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Chief Mangwende Warns Of Emotional Toll Of DNA Tests On Children

5 months agoTue, 15 Oct 2024 15:20:39 GMT
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Chief Mangwende Warns Of Emotional Toll Of DNA Tests On Children

Chief Mangwende, a traditional leader, has expressed concern over the increasing number of couples seeking DNA tests and the significant toll it takes on the mental health of the children involved in these disputes.

He lamented that children often suffer emotional and physical abuse during the process. Said Chief Mangwende (via H-Metro):

We have noted with concern some emotional and physical abuse suffered by children being taken for DNA tests.

Some children are left emotionally damaged after being taken through paternal tests. These children are affected by these disputes.

When elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers.

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In the fight fight between the couples, the children are the ones who are most affected and we must consider their protection for a better future.

Chief Mangwende explained that, traditionally, African culture had mechanisms in place to protect all children, including those born out of illicit relationships. He said:

According to our tradition and culture, our elders used to safeguard the children, even those who were born out of wedlock.

Ndosaka mainzwa vakuru vedu vaiti gomba harina mwana (That’s why our elders would say that a lover has no child).

It was a way of protecting life of the children.

According to Chief Mangwende, traditionally, nature had its own ways of punishing women who cheated on their husbands. He said:

The woman suffered greatly during childbirth. She would experience more pain upon giving birth until she confessed to having cheated.

Vakuru vaikanda zviyo mumoto zvikaputika vaibva vaziva kuti anemumwe murume waakafambidzana naye. (Our elders would throw grain into the fire, and if it popped, they would know that someone was involved with another man’s wife).

The cheating wife would confess. Protection of children during that time was always the priority.

The rising demand for DNA testing in Zimbabwe is largely due to paternity disputes. Many men seek DNA tests to establish paternity, particularly in situations where they suspect infidelity from their wives or girlfriends and consequently question the biological parentage of their children.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 5 months ago
Vanokudzwa Mambo tingade kukuzivisai kuti vana vacho vaitorwadziwa nerunyerekupe rwaiti havasi vepamba iyapo. Kana nanhasi vana iyava ndivo vanototsvaka closure.Mambo taikumbira mubvunze kana kuti udza kuti mitemo mitsva yakatarwa mazuva mashomana apera ayo pamusoro pewanano anoenderana here nemitemo yechivanhu.
Nkalakata · 5 months ago
Better kurwadziwa nechokwadi than kufadzwa nenhema. I think it must be government policy to ensure that every baby born be taken DNA tests and results recorded on birth certificates. This will guard against maintenance and inheritance frauds.
Chavhunduka · 5 months ago
ana soko uyu,is not a chief
Zozo · 5 months ago
Ishe ndati musoro wenyu uzere ma dhotie mangamuchizviziva here
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Ifai zvakanaka chief leave vanoda ma DNA test vaite ndiwo maRights avo iwoyo kwete kuda kumbunyikidza vanhu kuchengeta vana vasiri vavo . Mwana ngazive nzinza rake chairo
Bhobhojani · 5 months ago
Chief ava havazvari saka havasi kuda kufumurwa kuti havana vana, tongai mhosva kwete DNA munoda kutipa ngozi kuviga magora nekupa vana mitupo isiri yavo imwi. Viva Tinashe Mugabe the DNA. We are not even forced but we need clarity on our kids
lmana · 5 months ago
ndosaka murikubare masope chituko chekuroorane hama musikaziye
dj TECH 🇿🇼 · 5 months ago
pahuChief apa pane maqualifications here? coz chief Ava hapana zvinoziikanwa 🤕 · 5 months ago
umm i don't think so bcz vanongoita zvedzinza. Ska kna rine ma**** zvongoenda zvakadaro
Anonymous · 5 months ago
qualification yeyi? Zvavari kutaura zvinemusoro. Vana vanofanirwa kudzivirirwa. Haisi mhosva yavo kuti mai vakarara nanhingi.
heartman · 5 months ago
apa changamire mataura madh. takutoda mutemo wekuti the day the child is born we conduct DNA tests. mwana achibuda muhospital straight kuna baba vake. that way we save the children from emotional and physical abuse chief. pamberi naTinashe Mugabe.
Ctrl Alt Del · 5 months ago
this is the reason why we say this chief business is outdated we dont need them they dont save any purpose in this day and age
Mazuva · 5 months ago
I agree with the chief. Children should be spared the pain of paternity disputes. Imagine a child going through the pain that 'his' father is telling mum that he doesn't love him. The pain of imagining that the controversy is over his mother's loose morals or adultery. The tests must be carried out discreetly without involving the children. I understand that it can be done using combs, toothbrushes etc. Children should only know if the results prove that 'dad' is not 'dad'.
Mai Noku · 5 months ago
@Erudite, you're God sent. Ndatenda netsanangudzo yenyu. Ndino daira kuti mukoma Kelvin vacha batsirika pane zvavari kuda kuziva. 🤦‍♀️
73 · 5 months ago
Chief vaona kut nyaya hadzi hauye kumatare avo vakati ndobvisa DNA
kelvin · 5 months ago
is it true that a man or woman can have another partner legally under the new marriage act
Erudite · 5 months ago
@Kelvin, you may have to contact a lawyer of your choice for the correct interpretation of the new Marriages Act. For your convenience, please find below some of the provisions in respect of the new Marriages Act. NEW MARRIAGES ACT Marriages Act Chapter 5:15 is the new law regulating all marriages in Zimbabwe. 1. AGE OF MARRIAGE The minimum age of marriage is 18 years for both girls and boys. It is, therefore, a crime to marry off a child and anyone involved in that will be prosecuted. It is a substantial crime if the parents or guardians are involved. 2. CONSENT There must be free and full consent from anyone wanting to get married. 3. TYPES OF MARRIAGES: a). A civil marriage is a monogamous marriage between a man and a woman. b). A registered customary marriage is potentially polygamous and done according to customary rites. c). A qualified marriage is a union contracted according to religious rites which is not registrable as civil or customary marriage and is potentially polygamous. A registered customary law marriage may be converted to a civil marriage. 4. UNREGISTERED CUSTOMARY LAW UNIONS (KUBVISIRANA PFUMA) Unregistered customary law unions are not recognised marriages Unions contracted after the new ACT must register within 3 months of the date of the union. However, unions that existed before this ACT must be registered within 12 months. Failure to register does not invalidate the union, guardianship, custody and the rights of succession of children in such a marriage. (limited recognition). 5. CIVIL PARTNERSHIP (KUBIKA MAPOTO) It is not a marriage but recognised ONLY for purposes of property sharing It is a relationship of a man and a woman above the age of 18 years living together on a genuine domestic basis It can co-exist with any other marriage including a Civil marriage. 6. EQUAL STATUS OF ALL MARRIAGES All marriages are equal. there is no marriage superior to the other. 7. LOBOLA For customary law marriages, the agreement relating to lobola or marriage consideration is necessary. Customary law formalities are a prerequisite. 8. EQUAL RIGHTS Parties to a marriage have equal rights and obligations during the subsistence of the marriage and at its dissolution. 9. MARRIAGE OFFICERS: a. Magistrates b. Ministers of religion c. Chiefs (they solemnise customary marriages) d. Heads of embassies 10. DIVORCE LAW (MATRIMONIAL CAUSES ACT) The law on divorce applies to all types of marriages and civil partnerships but does not apply to unregistered customary law unions. .......Erudite out
Mai Noku · 5 months ago
@Erudite, you're God sent. Ndatenda netsanangudzo yenyu sekuru. 🤦‍♀️
Oncemore · 5 months ago
Thanks Erudite
African Observer · 5 months ago
Vakuru vaiti gomba harina mwana kwaive kudzungaira basi Chief apa mataura zero apa.
million · 5 months ago
chief ìmháța uyu
tititi · 5 months ago
chii chirinane kuti mwana arwadziwe pane kuti akureasingazive baba vake · 5 months ago
chief chief chief ndakushevedzayi kangani? itayi zvohudyire hwenyu pamunotonga zveDNA maita mwana garayi pasi
Nikisi · 5 months ago
Chief mukaona kuti hamudi DNA imi chengetayi vana isu kwete
Abeshto · 5 months ago
Chief munenge marasika mbijana DNA test boe zvokuti
Gegeja · 5 months ago
DNA TEST bho tinoida Chief, varume varikuchengeteswa vana vasivavo,tinotenda DNA Mugabe arikugadzirisa nyika.
Cheyameni we Sadhiki · 5 months ago
DNA testing should be mandatory just after birth so a child can get a birth certificate
tshaka de zulu · 5 months ago
uuuuum chief zvamurimi munhu mukuru wani. DNA inotofanirwa kuitwa kumwana vese asati atorweswa birth certificate.nenyaya yaako yekuti mkadzi akubvumirwa kuita boyfriend iyi kkkk.
Bob · 5 months ago
uri nhubu yemunhu akakupa humambo ndiyani vana vari kusara vachitambura vasingazive madzinza avo iwe wotauea maharashtra DNA yakaipei majaira Kubota vana chibaro muchipomera vamwe rubbish
370H-55V O773H🙃 · 5 months ago
Apa chief variku to vanhu vasaite ma DNA tests willy nilly they should be disputes anenge atorwa zvechokwadi Not a just like that kinda thing
heartman · 5 months ago
yaunoti willy nilly ndeipi iwe?
Ba Tiara #ED · 5 months ago
haiwawo ndivo vanomitisa zvivana zvidiki zvonyepera mapfanha vechidiki kut ndivo varidxi venhumbu
gweja nyumwawo · 5 months ago
ivo chief havaite ma DNA paden Pavo ndo vachaona kti gomba rine mwana mumba mavo imomo
Bray Wyatt · 5 months ago
The Chief got some free publicity alas at the end of the day he ended just blurting nonsense like Erudite!!! The child has a right to know his biological & legal father the sooner the better!!! That is if they is a chance of unfaithfulness on the path of the mother! Hurting as it may be ,he will grow past it .....
Z · 5 months ago
Zvinyaya zvacho ndezva DR CHISAMBA . pindula yangova CHAKAFUKIDZA DZIMBA
fugu pfeee · 5 months ago
saka chief muri kuitiiko nesu zvikomba zvacho.
Sexron Masvirori · 5 months ago
kkkk nhai toita sei
👀👀 · 5 months ago
itirai mu plasic,kwete lizard

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