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Pushing For Mnangagwa's Term Extension An Act Of Treason - War Veteran

4 months agoSat, 09 Nov 2024 06:44:26 GMT
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Pushing For Mnangagwa's Term Extension An Act Of Treason - War Veteran

Blessing Geza, a war veteran and member of the ZANU PF Central Committee, has strongly condemned party members advocating for an extension of President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s tenure beyond the constitutionally mandated two terms, calling such actions treasonous.

He argued that those pushing for this move should be expelled from the party.

In an exclusive interview with HStv, an online television and radio channel operated by Alpha Media Holdings, Geza criticized the ZANU PF resolution, passed during the party’s 21st National People’s Conference in Bulawayo, which proposed extending Mnangagwa’s presidency until 2030.

Geza described the resolution as ill-advised and contrary to the principles of Zimbabwe’s Constitution. Said Geza:

I was at the conference and I thought I was saddened… First and foremost, we have a Constitution which must be respected by everybody.

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The President himself took an oath of office to respect the Constitution of Zimbabwe. They took the oath of office so they could protect and defend the Constitution of Zimbabwe but they are not doing that.

They are committing treason. Those people must be arrested and those people must be fired from ZANU PF. We want to see those people charged.

The former Sanyati legislator claimed that ZANU PF has been hijacked by opportunists, with war veterans increasingly sidelined within the party.

He lamented that the people who fought for Zimbabwe’s independence have been marginalised, while those seeking to exploit the party for personal gain have taken control. He said:

I mean because the party has been hijacked even if you go to structures, all those (army) generals were “fired” from the party.

ZANU PF is a product of ZANLA and ZIPRA, the people’s movement but they are not even being recognised, you know, right? They are attacking the Constitution.

They don’t even talk about the armed struggle. They don’t talk about the opposition. Mark my words, that will never happen, not under our watch.

ZANLA or the Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army was the military wing of the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU) during the liberation struggle.

ZIPRA or the Zimbabwe People’s Revolutionary Army, was the military wing of the Zimbabwe African People’s Union (ZAPU), which played a significant role in the war of independence.

Geza also accused President Mnangagwa of failing to unify ZANU PF following the 2017 coup that brought him to power.

He argued that instead of fostering reconciliation and cohesion within the party, Mnangagwa’s leadership has deepened divisions, leaving the party fragmented and plagued by internal strife. He said:

The president was supposed to take the opportunity to unite the nation so that it could move forward. He failed but people, you see, know when the president came back from South Africa, is this happening?

But these people [ED2030 brigade] are a security threat and on this issue, the JOC [Joint Operation Command] must take action, and the service chiefs must take action.

Are our laws not sufficient enough to deal with such things?

These 2030s are doing what they want right? They are doing what they want to the President, you know. It’s unfortunate.

The role which we played, we are being sidelined, we have been sidelined but I blame ourselves because they say they are in control.

Geza asserted that there is no possibility of President Mnangagwa extending his tenure beyond 2028, citing clear constitutional provisions that prevent such an outcome. He said:

Mnangagwa was elected in 2018 and his two terms end in 2028 and he cannot go beyond that unless the Constitution is changed.

And even if the Constitution is changed, it also puts a safety net in it, which says that the incumbent or the person who presides over that constitutional change must not benefit from it.

Meanwhile, President Mnangagwa has reiterated that he will step down in 2028 when his second and final term in office concludes.

However, he has not instructed his supporters to cease advocating for an extension of his tenure, leaving critics questioning his sincerity.

More: Pindula News



Conley · 4 months ago
munangagwa zanupf 🚮 useless ediots
Anonymous · 4 months ago
But very powerful
Tari · 4 months ago
On what way, you can't see what is going on, you need help, this are the people need to be jailed in the new Zimbabwe
dj TECH 🇿🇼 · 4 months ago
the strongest ! afta bokko Haram is zanu PF 🤬 GOOD LUCK maoppo ,dzidza kushanda under their governance n u wnt get problems🤐
zizi · 4 months ago
ED ngabe uyakwazi???
Tyakadza County · 4 months ago
Kuita seasingagoni kutaura zvonzikwa Kwai kuchohwa chohwa iwee uchiparadza zvose zvawakaona zviripo get away from the stolen seat and have an early shower. Hazvina musiya no nablaz wako, only that blaz had an encyclopedia so he was somehow better than you dullbrained claypot
mc · 4 months ago
true we will cross the bridge when we get to it
Vene · 4 months ago
Haasi wedu uyu ,arikutaura zvisiri mugwara re Zanupf, apanduka, ava mutengesi.
Z · 4 months ago
Dambudzo · 4 months ago
Sena gekulu siwenza makuna ulunga uchiwenga ukupinda upower munangagwa anabilila umavotes kiwena amaproblems
kwachu · 4 months ago
mungwarireyi Ed wenyuyo ndiye woga nomuromo wake ogani wakatoti 2030 ndendichipo mungwarireyi judha
Anonymous · 4 months ago
Kungwara kwedu imi makapusa state house hamu lume is tuchichinhana
bounty hunter · 4 months ago
l hv a feeling yekuti chiwenga administration wont tolerate corruption sei vanhu vachida kumuvharira kuti asapinda
Lido Maradhar · 4 months ago
Nhai kungohumana ED wadii zvake inga wakati ndivo vakadrafter mutemo wokuti warikusvika 2028.Omene vamboita nharo dzokurambira here nemuromo vavo vakati 2030 ,Havachada Saka varikuda kumanikidzira zvinhu vakudeyi futi ngavasada kukonzeresa hohoho mumusangano nhaika.
Mcmillan · 4 months ago
Kumusha CDE
👀👀 · 4 months ago
come 2028 hapana zvatinotaura coz we will be silenced by Chikurubi,& hatimbozviti bufu,vanhu vaanoba nekudya navo ndoovaarikupushira mberi kt itii ndipinde futi,& if they want to change the constitution they can do that hapana zvatinoita,Luke Malaba angoripo wani
012 · 4 months ago
this is all a scam he is not going anyway.They are just stalling
Inini · 4 months ago
Ukaona Baba vave kosveredzwa(bhoood) nevana vepa next door, varikuzivikanwa kusabata mhuri yavo zvakanaka. Kabanga havasi ivo the real father. Ngaayende Ngaayende, munhu uyu i DHOoooooo***
ShootBalls4ED · 4 months ago
they must shoot those zanu party members in the balls for advocating for an extension of President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s tenure beyond the constitutionally mandated two terms...
some ordar · 4 months ago
mnhu ngaende anotamba nevazaya plz · 4 months ago
Uuuuummmm!!! can I believe my ears?
??? · 4 months ago
Ok, i see, that's why mukuru akaita number one kubva Botswana, aruziva vanhu vake
gumlaz · 4 months ago
bumbiro remutemo haringochinjwa zvakagara zvanyorwa izvozvo kuti 2 terms ndozvinofanira kutevedzerwa sekuti i,vi zvakachinjwa mukunge vaona mugabe agarisa saka vakazogara pasi vakawirirana kuti 2 terms vega kuzanu lwavo ikko koizvi zvakilubvepi zvekuti 3terms zvatova pachena kuti munhu akangoitwa presdent haachadi kubva pachigaro saka hapana kwekuchiendwa tangodzokera pamugabe era
...,. · 4 months ago
The country's Constitution is there to protect the country and the citizens, political party constitutions protect the parties and members. It would be dishonest to change a constitution whenever a few people feel like changing it would benefit the few changing it. Successful countries owe their success due to following the constitution as was found, not changing it, and passing it on untouched. does anyone know how old the American constitution is, and when it was last changed or ammended?
kkkk · 4 months ago
🌄🧱🍓🎊💞🎂🏆🍑🌽🍕👙 · 4 months ago
if the party still want their candidate for 2028 elections is not bad but for the country it is is like a civil servant who's now 60 years but don't want to go to pension but seek another 60 years in service which is another term.l am not saying opposition is good in ruling the country but I'm saying give them a chance as the ruling party have failed,we might see some changes.
Ediots · 4 months ago
The cracks keep widening. When you see the signs believe them. Know the source. Understand the frustration. Understand ED is not immune to worse than he inflicted on Mugabe. His end is nigh.
Big One · 4 months ago
Change is good but don't expect miracles by just changing political leaders orr parties. Sometimes what you think is the worst is the best. Look at Libya. With Gaddafi's death everything good was lost. Ask your old man and he will say Smith was better kkkkk
🤴KING ABS🦁 · 4 months ago
Native · 4 months ago
Mnangagwa neZanu yake must. ZvaGaddafi ndezveko. Chamisa nhaapinde. Zvimwe zvese madho-- dhi.
Nonsense · 4 months ago
Anopinda pai munhu asina kana political party?
Native · 4 months ago
Mnangagwa nevanhu vake. ⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️
Dambudzo · 4 months ago
Hatichade chinhu chinonzi Zanu ndonga. Ngatizamei zvimwe mukuzama tichasangana nezviri nani
𝙎𝙞𝙮𝙤𝙮𝙤 · 4 months ago
dai zvafamba sokuda kwevana vezimbabwe ED aingopedzisa term yake ari kuna mbuya nehanda, Mgabe neamwe magamba akafira mahara munguva yehondo
Big One · 4 months ago
Mugabe akafira kuhondo here?
🤴KING ABS🦁 · 4 months ago
Yaaah kkkk
🇿🇼44yrs · 4 months ago
Terrace hangu
Gamarieri · 4 months ago
Hokoyo Ed Mari yeropa yopfuka!
🤴KING ABS🦁 · 4 months ago

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