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HomeCrime and Courts

Kombi Driver In Kuwadzana Accident Charged With Culpable Homicide

4 months agoFri, 01 Nov 2024 05:40:41 GMT
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Kombi Driver In Kuwadzana Accident Charged With Culpable Homicide

Felix Mhona, the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development, has expressed sorrow over the death of seven people in a road traffic accident that occurred at Kuwadzana 7 turn-off in Harare on Thursday morning.

Seven people were killed and four others injured when the driver of a commuter omnibus (kombi) failed to give way at traffic lights and collided with a haulage truck. Said Mhona:

On behalf of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development and on my own behalf, I convey our heartfelt condolences to all the bereaved families. We mourn the demise of young men and women who perished in this crash.

Our thoughts are with all the families of the people who were killed in the crash and our prayers are with those injured as they continue to receive treatment and care. We wish them speedy recuperation.

Mhona said the accident is yet another call to all transport operators, motorists, and members of the public to adhere to road traffic rules and exercise caution on the road. He added:

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Whilst the traffic lights at the intersection were working, it is concerning to note that the driver of the commuter omnibus proceeded when he was supposed to stop.

This was reckless and thus a blatant violation of our road traffic rules and regulations. Consequently, the driver is being charged with culpable homicide.

I wish to remind and warn all transport operators, motorists, and members of the public that the Ministry will take stern measures to preserve the safety and security of the commuting public.

Culpable homicide refers to the unlawful killing of another person without intent to kill but with a degree of negligence or recklessness. It is categorised as a less severe charge than murder, as it may involve circumstances where the perpetrator did not have the explicit intention to cause death.

More: Pindula News



Him23 · 4 months ago
both driver are wrong coz hauraise vanhu coz you have right of way that's bull ****
zig · 4 months ago
mtsrip so sad is the kombi driver alive
skun · 4 months ago
may their souls rest in peace 🙏 panoda kuiswa ma grrr grrr pama major intersection becoz mota dzinomhanya shuwa, most drivers don't reduce speed when approaching a working or non working robot which is of major concern,Ivo vema kombi nyaya dzeku kata other motorists every where and anywhere is also a major problem,more needs to be done to these drivers..people need transportation but also their safety is number one, most drivers need to be vetted honestly,at this rate hatisati tapinda holiday season it will only get worse.. · 4 months ago
apa wataura zvinobatika shuwa dayi vangoita sokudaro kuisa magrrr maybe we reduce accidents pama intersection
Chiurai · 4 months ago
Tichitarisa apa Both drivers should be charged with negligent driving. Greem means proceed with caution. Diriver we kombi akapinda red robot ane mhosva Driver we Gonyet akamhaya achida Rika pa intersection asina hanya achiti ane right of way. His speed was in excess for the circumstances. Tikuti ukatya Ira Mota kana mu highway akabuda mhuka kana munhu mukatadza kumira ukamutsika. Uri wrong zvisinei nekuti speed limit is 60 and you are travelling at 40. Fact yekuzoti loss of life yatoo culpable homicide on the part of the driver. In kuwadzana accident the Gonyet driver rammed into a kombi full of passengers ndiye akanyanya. The kombi was not over speeding. Akatadza miss judge · 4 months ago
wegonyeti haana mhosva bcz aiva right of way
AGP2333 · 4 months ago
@Chiurai wataura chokwadi, but those who are ignorant will oppose you. In theory, the kombi driver was wrong but the tanker driver was also supposed to exercise caution at that traffic light controlled intersection. The resultant impact and severity of the accident irikuratidza kuti he was speeding. I've seen many instances where police penalise even the one who is correct nenyaya iyoyo yenegligence
Mj · 4 months ago
Atori mupenyu hake driver uyu, set an example for negligence driving, even robot risingashande Bulawayo road is the main road an traffic approaching should give way to traffic in Bulawayo road, until its clear and safe to enter, combi driver haana izvozvo
LTM · 4 months ago
driver ndiye anga ari wrong here apo heard the tanker driver ndiye aiva wrong wani asi nekungoti paita kombi chete makutoroverera munhu
007 · 4 months ago
turning ryt in front of oncoming traffic ndoyamotii chiiko kuMalawi nhai achimwene
Political Analylist📌 · 4 months ago
Kkkk mheno kuti arikutii uyo
Bt · 4 months ago
No one turned right in front of oncoming traffic iwe 007
mhofu · 4 months ago
ndiwe wega muno muzim une that version the kombi driver is a certified ****
AGP2333 · 4 months ago
you heard from who? ndiwe wega uneversion iyoyo
Mugabe · 4 months ago
Usataure zvausingazive iwe
Rurue · 4 months ago
haaaaa ngaanyure
Patz · 4 months ago
I like this Minister Mhona. Anoshanda zvobatika plus he does not absent himself from Hse of Assembly and Senate unlike those idle absentee ministers.
Vybz Kartel · 4 months ago
@Patz, do you attend parliamentary sessions ?
AGP2333 · 4 months ago
@Vybz Kartel are you smoking something?
skun · 4 months ago
talk is cheap mwana wamai..we need them to enforce certain road rules especially buses and kombis..there is so much negligence in that area of transportation, minister must put his foot down and fight these guys,,problem becomes most of these operators always pay their way out kunge pasina zvaitika..
mujo mixxx · 4 months ago

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