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Rushing To Ban Multi-Currency Regime Could Backfire, Warns Mugano

5 months agoThu, 26 Sep 2024 11:24:52 GMT
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Rushing To Ban Multi-Currency Regime Could Backfire, Warns Mugano

Local economist Gift Mugano has warned the government against hastily banning the current multi-currency regime and making the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) currency the sole legal tender.

Mugano made the comments in response to calls from some sectors to eliminate the use of the United States dollar, particularly as the local currency has experienced rapid devaluation on the parallel market just five months after its introduction. Wrote Mugano:

I hear repeated calls for the introduction of mono-currency in favour of ZiG (banning USD).

My 2 cents advice is that if GoZ bans the USD it will be the biggest loser because the informal sector will not dump the USD – GoZ will lose tax in USD.

Policy only works in a formal economy. In circumstances where the informal sector is so huge, IT CANNOT WORK!

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Where we are, GOZ must let USD work as a mono currency & work on establishing the right fundamentals for the introduction of a local currency which inter alia include:

1. Building a productive & competitive economy

2. Building foreign currency reserves averaging 6 months import cover (US$4.5 billion)

3. Fiscal consolidation – reducing public debt to levels averaging 30% of GDP

4. Stable exchange rates with distortions not exceeding 10%

5. Current account surplus

6. Single digit inflation

7. Establishment of strong institutions with enough teeth to rein corruption & other social ills including fostering rule of law

8. National cohesion – credible elections, elimination of toxic politics, no crackdown of opposition & weaponisation of judiciary

9. Provision of critical enablers such as affordable & reliable electricity, fuel, transport (road, rail & air), ICT, water & sanitation, health and education.

10. Confidence – if we put in place the points I raised from 1 – 9, we will ensure that there is confidence.

This is not a walk in the park. This will not happen overnight. If we are not careful, it will take us decades to have our local currency.

Already, we have travelled 27 years with currency crisis since the Black Friday of 14 November 1997!

The challenge I give to the GoZ is to undertake a comprehensive research focused on the need to understand why our currencies are failing & what needs to be done.

This is critical in view of the fact that we have lost many currencies in recent years!

More: Pindula News



DDD · 5 months ago
Do not force us to use a useless currency.Iwe kana uchida Zig rako rishandise hako but do not force it down my throat
Erudite · 5 months ago
From his little foxhole armed with a smartphone and probably a crusty vest and boxer, the mad and shiftless dingbat posts on a site which no sane individual takes seriously...He wastes his time painting a dystopian portrait of the motherland and suggesting preposterous solutions which I can only describe as voodoo economics..Only terminally online sycophantic neckbeards still believe in this certified goober and wanker...The ZiG is less than a year old yet Mugano is already acting like some bargain basement undertaker.... Celebrate the hiccups all you want Mr "Gift" if that is even your real name but just know that the juggernaut that is the Zim economy will not be derailed by some failed influencer who is too poor to buy a blue checkmark.... Seriously this is a man who put all his eggs in the briefcase party basket and ended up with egg on his face , now he wants us to take us seriously because he had a tirade on X🤣🤣🤣..The Algorithm does not promote such gibberish and unfortunately for you , your posts will never trend ... Erudite out
kkkkk · 5 months ago
zvimwe zvaco mnongo shora asi zviune basa why
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Instead of ranting incoherently and hurling insults, try engaging with the topic as any rational human would. Assuming, of course, that you are able to.
boss veda · 5 months ago
Dr Mugano plz stop giving them advice. let them continue to be clueless. kip yur mouth shut.
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Items 3 & 4 will never be implemented.
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Every big economy came from the informal sector. The following must happen. 1. Formalize the informal sector by registering all of them and collect tax no matter how small. 2. Every business transaction must be conducted using ZWG. 3. Criminals must be prosecuted irregardless of who they are. 4. Introduce a minimum jail term for corrupt government officials without an alternative for paying fine. There is nothing wrong with our ZWG, it's perfectly fine advertise trust in it. Introduce staggard quarters for the complete removal of USD use in every public dept and private sector. Engage those in private sector and have targets to remove USD formally. Eventually ZWG must be backed by gold primarily and it must be criminal for a citizen to transact in USD, there must be a consensus from citizens that this is good for our nation. Help politicians to understand this from an economic point of view. We will emerge as winners in all this.
Anonymous · 5 months ago
And the appetite for the USD by the ruling class, Indians and Chinese/ how do you mitigate tha?
concerned · 5 months ago
lm not an economist but l understand what you saying, Dr Muahanos points seem to stronger than yours, Zimbabwean economy is driven by informal traders even if they are forced to register and pay fines they still need forex to import their goods from Other countries that on its own indicates that forex will never go away, USD will remain Supreme what ever currency will always be regected by masses. Zimbabwe doesn't have industries imagine even surf is imported, most goods are now cheaper out sides than on registered stores. kikikiki Gold T-shirt at EDgars it costs 32UD but out side you can get that for 5US Max so who is fooling who
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Goods are more expensive because government adds large duties on imported products, through normal channels. Zimbabwe produces nothing. The industrial capability of Zimbabwe is zero because government prioritizes external manufacture. They actively encourage companies to leave so that only their incompetent comrades can run agency businesses because they have no capability to build anything themselves.
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Haa zvazvino musatombovhunduka zvenyu, hurumente inoziva kuti ZimCurrency inoluzisa ma elections ende kuluza election hachisi chinhu chainofarira
Pasi Pamera Ziso · 5 months ago
What the ED administration should do is to bite the bullet by 1). Allow the USD to trade as SWIPE only while ZiG will trade more in its physical form. 2). Formalize the USD Hungry informal sector by making the POS machines available to traders who wish to trade in the SWIPE ONLY USD currency. 3). The implementation of points 1 and 2 will ensure that all physical USD notes will find their way into the formal banking system and collection of USD based tax achievable. @CdeED, please try 👆this one and you will thank God later.
@Vhedza · 5 months ago
How many are those having a foreign currency accounts? Most of us have cash of USD.
Pasi Pamera Ziso · 5 months ago
My point exactly, that is, if you wish to trade in USD you will be obliged to open a USD bank account but better still Ecocash is a bank on its own. You will simply load your wallet and transact. The central gvt will have an abundance of cash USDs.
Pasi Pamera Ziso · 5 months ago
Eco cash is a bank you simply load your wallet and transact
Pasi Pamera Ziso · 5 months ago
Mobile money wallets are listed as banks, you simply load your wallet and transact
baba jukwa · 5 months ago
mugano will always be on point, last time he warned. about the Zig thing and things are happening as he said. l think it's high time the authorities try to realize that our economy is governed by the informal sector
sad emoji1
Zozo · 5 months ago
Dai Gift Mugano auya kuzoita CHIPANGAMAZANO waED, Mtubi naMushayavantu zvinhu zvaitinakira seNyika
@Vhedza · 5 months ago
Mr Mugano you are one of those benefing from the present situation where multicurrency is dominating in particular the use of the USD. Please let us enjoy our own currency for the sake of identity.
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Tommaso · 5 months ago
Hayas, you then realise that these are just empty heads which are used to only understanding the propaganda from Zanu rallies
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Talk of a government taking a ride of its citizens. Government is spending far more than they collect, how do you explain gold prices going up and Zig devaluing? They made a commitment that Zig is pegged against gold so what is going on here. Leadership is just dishonest, uninspiring in confidence. Then you look forward to direct foreign investment, that is crazy.
boss vedha · 5 months ago
our currency iwe nani
kkkk · 5 months ago
ifentity yey
Tese · 5 months ago
muri huchi wamugano
zrp · 5 months ago
Zanu yakapera kare. siyai USA $ rakadaro. munhu akazvarwa 2000.ndomari yaano ziva
Mafirakureva🤔🤷‍♂️☝️ · 5 months ago
i don't think that there are any sane and knowledgeable people calling for mono currency in the form of the Zimbabwean ZIG. Whenever you see something like this happening, it is in actual fact the Zanupf bigwigs themselves who will be pushing it and the only reason will be that they want to loot whatever reserves of fhe US Dollars that are in the Government coffers and the RBZ. This is their modus operandi whenever they want to loot the US reserves at the RBZ like what we witnessed with the Mugabe regime. They call for the use of the local currency only which they obviously know to be impossible and then go on to loot whatever reserves of US Dollars that the country has at the Reserve Bank. When Mugabe was removed from power, ha was found to have stacks of US Dollars at his house tge Blue Roof and so did Chombo, Gono, Chihuri and many other Zanupf bigwigs. we are not so **** and we all know who is calljng for the use of a single currency ZIG. It is Zanupf and for the purpose all looting the current US Dollar reserves at the Reserve Bank and elsewhere.🤷‍♂️
Anonymous · 5 months ago
The RBZ Governor scored an own goal. He insisted and made a commitment of the new currency being pegged against gold. Devalued our balances by 2500 and now devalues again by over 40% when we should expect a strengthening Zig because of firm gold prices. Is it no a clandestine way of stealing from the already burdened workforce and pensioners. Cumulatively these are very heavy taxes and they still think people will believe the New John. This is an admission of failure and people should not blame Mugano for this. This is reckless leadership full stop. The set up is only good for people who survive on hand outs. It does not promote hard work and discipline. Vanhu varimuhurumende itayi mushe. You are wasting people's time and energies. Nyarayiwo please.
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Please tell us where we can get zig ?? Then we can use it
Ndlera · 5 months ago
corruption is the main elephant in the room
yeah · 5 months ago

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