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Politician And War Veteran Tshinga Dube Dies Aged 83

4 months agoFri, 04 Oct 2024 05:51:55 GMT
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Politician And War Veteran Tshinga Dube Dies Aged 83

Colonel (Retired) Tshinga Dube, a member of the ZANU PF Politburo and former Cabinet Minister, has passed away at the age of 83.

His son, Vusa Dube, confirmed to the Chronicle that Dube died from kidney failure at Mater Dei Hospital in Bulawayo on Thursday, October 3. He said:

I can confirm that my father Colonel (Retired) Tshinga Dube passed on today at 7.34 pm at Mater Dei Hospital in Bulawayo following kidney failure.

Of course, he has been unwell for the past 10 years, but his death came as a shock to us as a family.

As a family, we are saddened by his death and we have lost a pillar of strength.

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Colonel (Retired) Dube, a respected war veteran, was born on July 3, 1941, in Fort Usher, Matobo District, Matabeleland South. He became politically active at a young age, joining the liberation movement in the 1960s.

In 1972, he trained as a guerrilla fighter in the Soviet Union and China, becoming a prominent figure in the Zimbabwe People’s Revolutionary Army (ZIPRA) during the liberation struggle.

Dube advanced through the ranks, playing a crucial role in the arms procurement department for ZIPRA, where he facilitated the shipment of weapons from supportive nations during Zimbabwe’s fight against colonialism.

Known as Cde Embassy during the liberation struggle, he was among the first guerrillas deployed to the frontlines, operating in the Tsholotsho District of Matabeleland North.

His unit laid the groundwork for the Wankie Battles, a joint operation involving ZAPU and ANC fighters that extended into Bulilima District in Matabeleland South.

As a military communications specialist, he worked closely with comrades such as Cain Mathema, Joshua Mpofu, and Bhekuzulu Khumalo.

They jointly led the department alongside ANC’s Umkhonto WeSizwe fighters, including Walter Mavuso and Jackie Modise, the wife of MK commander Joe Modise.

One notable engagement he participated in was the Madliwa battle, which lasted nearly five days along the Zambezi River Escarpment near Kariba, fought on the Zambian side. The battalion was commanded by the now Retired Major-General Stanford Khumalo, known as uMadliwa.

During the ceasefire, Dube was appointed to a committee responsible for integration, demobilisation, and the formation of the Zimbabwe National Army.

This committee was led by three members, with Dube representing ZIPRA, the late Josiah Tungamirai representing ZANLA, and General Jacobs coming from the Rhodesian Army.

Dube later became the overall commander of the signals department in the Zimbabwe National Army and was appointed a full Colonel.

He served ten years in the army before moving to the Defence Headquarters as Deputy Secretary of Research and Development.

After about three years, he became the chief executive of the Zimbabwe Defence Industries (ZDI), where he worked for 23 years.

He then transitioned into politics, serving as the Member of Parliament for Makokoba in Bulawayo for several years.

In 2015, Dube was appointed Minister of War Veterans and later authored a memoir titled “Quiet Flows the Zambezi.”

He is survived by his wife, Nomathemba Wendy Dube, as well as several children and grandchildren.

More: Pindula News



Bullion · 4 months ago
RiP Cde Dube. I appreciate your role in our freed
nyasha · 4 months ago
murume akanyangara hake uyu ummm kuita chimupanzi chaicho mahwee dai pasina mari aitizwa nevanhu nevana
Anonymous · 4 months ago
Iwe nekunaka kwako uri kudyei
cde · 4 months ago
apa wafawanaka haishandi baba ava vakashata shame
HiLLBiLLIES VOLkSWAGEN 0774857233 · 4 months ago
HIP Cde Dube shuwa makarwa hondo hombe a known political and military figure in our society
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 4 months ago
RIP Dr Tshinga Judge Dube,a stalwart of the liberation struggle. You contributed positively towards the development of this country. No blind eye can be turned against such patriotism. You didn't sell out Zanu pf
There are various opinions on the succession issue. Most of the members of the party have said he should hang on to power, but he has said that he will follow the Constitution.We have not heard him saying he wants to cling on to power beyond his term of office but we should know that while men propose, God disposes.We do not know what is going to happen in four years to come, even spirit mediums do not know, only God knows. Advisers are problematic, those advising him are only looking at things that benefit themselves.We must be careful with the advice that we give to the President so that it does not benefit individuals only because we want his legacy to remain; these things can destroy his legacy after working so hard as a minister, surviving hangman’s noose and at the end of the day his legacy is destroyed like that.
Oncemore · 4 months ago
Super hero
I have heard that social media is abuzz with some people accusing others of selling the club to Zanu PF. That is not true.Football belongs to the people regardless of political affiliation. It is known that the Queen of England supports Liverpool.There are Highlanders members who are politicians and some are civil servants and so forth, but we cannot look at things in this way.We have Omega Sibanda (Zanu PF MP), he is a politician, but he is a member of Highlanders.We have Justice (Nicholas) Mathonsi here and he is a member of Highlanders.So it is not correct to mix these things because even Dynamos as it is has a number of politicians.Does it then mean that if you are in the Highlanders executive committee then you must buy Zanu PF membership cards? No! Let us correct this mentality.
Oncemore · 4 months ago
Educater and teacher
The excitement we had when the new dispensation came to play, we thought many things will then come right but a lot of things have happened that were not foreseeable. When we were so hopeful that things would go right and we were very hopeful that sanctions were going to be terminated some very unfortunate things happened which affected us as well as our economy that is the August 1 shooting. It put us many years back not just months because the world was beginning to understand us much better.
Zimbabweans are expending too much energy on politics, instead of focusing on the economy to better the lives of our long-suffering countrymen. It is also my wish that we engage with the dynamic young man, the president of the MDC — Nelson Chamisa — to come on board so that we unite our people and make sure that instead of channelling our energy into politics, we also concentrate on our economyIf . . . Mnangagwa continues with his policies and gets a good someone to assist him, this country in 10 years will not be a third world country but a first world country. Instead of focusing on politics, we need to be focusing on improving our health delivery system, our education and our welfare among others. Let us give him (Mnangagwa) a chance for the next five years to create jobs for our peopl
Corruptmore Looto · 4 months ago
Talking to the young man will surely help turn around the economy but they won't do that because they won't be able to loot anymore.
Oncemore · 4 months ago
Kwete vana Sauro Jah love vakaitei chinobatika
Oncemore · 4 months ago
Chamisa is a puppet,
Corruptmore Looto · 4 months ago
That's all you know vana oncemore, kuswero taura zvemaPuppets. Zanu yacho irikungopa nyika kumaChinese pasina kana benefit saka chii chamuri kugona busy pointing fingers at others pasina chine musoro chamakaita since 1980. One thing you should know is that the Chinese confiscate resources and important infrastructure if you fail to pay back those ****s just ask the Sri Lankans.
I want to tell you this for the first time. I was the one who organised that booing on the First Lady. I organised some war veterans and youths in Bulawayo and agreed that if she starts to insult the party leadership and members, they would then boo her. And it worked
Oncemore · 4 months ago
True, l like this. But the guy was humple. Only a few people respected. Looked ordinary
gumlaz · 4 months ago
pakabatwa basa apa chiendai henyu munosangana nanachitepo ,nkomo nehanda nevamwe vese asi musvko vaudza zvese kuti takagwirapasina vana vvachirikungotambura kudarika zvamakaona.imi
Officer#12 · 4 months ago
RIP Cde Dube,,, 😭😭😭 Ava ndivo ma War Veterans chaivo chaivo... Kwete zviya zvekuti mumwe munhu akazvarwa 1972 otovigwa kuHeroes Acre achinzi akarwa hondo ya1978,,,
Anonymous · 4 months ago
Kana uri muspecialwakarwa Hondo chero wazvarwa 2000. Tirikurwa Hondo yokusungura nyika kubva kuopposition.
Anonymous · 4 months ago
Seni yangu nemboma yandino dira vanonetsa iya paheroes ndichapinda chete. Wese wansarova anofa achigamina asi ndariva musoro ugagamina negumbo. Yakaipa Kani Wezhira.
☮️ · 4 months ago
haaa comrade ava vaimira havo pachokwadi. Ukava pachokwadi hauwane ma _nagatives. rest in peace gamba remagamba
VaMadiro · 4 months ago
Aah uyu akashanda whole life,, ndiye weku appoint-wa kuita board chairman at 81 years futi.
Aaa · 4 months ago
Rest in power comrade
Zozo · 4 months ago
Lala ngokuthula Cde Dube . Hohoshwa yakavava a**** amabhunu
Zozo · 4 months ago
Lala ngokuthula Cde Dube . Hohoshwa yakavava a**** amabhunu
Zozo · 4 months ago
Lala ngokuthula Cde Dube . Hohoshwa yakavava a**** amabhunu
Zozo · 4 months ago
Lala ngokuthula Cde Dube . Hohoshwa yakavava a**** amabhunu
HALF GIG · 4 months ago
Ayehwa uyu akarwa hondo. Ndiye muWar Vet chaiye. 1
Patz · 4 months ago
Ndiye wekuti 2030 hazviite some few weeks ago
Cîroc 🍸 · 4 months ago
yeah uyu akazviramba zve 2030
HALF GIG · 4 months ago
Aaaaa kubva waurawa
Officer#12 · 4 months ago
Ungamufadza seiko wenyama,,,
@#12officer · 4 months ago
parisei pa moto moto apoo
Riw · 4 months ago
Death is
NHONGO · 4 months ago
True ,focused war Hero ,rest Easy Comrade Tshinga
Pindula Lover🌹 · 4 months ago well sir🙏
😏 Pindula Watch · 4 months ago
Robalang ka kotso Lala ngokuthula qhawe lamaqhawe Zororai murugare gamba remagamba MHDSRIEP
mtongi gava · 4 months ago
aaah shame , lala ngokuthula qhawe lamaqhawe
Pindula Lover🌹 · 4 months ago
zvibaba zve zanu zve matumbu zviya zviriku rova pasi wena👀👀👀
Poolteen · 4 months ago

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