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Gutu Villagers Accuse Chief Chitsa Of Demanding Burial And Tombstone Levies

5 months agoFri, 11 Oct 2024 13:35:37 GMT
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Gutu Villagers Accuse Chief Chitsa Of Demanding Burial And Tombstone Levies

Villagers in Gutu East Constituency are accusing acting Chief Chitsa (real name Nyika Chibvongodze) of extorting money from them through various levies.

According to The Mirror, the traditional leader is allegedly demanding his subjects pay him US$10 for every burial and US$15 for each tombstone unveiling.

The villagers say they are struggling with other expenses like school fees and food due to the drought, and claim Chief Chitsa is making the situation worse.

The matter was raised by Chitsa’s Council of Advisers at a meeting, and the minutes are with The Mirror newspaper.

However, Chief Chitsa denies the allegations, claiming it is the work of his enemies. He said:

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This is one of the biggest chieftainships in Gutu and there are people trying to fight and tarnish my name. I would never do such a thing.

A prominent lawyer in Masvingo, who spoke to the publication on condition of anonymity, said that it is illegal for a chief to raise money in this manner as he has no such authority under the Traditional Leaders’ Act. Said the lawyer:

He has no such authority under the Traditional Leaders’ Act and where is he getting the rates for charging villagers?

The Council of Advisers’ minutes allege that since 2019, Chitsa has been swindling villagers by collecting US$10 per village from 120 villages for an annual traditional festival, but only buying one beast and pocketing the rest.

The minutes also show that the chief has been collecting US$15 per village in 2020 to buy cement for bridge rehabilitation, but not doing the work.

It is further alleged that Chief Chitsa collected US$2,400 from 2022-2023 for a ZimParks project to deal with hyenas, but the project never happened.

The Provincial Chiefs Council Chairperson, Chief Chitanga of Mwenezi, born Feleni Chauke, said he was not aware of the issue. He said:

I am not privy to that information and as such I cannot comment on something that I don’t know.

But one of the chief’s advisors told The Mirror that the acting chief’s corrupt behaviour is putting the chieftainship into disrepute. He said:

We sat down as the chief’s advisers and agreed that the acting chief’s corrupt behaviour should come to an end.

We don’t hate him. All we want is for him to stop swindling and abusing struggling villagers. He is putting the chieftainship into disrepute.

Chief Chitsa’s alleged accomplices named in the minutes are Jealousy Chibvongodze, Julias Chibvongodze, Kenny Mushoriwa, and Nyengerai Mudyiwa.

More: Pindula News



Nkalakata · 5 months ago
Vanhu ava, maChiefs havana job discription yaka jeka kunze kokuita maZanu pf political commissers.
zig · 5 months ago
yaa mabvongodze sezita rake
Citizen · 5 months ago
Ndipo panoti Zanu Pf pahutsinye necorruption. Hapana zvavanoitwa nehurumende yeZanu. Vanotokurudzirwa kurwadzisa vanhu before elections. Toonana patinotora nyika.
XMAN · 5 months ago
was this approved by the chiefs council. In masvingo vanhu vauya kunhamo vanoshaya muriwo uchinzi wapiwa chief na headman. havanyari imhosva here kufirwa. vanhu votoremerwa ne madzishe kupinda nhamo yacho
Abeshto · 5 months ago
bikita ne gutu maita mbavha dzema chief
Abeshto · 5 months ago
mbavha inombira vanhu asikati
Bob · 5 months ago
Tumbavha twemagutu siyai vanhu
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Chief he can not comment on that because hi is one of the most corrupt Chiefs in the country. Every one of his village haed have paid a cow and he have over 70 village haed.
Nevanji · 5 months ago
Maita basa guru zvikuru munyori nokubudisa nyaya iyi. Haasi Chitsa chete. Ndakazviona nzvimbo dzose dzandakainda muBikita, Masvingo Province. Pamusoro pazvo, kana kukafiwa, chief naSabhuku vanoda each hind quarter yen'ombe inourawa kuti vanochema vawane usavi. Kureva kuti mambo naSabhuku vanotora half yenyama/yen'ombe yose. Pane kuti vacheme navanhu vavo by contributing, vanototi aita nhomba yenyama woti sei mubhuku kana mudunhu make musingafiwi. Mambo unoda kutakurwa nemota kuenda nokudzoka kumemorial kana tombstone service. The more the subjects are bereaved or die, the merrier the chiefs and village heads and their families. This is not our tradition by these so-called traditional leaders. · 5 months ago
umm machief kk
Dhadza · 5 months ago
Yatove N'anga iyi.
ClD Admire kuyeri · 5 months ago
kuchema chete chete
berenjuma · 5 months ago
zviriko warikuda mari ye dhiziri
Patz · 5 months ago
MaChief akajaidzwa stereki. Ku collecter mari kuvanhu odya zvake. Zvakasiyanei nemupurisa arikuita huwori coz wese earn a salary from gvt. If they were not pro- Zanu pf the Ministry would have put a stop on that but they cant coz they are used to force people to support Zanu
The Wyatt Sick Six · 5 months ago
Ngatinzwei zvizere from Cde William Sonbwoy Chinembiri aka the BushLawyer
Bray Wyatt · 5 months ago
These traditional leaders are a bunch of goons, they should be disbanded! We are in the new world order ....
Elijah Vumbunu mupostory · 5 months ago
kkkkk chief vanoda kudhlavo. zvino mukati manager arikuhorwa zvakanaka ipapo kana kuti iVZ style
Alby. · 5 months ago
vz padrama rake riya zvaita sekutamba asi aibata nhau hombe
Sir African · 5 months ago
Recently he was given an Isusu but he still wants more money from his subjects. During Ian Smith era he would have not done that.
Corruptmore Looto · 5 months ago
Yah be swindled, that's what you get when you vote for Zanu PF, their minions will also loot you dry, when we tell you to give change a chance you ignore us and choose instead to be given one piece Chicken Inn forgetting that they will abandon you when you have voted for them.
do · 5 months ago
chokwadi chinogwadza ichi asi apa zvinhu zvakaoma hama

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