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Mnangagwa Hands Over 90 Vehicles To Chiefs

6 months agoThu, 26 Sep 2024 09:24:56 GMT
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Mnangagwa Hands Over 90 Vehicles To Chiefs

President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Wednesday, 25 September distributed 90 off-road twin-cab vehicles to chiefs, despite millions of villagers facing hunger due to an El Niño-induced drought.

A recent report from the Famine Early Warning Systems Network reveals that rural families are skipping meals as a coping strategy amidst the severe drought, which is one of the worst Zimbabwe has experienced in decades.

In April, Mnangagwa sought to raise over US$2 billion to combat starvation, later increasing the request to US$3 billion.

Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare Deputy Minister Maruva Mercy Dinha confirmed that the government is looking for support to feed the hungry.

However, the government decided to spend millions on cars for chiefs, with Mnangagwa handing over the second batch as replacement for 90 vehicles in Harare yesterday.

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According to NewsDay, a brand new 4×4 Isuzu D-Max twin-cab off-road vehicle goes for around US$ 70,000 on the local market.

Speaking at the handover ceremony, Mnangagwa pledged to consistently support and provide for the traditional leaders. He said:

This is part of my administration’s grand plan to uphold the dignity of our chiefs and traditional leaders, who are the historical custodians of our land and culture, as they carry out their duties.

It is also in line with the government policy which has seen us giving the chiefs vehicles after every five years…

Further, my administration has directed government ministries and departments to provide other services and utilities that uplift the livelihoods and standing of traditional leaders in general.

These include the construction and maintenance of access roads to chiefs’ homesteads, electrification of chiefs’ homes, provision of water and sanitation facilities, as well as the tillage programmes, among other services.

Earlier this month, Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube confirmed that the government spent unbudgeted millions on purchasing vehicles for chiefs, leading to financial strain on their parent ministry.

Ncube defended this expenditure, saying the vehicles are essential for chiefs to effectively serve their constituents.

He argued that the Council of Chiefs faced excess expenditures due to the unplanned acquisition of 237 vehicles, along with increased allowances and costs associated with national events.

Social commentator Pardon Taodzera criticised the government for “rewarding” traditional leaders with vehicles, claiming they were compensated for supporting ZANU PF during last year’s elections.

He expressed disappointment that the government prioritises political spending while neglecting urgent issues like hunger and lack of medicine in hospitals.

Journalist and outspoken government critic Hopewell Chin’ono said that this was the fourth time Mnangagwa has dished out cars to chiefs since coming to power in 2017. Said Chin’ono:

This is happening while hospitals lack water, medication, and equipment, all of Zimbabwe’s urban cities and towns have no clean drinking water, the country has the highest inflation rate in the world and unemployment stands at 95%.

Critics argue that chiefs serve as the ruling ZANU PF party’s foot soldiers during national elections. With over 60% of the country’s population living in rural areas, traditional leaders are seen as vital in helping ZANU PF secure electoral victories.

More: Pindula News



kkkk · 6 months ago
Tinoda kpinda mumigwagwa se zvinoita makenyans bt zvimaaoja zvedu zvaka dhakwa bad
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Unthinking president kkkkk
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Madzishe iwawa awa ma addresserwo avakamboitwa gore riya nemusoja akandisiya ndisina nharo kuti ndovanovhiyiswa mbudzi mumatare eZimbabwe
44yrs · 6 months ago
Ehoi tanzwa
ay · 6 months ago
ED 2030 panyanga
sad · 6 months ago
US50k vehicle to a sitting chief and Zg 50k to a whole constituent this country is doomed
Anonymous · 6 months ago
My 28 year old imported Japanese Prado is still doing very well, because I look after it, and I do take it on safari on bad roads and into "chiefs" area in the rural areas. Nothing wrong with my 4x4. The main reason it still works is that I myself spent my own money to buy it.
yes mayezi · 6 months ago
mundisvitsirewo kuna baba 😀👏👏
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 6 months ago
Magona president. Madzishe akakosha
Huruyadzo · 6 months ago
ipayi zvifambiso izvi muzvipatara,mozopawo kumaporisi. makamboenda pasouth,vakarongeka.
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Maita mayeuka varidzi venyika madzimambo. Kwasara masabhuku nesu maspecial constabulary.
Heads- up · 6 months ago
vakambotengerwa mabhasikoro masabhuku kkkkkk now ichokwadi they need cars
Officer#12 · 6 months ago
E.D Pfeee 🫡🫡🫡 🙌🙌🙌
The Droid tabloid · 6 months ago
Ma general assessment epano papindula ari immature, eye tukai, it's not the first time we've had drought, it happens after every 4 yrs and the government has everything in place to mitigate this cause, how ever there are detraction that have complicated the need for government to provide drought reliefprograms, number one chief, is the advent of SANCTIONS that has blown out of proportion in soiling the leadership to sway from their natural habits to mete with is problem, of drought. So other program s can't be diverted because of this, they can't stop giving Chiefs access to transportation when it their sole mandate to ratify the drought issues, meeting other agents willing to proffer solutions logistically and kind, so where is the problem? Besides it has been a tradition that Chiefs get cars every five years infact its a policy, so government cant sway their mandate to please immature journalists
jaa · 6 months ago
thanx a million
Tommaso · 6 months ago
Don't you ever get tired with using the sanctions card, this country was previously under UN sanctions yet it was way better and organised economically than what we have now.
Maikoro Jekiseni · 6 months ago
misplaced priorities rewarding partisan chiefs who are selfish they only think of themselves whilst the people are wallowing in poverty they will be a time where all these "chiefs" will pay for their sins
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Rewarding chiefs and themselves. They own the car dealerships they buy from.
Heads- up · 6 months ago
With USD70k I can transform a village of 80 families to modern houses, pumped borehole water system, graded roads,electrifying it, foot bridges or Starlink internet services.
👀👀 · 6 months ago
ukwikwidze 2028 ndikuvhotere
Heads- up · 6 months ago
such simple examples will tell a lot about a true leader. Thank you
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Project imwe neimwe ine budget yayo. Hautori budget yemapurisa uchiisa kuzvikoro, kwete. Ndopamunosarira ipapa. Chinzvimbo chekuzvitaura mu senate moita budget for next year munogona kungosvora. Mbunzai vamakavhotera kuti vakasvitsa here zvido zvenyu.
𝙎𝙞𝙮𝙤𝙮𝙤 · 6 months ago
🇿🇼 mutungamiri wedu watakapiwa naNyadenga
ClD Admire kuyeri · 6 months ago
kkkkkk thanks.
Big Dude · 6 months ago
The emperor is sick in the head. That's the simple explanation.
👀👀 · 6 months ago
toita chikafu chekuitirwa ma donations nedzimwe nyika iwo ma millions achitengerwa madzishe mota,what a shameless country
Justice · 6 months ago
The power of dictatorship. Any chief who says no will be removed from office immediately. Our traditional leaders are not this cruel. Charumbira is the only wicked exception.
...,. · 6 months ago
minister shava will be representing the president and the country at the United Nations General Assembly, and will be on the podium to speak after presidents of other countries have.
Chibaba · 6 months ago
Dai kuri kuKenya povo yatopinda muma streets ichiratidzira.
👀👀 · 6 months ago
ana Jameson timba vakarambirwa bail,zimbos are afraid to do that
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Vanongo binhwa kana leader wavo aiswa mugvt zvopera asi phovho yabinhwa chayawana dololo. Musashandiswe, apa mune short sleeve chawakawana dololo.
Ed uri mhaaaa · 6 months ago
mache'nde ambuya wako
Tommaso · 6 months ago
Oh Lord watch over us for we are doomed and cursed to have these terrible leaders, when will the suffering end huh, Zim people have never known peace, first it was the Rhodies now it's Zanu, we really need a break. CRY THE BELOVED COUNTRY
shurushuru · 6 months ago
chii chaizvo chakadai. madzishe akutobhoikanawo nazvo izvi
million · 6 months ago
jeńđe rake mukuru uyu vanhu vachifa nenzara so
Si**** · 6 months ago
Munoti nababa vedu

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