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New Policy Permitting Land Reform Beneficiaries To Sell Farms Is "Foolish" And "Criminal" - Chin'ono

5 months agoWed, 09 Oct 2024 14:27:12 GMT
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New Policy Permitting Land Reform Beneficiaries To Sell Farms Is "Foolish" And "Criminal" - Chin'ono

Journalist and government critic Hopewell Chin’ono described the Zimbabwean government’s new policy allowing Black Zimbabweans who received farmland for free to sell it as not just “foolish,” but also criminal.

In a post on X, Chin’ono argued that expropriated land should belong to the government. He asserted that anyone willing and able to farm should be permitted to use the land for a fee or purchase it directly from the government, rather than from beneficiaries of farm invasions. Below is Chin’ono’s statement in full:

The Zimbabwean government announced a new cabinet policy yesterday that will allow Black Zimbabweans who received farmland for free to sell it to Black Zimbabweans who did not. Do you see how absurd this reads?

This is not only economically foolish but criminal too. One person receives something for free, sells it for a profit, and the one who didn’t get the land is expected to fund the original land grab. Crazy stuff!

Although Zimbabwe’s tyrant and dictator, Emmerson Mnangagwa, is well known internationally as a thoroughly corrupt man, and it is clear that he and his goons want to profit from this, it will not work.

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First, only a fool or a gang member of the looting club would buy contested land. Any farmland obtained after 2000, during the ZANUPF land invasions, is still contested to this day.

Title can only change hands when the former White farmers sign a deed of cession. A deed of cession is a legal document transferring property ownership from one party to another. It allows a lender (bank) to sell the property to recover an outstanding debt.

Former white farmers will not sign this until they are fully compensated, as the Zimbabwean regime under Mnangagwa had committed to doing in 2018.

That land should belong to the government, and anyone willing and able to farm should be allowed to use it for a fee or to buy it from government and not from beneficiaries of farm invasions and fast track land transfers. When they no longer need it, they should return it to the government.

However, this government, composed of crooks who have already looted billions of YOUR money, seeks another big payout by crafting a law that allows them to sell the many farms they invaded, many which are idle.

As long as the properties on that land are not paid for, and the white farmers have not signed the deed of cession, anyone buying that land under a ZANUPF law is throwing money away. It will eventually be contested, as we have seen many times before.

A notable example is Uganda. Dictator Idi Amin ordered the seizure of all businesses owned by Asians, just as ZANUPF did with farmland. He handed them to his cronies.

Ugandans were told they could buy those businesses from each other as Mnangagwa is attempting to do with the land, but it did not work in the long run because economics doesn’t work that way.

When the current Ugandan ruler, General Yoweri Museveni, came to power in 1986, his government had to track down those Asian owners or their descendants and pay them compensation because no serious investor wanted to touch those contested businesses except the crooks amongst themselves.

Uganda eventually compensated for properties seized from Asians during the Idi Amin era. After Amin was overthrown in 1979, the new government established the Departed Asians Property Custodial Board to manage the seized properties.

In 1992, General Museveni announced that the properties would be returned to their original owners or their descendants, with compensation paid for those that had been sold or destroyed.

The expulsion of Asians from Uganda was a traumatic event with lasting consequences for the country’s economy and society, much like ZANU PF’s land invasions that destroyed Zimbabwe’s economy.

Nearly every business was linked to farming, and when farming collapsed, everything else followed.

The issue at the moment is not about selling and buying land, it is about the investment world having zero confidence in anything ZANUPF says due to a well established track record of lies and fake promises.

A 99-year lease would have been sufficient to make land tradeable, but this failed because Mnangagwa continued with land invasions. Nobody holding land today is safe unless they are part of the ZANUPF leadership.

As long as people can lose their farms due to party affiliation or political views, farmland will never be a worthwhile long-term investment for any serious business person, farming is a business.

The land is owned by the government, which must pay compensation as promised and then allow any Zimbabwean to buy it from the government without political conditions.

Why should someone who invaded 21 farms and holds them in their custody be allowed to sell them when they paid nothing for them? How is this any different from colonialism?

This is criminal and should be REJECTED in its entirety by all sane Zimbabweans!

What Mnangagwa and his ZANUPF cabinet want will lead to serious political problems and upheavals that led to a war of independence, including the economic viability of such a move, the legal status of the land, and the moral implications of profiting from an unfair distribution of resources.

In his State of the Nation Address (SONA),the Zimbabwean dictator stated that he was compensating 94 former white farmers, providing them with US$20 million.

What you need to know is that these farmers are linked only to Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (BIPPA), and around 70% of them are Dutch.

A BIPPA, or Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement, is an international agreement between two countries aimed at promoting and protecting foreign investment.

The agreement includes provisions that protect investors from discriminatory treatment, expropriation of assets, and unfair restrictions on the repatriation of profits.

ZANUPF violated these agreements regardless of having signed them, a terrible track record of not honouring legal agreements.

We also have 650 Black farmers who lost their land to ZANUPF’s fast-track land invasions. They were told that they would get their farms back under Statutory Instrument 62 of 2020.

However, they did not regain their farms. How can a sane person buy that land when it is contested and without a deed of cession? Remember, these are not even white farmers, they are Black farmers.

There are 4,500 title deeds in contention, yet Mnangagwa only mentioned 94 in his SONA address. Who will pay these thousands of former white farmers?

How can one establish such a policy without a comprehensive land audit that assesses how many invaded farms one owns, what they have produced, and the amount of taxes they have paid to the Zimbabwean fiscus?

Land policy will require a national strategy based on economic viability and a non-partisan approach.

No one should benefit from selling land they did not purchase from the state or the former land owners.

Additionally, agreements with the banking sector are crucial, as arrangements solely with ZANUPF hold little value to the rest of the world.

Lastly, is what ZANUPF wants to do based on Leasehold or Freehold title? Freehold and leasehold are two different types of property ownership, with distinct differences in terms of the rights and responsibilities of the owner.

With freehold ownership, the owner holds the title to the land and the buildings on it, the owner has full control over the property and is free to make any changes or improvements, subject to local planning regulations, the owner is responsible for maintaining the property and paying for any repairs or upkeep, the owner has the right to live in the property for as long as they choose and can sell it at any time.

With leasehold ownership, the owner has the right to occupy the property for a fixed period, typically 99.

The owner does not own the land, but instead has a lease agreement with the freeholder, who owns the land and in this case it would be government.

The lease agreement sets out the terms of the lease, including the amount of ground rent that must be paid to the freeholder each year, the owner may be required to obtain permission from the freeholder before making any changes to the property.

All these things are not addressed because in my view this is not done in good faith, but to steal and plunder billions of dollars from selling land if they do get clowns willing to put money down the drain.

How do you get free land, free mechanisation equipment, free inputs, free fuel and free equipment maintenance every year, yet you ask the taxpayer to pay the previous farmers while you get the right to sell on the land, it is mindless and uneconomic looting that only a person with a criminal mind can defend?

More: Pindula News



Patz · 5 months ago
Good move by gvt but the the law should be perfected more so that people like Bona should remain with one farm ( one man one farm) and to sell only one farm if she wishes and the other 24 farms to be repossessed by gvt and distributed to deserving Zimbos free of charge.
Confused Cockroaches · 5 months ago
🤣🤣 That won't happen, the reason why they are selling is to cash in on the many farms so why would they let the government take them back.
Anonymous · 5 months ago
They land will be given to the Matepe Fund. They will use tax payer money to sell it to themselves.
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Tapinda tapinda angu 6 ndikatengesa 4 ndaita mari. hameno henyu mairamba muchiti ndezveZanu, MDC ichahwinha igozvishandura. Iripi nhasi, you should have foresight, apa uri roja rinevana 8.
Patz · 5 months ago
Hopuwero just oppose everything just for the sake of opposing without any good faith in it
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Having faith in the system? kkkk
citizen by birth · 5 months ago
Pane kuti munhu atengese land yaakawana mahara,vadii havo kuti vatorere ivo vane mapurazi hobho hobho vaguriravo,vanhu vakazokura zveminda zvaitwa.Vazhinji vana vakazvarwa after hondo neAma2k ,vazhinji tava vanasamisha,asi pokugara hatina.Hamenowo maitiro ehurumende yacho.Zvinoti vari kudya ndivo vagere bhoo.Vari muPolitics ndevamwe vagere.Mhomho yose inhamo yega yega and hapana pazvinoratidza kuti zvichatinakiravo.Nyika inoita mari hobho hobho dzine mazita.Zvose vanongoitira isu kuti titambure ivo kwavo vagere.Vamwe baba vakambotaura kuti Zig harizodonhi value under my watch.Ko zvarava kuita kunge rtgs inga wani.Tiri kupedzerwa nguva nevanhu vakaguta zvavo mari dzekuba nekudzvanyirira.Ko nguva yatiri kupedzerwa nevanhu ava,vane humwe here upenyu hwavachazotipa??? Mastress haaperi matiri nokuda kwekuita kwevamwe vanhu.Gurai minda mupe munhu wese asina ,pamwe tingawana chekusiira vana tafa.Yekuti munhu aite mari nemunda waakawana mahara,zvakaoma.
Oncemore · 5 months ago
Polical instability
Oncemore · 5 months ago
How many people in Binga will afford to buy that land, this program will benefit a few people who went abroad for greener pastures, and those are not registered voters. This program, if true will cause political inability. The land belongs to all of us as Zimbabweans, the rich and the poor
Dzikolatu · 5 months ago
@Chi baby che...please shandisa njere. Vakuru vakatora as many as 20 farms panguva yeland reform. Nhasi voda kutengesa. Ko vakarwa hondo vana mjiba vakafirei? Haa!
#pasi nengito · 5 months ago
taura zvako n we supposed to praise them yet the same land reform program is the cause of our current programs
jivaschihwehwete@gmail.com · 5 months ago
vakarwira hondo nekufira kuti vakuru vago looter zvavo
Confused Cockroaches · 5 months ago
They died for the looters obviously, and we are seeing it right before our eyes
Anonymous · 5 months ago
This policy is just a con for the Zimbabwean people. They will have a party showing them selling one or two to keep the people quiet. It is soap opera to distract people from the real problems. And wouldn't you know it, Zimbabweans oblige and forget everything to claim something small and insignificant whilst the items of real value disappear, like the diamonds. Zimbabweans are so easily conned. They deserve to be where they are.
Hopewell Chinano · 5 months ago
Hey dudes, dont make fun of me here. Dont you know that I know everything? I am an expert on everything from A to Z. So listen to me you fools. I have PHD's and degrees in everything from A to Z. I am even more clever than Erudite. Im too clever becoz i spend all my time on social media reading everything from experts then i also become an expert in all things. Ok ? Ok ! Daddy out !...
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Junior school kids have more sense than Erudite, so don't insult Hopewell.
laugh emoji1
#pasi nengito · 5 months ago
@Erudite.u gay.if pindula could allow us to post pictures,we wud post screenshots pawaizvitaura wega,now wakuramba coz vamwe vakutsomewa...
laugh emoji1
Erudite · 5 months ago
You are using a very dim argument to back your assertions...This platform where username security is as real as a three dollar bill 😂😂...You and your crew spend most of your time impersonating me typing out selacious stuff so that you can have a fallacious argument to use against me....Half the stuff that people type here is not even from you I am sure your retarded brain is well aware of that ... Erudite out
Erudite · 5 months ago
****salacious (not selacious), don't abuse the King's language......Erudite out
Erudite · 5 months ago
Even if I was gay I would not be arrested over something as arbitrary as s.e.xuality...Erudite out
Anonymous · 5 months ago
So you acknowledge that the statement is true?
ndururani · 5 months ago
hapana munhu asina kumbobvira akapihwa something for free achizotengesa, musashamisike kunge matanga kuzvinzwa nhasi, garai makadaro vamwe varikuyambuka ft kuchipiri muchiteerera ndove dzinotaurwa nemunhu anemurimo usina kudzingiswa, uye Chin'ono wenyu iyeye ndeye mumwe wevamwe vane mapurazi avakapiwa uye mbudzi dze zanu anadzo chimbozvi bvunzai kt akazviwanase kana zviri zvinhu zvakaipa, siya vane Mari dzavo vatenge urimboko yemunhu
Thompson Shaw · 5 months ago
very true
Annoyed · 5 months ago
where is Hopewell's farm??
ndururani · 5 months ago
svinura, you are day dreaming boy
Cde · 5 months ago
Zvanzi hondo, Harare can't even last a month, inenge yaparara, iyi inguva yema drones which can be operated by 1 person and long range missiles not AK47s,
Cde · 5 months ago
Let the fools buy, a new Chamisa led government will take them back, jus like Shabanie Mine no serious investor wants it
Corruptmore Looto · 5 months ago
😂😂 Nhai zvako iwe, why would you risk it, even Zanu yacho iyoyo inokwanisa kungokutorera wabhadhara mari yacho. My advice to people who want to farm is buy those plots they have proper title deeds, stay away from those large farms until a new non Zanu government fixes that entire mess.
jaa · 5 months ago
@corrupt more looto ndizvo zvamaingoita gore ra 2000 vanhu vachitora mapurazi. maifurirana muchifunga kuti zvichaita mhendeyesure.apa mavakurota futi chamisa achitonga. ZVIROTO ZVIROTO MUCHANGOFA MUCHIROTA. SARAI ZVENYU MUCHIROTA HUYE MUGARE MUCHIROTA AND MUSAREGA KUROTA HUYE MUSAKANGAMWA KUROTA SEZVO MUCHINGOVA VAROTI.
Z · 5 months ago
HomeT4 · 5 months ago
Nhai iwe wanyanzwisisa here zvataura Hopewell. Nyatsoverenga usati wanyora nonsense dzako.
Corruptmore Looto · 5 months ago
Well he is right, only a crazy person who wants to waste money will buy that contested land which is heavily tied to whichever regime will be ruling. Without the issue of compensation and title deeds being solved no sane bank executives will pour money in those ceased lands.
Corruptmore Looto · 5 months ago
...,. · 5 months ago
are those who want to sell their farms about to leave zimbabwe? do the people have title deeds to that land? considering that the land could and cannot be used to get a bank **** and cannot be inherited by any family member upon death of the one who was given the land, how can one be allowed by law to sell such land? are we being serious when we put down such a policy at the same time as we are asking for the world to give us US$3.5billion to pass on to the white farmers as compensation for the land the black farmers were given and have been given the go-ahead to sell the same land amongst themselves? Looks like we just want to frustrate the international community into leaving us alone to do what we want.
Anonymous · 5 months ago
It is good to act unpredictable every now and again. You do it too often, people will start to think you are just plain crezy. Hmm?
XXX · 5 months ago
They got 21 farms and above , skillful tactic to benefit from the number of farms they benefitted due to political muscle before 2028, kana Bona ane more than 15 farms kokuzotii madhara ayaa. The law and policies are put in place to benefits the elites.
#pasi nengito · 5 months ago
@chibbe chezanu..zvecompensation is another,my issue is how can someone akawana land freely otengesa land yacht to another black person
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 5 months ago
Haina kuuya for free. Pakarwiwa hondo. Vana Chinoz vakaita zve Jambanja. Chenjerai Hunzvi akabata basa. Vana Jabulani Sibanda vakatungamira mutambo weropa. Bhunu raitove nenharo. If you also remember very well, those guys took a great risk because the land grab initially commenced without RGs approval. RG akazo approver aona kuti patoshata. Kuoma musoro mazuva asekuru Bob was a risk.
#pasi nengito · 5 months ago
therez no way another black Zimbabwean should sell the land to another,all blacks should benefit from the proceeds of land reform program freely as was when the program began simple...
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 5 months ago
Pakuti pasi nengito wagona. That's another western agenda ye ****. Anyway,patakati ngatitorei minda ma opposition aiti hazviite kutorera maBoss.. Machinja were against land redistribution. Vakaita zvivindi must be compensated for facing an evil regime without fear or favour. Vamwe vatori pama SANCTIONS nekuda kwekurwira minda kwavakaita. #Hondo yeminda 💪
#pasi nengito · 5 months ago
so selling to another black Zimbabwean is justified how apa..
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 5 months ago
An article deserving to be thrown in the 🚮. Useless Hopeless!! Mabhunu didn't come with land to Africa. That should be known to him.The invasions were justified. We shall never forget the efforts of our brave heroes who fearlessly led the 3rd Chimurenga. Civilization does not include self subjugation. The land question was unanswered till the fast track program came into being. I have always been antagonistic as regards the matters of white settler farmer compensation. They deserve nothing. The land belonged to our ancestors. Let's disagree on how we apportion the land amongst ourselves but the argument should not be joint with that of seizing what rightfully belonged to us. Pamberi ne Zanu Pf & Pamberi nekuzvitonga #RimaTikunde
Peter Bvirakare · 5 months ago
Hondo yeminda yakatanga pa which farm.? Do you know who started it lets check facts before writing nonsense.Those who have land never paid a cent for it and now want to sell part of the land to.a fellow black person whom I believe also participated in the hondo ye minda but was unfortunate not to get a piece of land.?????.liberating.land to.resale it to liberators Ndeyipi Ndeyipi apa
HomeT4 · 5 months ago
We are not against taking back our land but humbavha hwakuyitwa. Havasi vese vakarwa hondo vanemafarms. Ende varikumusoro vakawanda vane more than 1 farm . Saka chii ichocho kana vakunzi tengeserayi vamwe vedu vasina kuwana. Humbavha hurupachena. Kana vanawo vasisade kurima ipayi vamwe vanokwanisa sezvo pasina matitle deeds. Pasi nekuba, Pasi nehuwori, Pamberi neruzhinji rweZimbabwe.
Annoyed · 5 months ago
I agree with Hopewell but ndikawana arikutengesa ndo riskee .pakatanga land reform yakanzi hazvibudirire tikarega and those vakatora vachinayo ende vavkutotitengesera ,zvoda kutarisa mativi ose
Erudite · 5 months ago
As usual the alleged journalist who is just an activist in disguise has come up with more nonsensical and whimsical hogwash to satiate his mongoloid audience...In his bid to be contrarian he has shown his hand which reveals an anti-Zimbabwean agenda...If you do not have the necessary funds to acquire land please Hopewell keep your Twitter (X) thumbs to yourself....The land revolution is ongoing and no mediocre content creator will stop that... Erudite out
#pasi nengito · 5 months ago
How can u sell something u got for free kkkk.kungoti ngito sewe hadzifungi bhoo..
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 5 months ago
Compensating white farmers dzitori tsitsi dzinotsitsirira. They deserve nothing!!
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Like your business or company that you built from an empty floor into a productive entity, when those in power decide you are no longer of value to them and decide to steal that which you built on the empty floor. Your deserve nothing but ridicule for your gross incompetence.
Erudite · 5 months ago
Just because your tiny brain created a false narrative in a bid to gain an alleged upper hand over the renaissance man himself does not mean you are right...Do you have any evidence that I am gay or you just speak from a position of high s.t.u.pi.dity just to please your equally dyslexic mandrills that you call friends.... Erudite out
#pasi nengito · 5 months ago
u gay.if pindula could allow us to post pictures,we wud post screenshots pawaizvitaura wega,now wakuramba coz vamwe vakutsomewa...
Tafman · 5 months ago
well said Hopewell, thanks for enlightening pple
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 5 months ago
He's an emotional crybaby. Claiming that the land belongs to the whites is absolute stu-upid-ity
Anonymous · 5 months ago
When they are the ones who bought them from your government. That would account for property ownership. A concept that escapes looters like yourself.
madhu · 5 months ago
poisonous and monotonous it's their time

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