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City Of Harare Resists Dexter Nduna's Attempt To Hijack Parking Management

5 months agoMon, 07 Oct 2024 12:28:46 GMT
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City Of Harare Resists Dexter Nduna's Attempt To Hijack Parking Management

The City of Harare and City Parking have dismissed claims made by disgraced former Member of Parliament Dexter Nduna regarding his group, Team Chapter, taking control of parking in Harare starting October 7.

Before he attempted to assume authority over vehicle parking in the city, Nduna made headlines for falsely asserting that he had graduated with a law degree from the University of Zimbabwe.

In reality, Nduna had failed three courses and later purchased a cap and gown to sit among the graduates on graduation day, creating the illusion of having completed his degree.

In a statement issued over the weekend, the Council reaffirmed that City Parking is responsible for managing parking in Harare and has no agreements with Team Chapter or National Eye Security. Reads the statement:

The City of Harare would like to set the record straight on the mischievous statement by one Dexter Nduna. In his bizarre statement on social media, Nduna claimed that starting Monday 7 October 2024, a grouping called Team Chapter will be in charge of parking in Harare taking over from City Parking Private Limited. The following is worthy to note:

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i. The Urban Council Act Chapter 25:15 Part XIV Section 189 to 191 refers to creation of parking space; prepaid parking fees, delegation of the parking mandate and utilization of parking fees. The City of Harare is guided by this provision.

ii. CBD street parking is a prerogative of Council.

iii. City Parking Private Limited is a strategic business unit wholly owned by the City of Harare.

iv. The relationship between the City of Harare and City Parking is still subsisting.

The City of Harare through City Parking remains responsible for managing parking in Harare and does not have any arrangement with Team Chapter or National Eye Security.

Members of the public are advised not to entertain Team Chapter but to continue dealing with City Parking Private Limited to avoid any inconveniences.

In a statement issued on Saturday, October 5, City Parking warned motorists that paying parking fees to Nduna, his company, or any of his agents would put their money at risk. Reads the statement:

It has come to our attention that Mr Dexter Nduna (Nduna) is spreading falsehoods on social media regarding parking management in Harare and we wish to set the record straight as follows:

1. City Parking (Private) Limited (City Parking) is a private company owned 100% by City of Harare with full mandate to manage parking in Harare.

2. Parking fee payments are payable to City Parking marshals only.

3. City of Harare has not engaged Nduna or any other company or individuals to collect parking fees.

4. The threat by Mr Nduna to disrupt parking operations is not a threat to City Parking only, but to businesses and property laws and shall be met with law enforcement and legal action. There is no place for anarchy, hooliganism and lawlessness in Zimbabwe.

5. It is unfortunate that left unaddressed, Nduna’s behaviour taints the image of the government and the political party he purports to be a part of. Regrettably, such reckless utterances have the potential to scare off investors.

6. Nduna has no locus standi or legal basis to make such proclamations and as such we urge the public to ignore his baseless inflammatory utterances. We caution members of the public not to risk their money by making payments to Nduna, his company or agents.

More: Pindula News



theLastAntKing · 5 months ago
ko ingomusungaika Nduna wacho nhai Mapurisa. Sandizvo here kuti he is creating confusion & he wants to do daylight robbery. Ndiyani akumupa simba? Ma investor haauye kana pachiitwa zvinhu zvinoratidza kusateererwa kwe mutemo
zig · 5 months ago
nduna better try next tym u lost during election tym u failed to graduate now why embrass yourself and your children
dj TECH 🇿🇼 · 5 months ago
nduna haunete nekuzvinyadzisa here ? ibva paLight apo umbozorora datya remunhu👆🐑 yemunhu
...,. · 5 months ago
he was created before Tshabangu, and he has had support by zec and the courts to occupy a member of parliament for a whole five years when everyone knew that he had lost in the election. those who maintain the law seem to be afraid of him as he is not the easy type they can arrest and then investigate.whike he is inside.
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Isn't this a criminal offence ?
Nduna's friend · 5 months ago
Zimbabwe is just a circus on its own and Nduna is just playing along, we have the likes of Tshabangu among others in this circus club called Zimbabwe.
saint · 5 months ago
Nduna is a failed cunt kkkk everything arikungobondera chete 😂😂😂😂
laugh emoji1
g · 5 months ago
I smell a rat
Destro · 5 months ago
Nhai mafana dexter wadii wambotanga parking ye chegutu wozoti kwekwe,chiredzi,ukapasa ikoko haaa woita masvingo,Gweru,chitungwiza kwete kungotanga ne harare..uri dutye mufanami
Tambaoga · 5 months ago
Muchakiyiwa na Nduna ,makanganwa chegore riye achida kurova Mliswa🤣
jt · 5 months ago
Ediots · 5 months ago
Nduna is just a puppet being frog marched to do all these things. This reads like the current Munhumutapa kingship bullcrap ED is spearheading. Just like that Trash to energy scam in Harare. Its all from ED's playbook.
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Dexter Nduna murwerwe chete, paye akakudwa mumaelections akapinda nebackdoor reZEC, iyezvino afoira degree akatenga gown achiti apasa iye nhasi avekuda kupakura mu City of Harare parking, dzakakwana here mumusoro...Kupenga hakuridzirwe bhera...
anonymous · 5 months ago
this is just a diversion yekuda kutirasisa pane zvirikuitika...council ndye zanu pf iyo hapana pasingatongwe na munangangwa,kangori kastrategy kekuti mugoblamer opposition kana zanu yamamira chete esp development muma towns umu
anonymous · 5 months ago
Patz · 5 months ago
Haasi akudhunya here Nduna
TAMBAOGA · 5 months ago
Zimbabwe hatina zera nayo eh

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