Economist Professor Gift Mugano has called on the government to clarify the relationship between the value of the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) currency and gold, as well as other precious metals.
Mugano asserted that the government appears to have changed its stance on exchange rate determination and should provide an explanation of how fluctuations in gold prices affect the ZiG exchange rate.
Posting on X, Mugano noted that when the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) launched the ZiG in April 2024, the initial exchange rate of ZiG to USD was calculated as follows:
– ZiG1 = 1 milligrams of gold (ZiG1 = 1/1000)
– Price of 1 gram of gold on 5 April 2024 = US$73.3
– 1 milligrams of gold (i.e., ZiG1) = 73.3/1000 = US$0.0733
-Using a direct formula of exchange rate determination, US$1 = 1/0.0733 = ZiG13.64
If we use the same formula & take into account the price of gold which has since shot to US$85.52 per gram (i.e., US$2,653.25 today), our new exchange should be:
US$1 = 1/0.08552
US$1 = ZiG11.69
Ko US$1 = ZiG25 (exchange rate after devaluation) yabvepi?
Please give us the correct government position on the ZiG exchange rate determination & gold price movement nexus so that we can speak we are guided accordingly.
Mugano also urged the government to reconcile statements made by Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube on Wednesday with an excerpt from the RBZ’s Monetary Policy Statement (MPS) that explains the value of the ZiG in relation to other currencies. An extract of the MPS reads as follows:
17. What is going to determine the exchange rate of the structured currency in relation to other currencies?
The starting exchange rate shall be determined by the prevailing closing interbank exchange rate as at 5 April and the London PM Fix price of Gold as at 4 April 2024. The intervening exchange rate shall be determined by the inflation differential between ZiG and USD inflation rates and the movement in the price of the basket of precious minerals held as reserves. The weights will be determined by the composition of reserve assets.
Mugano was responding to remarks made by Minister Ncube during an interview with journalists in Mt Hampden on Wednesday, following President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s State of the Nation Address (SONA) to Parliament.
During the interview, Ncube was asked to explain the central bank’s decision to devalue the ZiG by 42.55 per cent against the United States dollar while gold prices were on the rise.
In his response, Ncube stated that although the ZiG is backed by gold, its exchange rate is not fixed to gold prices. He said:
There is a difference in fixing an exchange rate and there is a difference in backing an exchange rate. Gold backs the exchange rate. So as I speak, our reserves are about US$370 million.
And the central bank has been intervening in the market and has been able to sell the gold which is backing the ZiG to supply the market with much-needed US dollars for importation purposes.
More: Pindula News
Corruptmore Looto · 5 months ago
@😏Pindula Watch
Wangu wangu 🤣🤣Rand and the krugerrand are two different things
The ZAR is the official currency of South Africa and 2 it is issued by the South African Reserve Bank and 3 it's denominations range from R1-R5 for coins and R10-R200 for banknotes and most importantly it is for everyday transactions, trade and commerce.
Now the Krugerrand is a gold bullion coin made from 22 karat gold and secondly it is issued by the South African Mint and it's denominations range from 1/10 oz, 1/4 oz, 1/2 oz and 1 oz and it's mainly used for investment, collecting and as a store of value.
These are two different things, the value of the ZAR fluctuates with currency markets, demand and supply while the Krugerrand's value tracks gold prices. The rand isn't in any way based on the Kruger, the Kruger is pure gold (91.67%) it is given to those who want to invest in gold or store their value in gold it's availability or lack of it doesn't change the value of the ZAR. Baba, Krugerrand is just the same as the Mosi-oa-Tunya gold coin so what are you talking about my guy, that coin didn't dictate the value of the bond so why would the Krugerrand dictate the value of the rand 😂😂.
My guy it's not about me sounding more knowledgeable in Economics better than you but don't lie to people that the Rand is based on gold 😂😂. I'm not an economist or anything as you tried to claim there but I crave information that's why I know about these things. This information is readily available all you need to do is just read, we never stop learning, everyday we learn something new and when you are corrected just acknowledge you were wrong and learn something which you didn't know before, because you end up sounding ignorant on this non-monetised platform as the Erudite calls it 🤣🤣.
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Apa ndoopasina zvoozikanwa manje.
😏 Pindula watch · 5 months ago
That's the truth about a Gold backed currency, Va Mugano has a point, South African rand ragainer strength, you then wonder why have we had our ZiG plummeting almost @43% like that, 🤔I think something is amiss here, it could be a double standard ploy to harness and amass all the strength ZiG requires to garner a formidable force to reckon with
But, on the other part they are so doing it deliberately to see if we follow ZiGs trendsetting in order to restore confidence or they just halted it, could be afflicted by international monetary policies as might not yet be recognised as our currency at the moment
Or could be another act to cushion it's backing in case gold hits a depletion
But at times these learned guys do so deliberately, just an opportunity to amass wealthy during this beseemingly slumber
They should clarify this
Corruptmore Looto · 5 months ago
Rand has been gaining strength mainly because of increased confidence in the GNU, the US Federal reserve loosening its policy, expected GDP growth and other strong indicators such as more business confidence in the economy. Gold has nothing to do with the rand recent strengths. Another thing, the Rand is bought by foreign buyers when the US Federal reserve isn't increasing interest rates because it often provides higher yields for example, Investors borrow money at lower US interest rates and invest in higher-yielding South African assets, such as government bonds, to profit from the interest rate differential. This will all lead to increased demand for the rand, causing it to appreciate. That's what there is all to a currency, 'demand' not being gold backed that is all hogwash. Another thing South Africa is an emerging market so its money is highly trusted and in demand unlike our floundering economy, who in their right mind would want to invest in a Zanu Government currency. Rand and ZiG are very different, the Rand isn't a gold backed currency in any way, it's a fiat currency and the South African Reserve Bank is independent it's policies are not dictated by politicians and politics, that's why you see the likes of Malema constantly making noise about nationalising it.
😏 Pindula watch · 5 months ago
Ehee tazvinzwa munyori, but ever heard of Krugerrand here ndisati nda deepisa hangu
😏 Pindula watch · 5 months ago
@corrupt.....Wangu enda ka ku jozi kwacho kwaunotaura unge you are the finance and econoheritage minister ikoko
South Africa has a Gold backed currency, The Krugerrand, it's the benchmark test that determines the would be strength of the Rand yindava kurasika so