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Mnangagwa Urges 10th Parliament To Finalise Pending Bills

5 months agoThu, 03 Oct 2024 09:11:57 GMT
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Mnangagwa Urges 10th Parliament To Finalise Pending Bills

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has called on the 10th Parliament to prioritise the finalisation of the Private Voluntary Organisations Amendment Bill, along with other outstanding legislation from previous sessions.

The government introduced the Private Voluntary Organisation (PVO) Amendment Bill in November 2021, aiming to “counter-terrorism and prohibit political lobbying by non-governmental organizations.”

However, critics argue that the Bill seeks to limit the operations of NGOs in the country and constrict the civic space.

During the State of the Nation Address (SONA) at the opening of the Second Session of the 10th Parliament on Wednesday, October 2, Mnangagwa stressed the need to expedite the enactment of all Bills pending from previous parliamentary sessions. He said:

Parliament has an obligation to expedite the enactment of all Bills that, for one reason or another, are outstanding from previous Sessions of the August House.

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The list includes Bills relating to: Persons with Disabilities; Administration of Estates Amendment; Civil Aviation Amendment; Death Penalty Abolition; Parks and Wildlife Amendment; Private Voluntary Organisations Amendment; and Mines and Minerals Amendment.

Others are the Medical Services Amendment; and the Insurance and Pensions Amendment. The second category comprises Bills that came to light since my last address, but which Ministries never forwarded to Parliament.

I also challenge Parliamentary Portfolio Committees to be seized with the business of Bills that fall under their respective purviews. All concerned parties must address these anomalies for the collective good of our nation.

As the transformation of the education sector gathers momentum, the introduction of the Zimbabwe School Examinations Council Bill is expected to enhance the efficiency and good corporate governance of the ZIMSEC Board.

Likewise, the Teaching Professions Council Bill will regulate the conditions of service and produce a code of conduct for all teachers.

Occupational health and safety is critical for the attainment of Vision 2030. The Occupational Safety and Health Bill should be expedited to further align with International Conventions, to which Zimbabwe is a signatory.

Other Bills due to be considered by this Session include the State Service Pensions Bill establishing the State Service Pensions Fund, while the Public Service Act will be amended to align with the Constitution. The Rural Electrification Fund Act; the Public Entities Corporate Governance Act and the Pipelines Act, will also be amended to be in sync with present realities associated with the growth of the economy.

The Legal Practitioners (Amendment) Bill will harmonise the administrative functions of the Judiciary and the Executive in the registration process for foreign legal practitioners.

To enhance the fight against the scourge of corruption, the Public Interest Disclosure (Protection of Whistle Blowers) Bill, must sail through this Session. Electronic transactions are expanding at a phenomenal pace, as technology evolves.

The drafting of the Electronic Transactions and Electronic Commerce Bill should be speeded up, towards promoting legal certainty and affordability for electronic transactions.

Additional Bills include: the Standards Bill; the Legal Metrology Bill; the Broadcasting Services Amendment Bill and the Media Practitioners Bill.

More: Pindula News



👀👀 · 5 months ago
l once blamed Giresi but now l know she was always saying the truth,about those pipo on top
Patz · 5 months ago
We want electoral reforms not these useless Bills
...,. · 5 months ago
with all those bills carried over making the sona like a repeat of the previous ones, what are the ruling party parliamentarians doing, being the majority? most are absent from parliamentary seatings with debate being postponed as ministers will not be available, leading to various parliamentary terms dealing with same issues. the parliamentarians should just accept that they have failed and leave the executive to use statutory instruments
Anonymous · 5 months ago
They are driving around a lot, doing nothing, so they can constantly go to their petrol stations to use our taxes to pay themselves to fill up.
Corruptmore Looto · 5 months ago
I'm surprised that he is still talking about Vision 2030, he should just forget that pipe dream of his and retire
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Public Interest Disclosure (Protection of Whistle Blowers) Bill? Does that mean Chivayo's friends get protection?
Getrude 05' · 5 months ago
Its high time lawmakers are required to have @list a degree in Law. Causes how can they expedite the bills when the know nothing about other aligning laws and the constitution. You would wonder why they would give arguments in parliament with layman's language,, wobva waona kut inga zvakaoma hazvo. There are plenty of educated people out there
ndururani · 5 months ago
nhai iwe Getu, hauone here kt vakadzidza maningi vacho ndidzo mbavha huru dzaita kt nyika iyite skeleton kudai, kunyanya ma degree e law iyaya ndiwo ane vanhu varikutionesa ndondo muno hapana chakanaka apa
Jonga · 5 months ago
Ko zvee Sadac zvakazopera cy couz zvaiita senge jesu achadarika nemu no zim sow I sodhoma negomora chairo

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