY FLOATING EXCHANGE RATE will cure a lot of the problems facing the Zimbabwean economy.

Currently, formal businesses HIKED USD prices… they did so because the FORMAL EXCHANGE RATE is not a MARKET DETERMINED EXCHANGE RATE… to hedge against exchange rate losses, formal businesses hiked their USD prices… that pushes customers away and it will lead to the further collapse of the formal economy. The RBZ MUST STOP dictating the exchange rate to anyone, let businesses make their own decisions. If the RBZ wants businesses to use the Official Exchange Rate, then it should ensure that the forex market is FULLY liberalised. Markets always reject COMMANDIST policies, it will NEVER work! In fact, monetary authorities in Zimbabwe should know better.

With a Floating Exchange Rate, more people will be willing to sell their forex and even fuel dealers won’t hesitate to sell fuel in ZiG.

Dr Mangudya spent 10 years trying to dictate the exchange rate to the market AND FAILED. It’s shocking that Dr Mushayavanhu, in his wisdom or lack of it, wants to follow the same approach.

4. Ultimately, the demand for a local currency has to be created BY LAW. The ZiG has no capacity to compete against WELL ESTABLISHED and WELL MANAGED currencies like the USD… it will always lose that contest. This is why smart governments COMPLETELY outlaw the use of foreign currencies for domestic transactions. This automatically creates HUGE demand for the local currency.

In Zimbabwe, the challenge is that policymakers have CONFLICT OF INTEREST. The policymakers are farming wheat (and demanding payment in USD), they own fuel companies (and DEMAND payment in USD). It’s the policymakers who HATE the local currency, ordinary citizens in Zimbabwe have CONSISTENTLY embraced the local currency.

More: Pindula News



JAA · 5 months ago
🏋️🕺⛹️ · 5 months ago
the paper quality used on the 10zig note speaks volumes of the state of mental capacity of the so called fake professors and Dr's
kvb · 5 months ago
general populace do not embrace zig but it's forced on them
baba jukwa · 5 months ago
is this guy truly Zanu pf member or is some sort of opposition planted into Zanu pf, l clearly understood his lecture on what is killing the Zig story and that is very true that many of Zanu pf members run a whole lot of businesses, formally and informal so this lecture only needs action for it to have a meaning... l say vanhu ngava dzingwe starting with mushayavanhu he have proven to be incompetent alongside Mtuvi Nyuve
Tese · 5 months ago
well said asi uchanzi urimhandu na wemuromo weoingi
Makatukura · 5 months ago
We are yet to hear from Confused Erudite & his big bro chi bby che zanu
Anonymous · 5 months ago
They are commenting on the Herald now where they can enjoy the sound of their own voices.
Corruptmore Looto · 5 months ago
NdoVanhu vanofanira vachiLead Zanu ava kwete maClueless buffoons akazara ikoko iyezvino. Why can't we have the 2 party system of the US, Zanu and the Opposition regularly switching power between themselves, and l can assure you if that happens then it will help the nation a lot. How can have the same party ruling since forever, it's obvious they will become incompetent fools
Tongoona · 5 months ago
Ko Mushayavanhu waimbotiiko zviya?Zvorongodonha zig racho over your live body.Iye ndiye ungazvigona zveZimbabwe.Kusarurama mhani nekusatotya Mwari ndiko kwatipondera nyika.Vanhu ndeva Mwari vamunoshungurudza mhani ava.Makumari enyu asina chironzo.Tadzoka kupay tisina chiro naiwo makuzig enyuwo.Haaaa
Big Dude · 5 months ago
VaMutisi, makainonokera bootlicking. Vamwe vakatokohwa kudhara. The coffers are empty now.
M2 · 5 months ago
ZiG rakafanana negame rechisveru. Once wangochipuwa unofanirwa kumhanya kuti uchipewo kune mumwe munhu game racho risati rapera. Ukasarira nechisveru unorara uchidya makonye 🤮
Fari · 5 months ago
Totally agree with you. Ivo kumusoro ikoko ndivo asingadi Zig.
Wakez · 5 months ago
Zanu pf is rubbish full stop
guru · 5 months ago
Thanks Mr Mutisi 👍♏️👏👏👏
Patz · 5 months ago
Well articulated. The problem in Zim is that those who like the ZiG dont like it. The other problem is that Mushayavanhu is a bogus governer and Mthuli is a bogus min of finance. There is one person who is two in one- governer and min of finance, who is dictating using bush economics. I dont think a whole professor will fail to establish a sound economy had it not been for political intereference
· 5 months ago
... that person is David Mnangagwa, who in turn is his father's proxy. Hakuna kwatiri kuenda, tiri ketenderera. As Hosiah Chipanga once sang, " Ukatendeuka, iwe wakambotendeuka, waa kutenderera" 🤣🤣🤣
hoy · 5 months ago
the detailed truth but alas zimbos are ignorant AF . specially the fuel squad well zig is tumbling down faster than i thought . since we like to follow american footsteps then lets COMPLETELY OUTLAW use of foreign currency on domestic goods
· 5 months ago
Can the Gavhumend start with Passports, Import Duty, and ALL payments to Government ministries parastatals. Only then came say they are serious ne ZiWiG Raven.

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