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Business Community Urges Government To Abandon Failing ZiG Currency

4 months agoThu, 24 Oct 2024 07:28:23 GMT
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Business Community Urges Government To Abandon Failing ZiG Currency

Business leaders have urged the government to ditch the local currency, the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG), which is increasingly losing its value, reported Business Times.

They argue that this devaluation is hurting businesses and threatening the viability of local companies.

The call comes as the government continues its strict enforcement of exchange rate regulations, including threats to revoke licenses of non-compliant businesses.

On Wednesday, October 23, Oswell Binha, chairman of the CEO Africa Roundtable, called for the removal of the ZiG from Zimbabwe’s basket of currencies. Said Binha:

(As CEOs) we are calling for the immediate removal of the ZiG from the basket of currencies, allowing other currencies to trade until such time we stop arbitrage.

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We sit here as decision-makers superintending over a country that cannot manage its own currency. We have a lot of cycles of value erosion, and we continue doing this and expect a difference.

We gather here amid scepticism about the ZiG due to the government’s history of printing (money). All we yearn for is for a currency that is capable of preserving value. Now we have the ZiG which is collapsing like a deck of cards.

Our authorities have proven beyond any reasonable doubt that they are incapable of managing our own currency. Instead, the local currency has been a tool for arbitrage in the economy.

It is no longer benefiting us anymore to be formal, we are too small as organised businesses to support the huge informalisation sector burden that the government is placing on us.

William Mandisodza, the CEO of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Zimbabwe (ICAZ), said:

I am going to speak on behalf of the accountants, any variation above 5% is material and talking of 40% currency depreciation is a crisis in accounting. We are in a crisis.

Our role is to provide financial information or report economic transactions in a currency of choice. If a person is measuring economic performance in ZiG his or her results up to August 1, 2024, are over 40%, that’s a crisis in our (accountancy) profession.

I also want economists and the public to honestly look at the operating landscape we have and remove words like speculation and saboteurs.

When I am doing the work, I am employed to do and someone says I am speculating and I am a finance director to preserve the value of the shareholders, I will not take it lightly.

We are not speculators but preservers of value. For us, we don’t use the inflation data for the past, but we use inflation expectation.

We do this to replace the stock that I would have sold. If we use the past inflation, we will not be able to stock.

Economist and banker, Nigel Chanakira, who is also the past president of the Zimbabwe Economic Society, said:

What triggered what we are calling a crisis? We call it a crisis because we have a new currency that has features that promise us stability.

We have a new governor who said bad policies will not be done under my watch. I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

Only five months since the introduction, we have experienced a more than 40% devaluation of the ZiG. I think it’s astronomical.

The value of ZiG plummeted in September this year, from ZWG13:US$1 dropping to ZWG27.44 to the US dollar on Thursday, 24 October. On the parallel market, ZiG is currently trading between ZWG40 and ZWG50 to the US dollar.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 4 months ago
Advising ZANUPF on financial matters is akin to breaking the downward trend of faeces in a pit toilet..
gg · 4 months ago
These so-called businesses will fail in their quest to destroy the country? They are making noise about dumping Local currency but they are failing to produce to stabilise the currency. They want to rely on imports which drain the little forex we have and then complain again that there is no forex in the country. If they dont want to operate in this country they must close and move their investments elsewhere where US$ is used. How can we continue using the currency we cannot control? How can the nation plan without control over the currency under use? The same so-called businesses cause inflation even in forex. How can a loaf of bread cost more than a dollar? The ZWG currency is not fiat money like bond notes. This is the only currency we can have. The use of US$ is not sustainable because it will remain scarce and is not available in all denominations to ease transactions. If all other countries in Africa are using their own currencies why not Zim? We used US$ for 5yrs during GNU but our economy never grew, why? Infact, it was very costly to run businesses during that time. The same businesses were not producing anything, insteady, they were busy importing and repackage imported goods to sell locally. let these people tell us if we dump ZiG where and how are we going to have US$ to put in banks so that it can freely circulate? The truth is these bogus businesses are anti-govt and want it removed by whatever neans, especially economically. Their actions are causing more harm than good to ordinary Zimbos
Corruptmore Looto · 4 months ago
Sure 🤣🤣
Farmer's Roundtable 🥙🇿🇼 · 4 months ago
You appoint a hyena to take care of goats. Iwe endesa mari yako iwe kubank upedze gore tione kuti unoitora yakakwana here? kkkk takadzidza kare mari haiiswi mubank kuZimba toisa mupiro.
Farmer's Roundtable 🥙🇿🇼 · 4 months ago
Ndimi makatanga kuramba Zig kuti haritenge fuel haribhadhari passport. Tikabva tatoona kuti haisi mari iyi. Kana usati wakambonyudza your hard earned forex unodza vamwe kuti bogus anti-govt business people.
Anonymous · 4 months ago
Aaah! Hooo! Formal sector kkk. Zvakangofanana neachiri kupfeka tie mukore uno. Apa zuva racho ma one.
Anonymous · 4 months ago
Our economists are the fools. Hosting SADC costed the govt a fortune. They were left with huge debts. Infact the ZIG which was unveiled just before SADC was a show. It was a devaluation of the zwl anyway. After SADC the govt has no option but print to finance the debts. Who is the sponsor of the black market?
Anonymous · 4 months ago
Zig backed by fool's gold. Next currency will be the Zag backed by a fool's promise. Long live the USD.
zig is theft legalized · 4 months ago
if they disband the failed zig, what will the govt give you next in exchange for your valuable usd ? what will the next valueless currency be called that they come up with to exchange/steal your valuable usd ? the govt is in effect giving you garbage for your usd, its as good as daylight robbery !!!
RBZ Governor · 4 months ago
Zig shall remain stable.Nothing of any sort may cause it to depreciate under my watch,never.It is backed by gold and millions of dollars.Don't be scared by those who pretend to be gurus in Economics.Prety soon we expect 80% of our transactions will be in our local currency
laugh emoji1
##@ · 4 months ago
ZIG was not backed by real gold, it was iron coated with brass like what gwejas always do to gold byers. Unozviona wava mberi kuti ndavharwa, harisi gold but Mari yaenda.
Dont · 4 months ago
Mushayazig was told to advertise poison, the manufacturer refused to taste the zig only loved the usdollar instead. Now the nation is in hot barn mushayazig becomes the bad as the woste of zig tarnished name is his, the engineer is now not heard of. Clever are those who uses others. John John you see now what I said as you launched this zig as if it was your idea, Hot words harsh words it's you now to cool this mercy
Mbavha · 4 months ago
*****,, s t u p idi ty
Mbavha · 4 months ago
The zig was a dent it has been a dent its a dry maize stock which can't the earthworm. It's is a white bone never produce soup or meatsmell we were being cheated as currency, waisting our time and expectations, zig for looting be shame. ZIG never enjoyed Xmas what a total failure in thinking mushayazig demonstrated complete ignorance ****ity irresponsible idea of the past to depreciate his figure of dull mind. Zigless detractors of eveil practice
another failure · 4 months ago
guys the zig is not "failing", THE ZIG HAS ALREADY FAILED !!!
Anonymous · 4 months ago
Dambudziko nderekuti munyikamuno tirikutongwa. Dai tai tungamiriwa taiwananguva yekuonesana kuti izvi zvinoita kana kusaita. Zvino nemhaka yekuti tirikutongwa unotoita zvarehwa chero zvisina mature. Nhai vakuru kangani tichirasikirwa nemari muma bangalore. Kungobvunzawo zvangu ini seMurombo by Command
😈😈 · 4 months ago
The possibility of gold being the father of ZIG is 0.00 percent
Anonymous · 4 months ago
It is Zanus illegitimate love child.
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 4 months ago
It is like Mliswa's children, there are many from different sources and he wants to support none of them.
Oooooo · 4 months ago
Zig rakagara ragarirwa parakabuda paya kt hakuna kwarinosvika raiendavo nepi rakagarirwa nemuseve
🕺🏋️‍♂️🏃‍♂️ · 4 months ago
the quality of paper, print and design of this zig nonsense speaks volumes of the mental state of our so called learned professors
laugh emoji1
Black Mambazo · 4 months ago
Zig wenyu hashandi uyu
ZiG · 4 months ago
aaaah ndoyenda kubasa ini ZiG ndozvishandira zvankue
ncii · 4 months ago
Ningirikini akatovhara hake nzeve...........
??? · 4 months ago
mashoko makukuti but are falling on deaf ears.
dudz · 4 months ago
why did you bring this devil us dollar companies are complaining and are making millions let's just get rid of corrupt goverment

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