The National Aids Council (NAC) has warned that Zimbabwean men may soon need to include condoms in their budgets, as donors are starting to scale down support for HIV response measures, reported NewsDay.
Speaking at the recent Zimbabwe Diamond and Allied Minerals Workers Union’s Gwanda regional meeting, NAC representative Abraham Ncube cautioned that free condom distribution may not be sustainable soon.
Ncube explained that 3% is currently being deducted from workers’ salaries as an Aids Levy, with 50% of these funds going towards the procurement of antiretrovirals (ARVs). He added:
This is not enough and it is being supplemented by donors who then come in such as Global Fund and other international donors who come with other funds to procure ARVs as well as some prevention commodities like condoms.
Maybe we need to be aware that donors are now scaling down in general in terms of supporting the HIV response.
Meaning to say where we thought we were entitled to free condoms, maybe it’s about time we should start thinking of having a condom budget as responsible people.
If you are a man and say at my home there are no condoms, well that is food for thought. We need to come out of that dependence syndrome and think in terms of us being independent.
Ncube said part of the Aids Levy was used to acquire ARVs while the remainder was used for other response programmes such as prevention activities.
More: Pindula News
👀👀 · 4 months ago
@ Corruptmore Looto do you know that those ARVs have a lot of acid ,inorwisana ne virus inenge iri muropa,Saka uchizoona munhu Ari positive paane machances akawanda ekuti you can tell kt munhu Ari positive nekungomutarisa nemaziso,anorebenuka zvigunwe,anotsvuka muromo,inotsvukiswa the that acid irimuma ARVs,anchinja completion kuita silver black or anota blue black,maziso aka anoitwa machena chena, skin yake inoita so sensitive kunge yemwana achangozvarwa,bvudzi rinopemeka ,so even cure MaOptimistic Infectious yaapo,kana UI e mkana why can't you protect yourself and prevent yourself from being infected, prevention is best,and better than cure
👀👀 · 4 months ago
l nursed my mother who was HIV Positive,ndakachiona imi,&munhu ari positive anorwara nezvirwere zvese nekuwanda kwazvo coz immune system yake inenge iri weak,TB ,cancer,manyoka,maronda, herpes,thrash,kurutsa,to mention a few,and akatanga kurwara haagoni kuzviendera ku toilet,munotopfekedza ma pampers,&**** yemunhu ari positive inonhuwa zvekuti mumba maanenge ari chero ukaita hutsanana hunengei ka smero kanongonzwika,to make matters worse,munhu ari positive anotaurisa zvekuti u cannot handle het or him,ndakangoti hrlp me God shez my mother,so kune asati atestwa go and grt tested,woziva paumire wochinja mararamiro,as for ma **** ane chikiti che blue ayo they are donated so l do not trust them ,kune ma protector nema Durex you can trust those,and always use protection being negative or positive,coz unoti ndirikumuzora aine aine Aids yakakomba kudarika yako so prevention is better than cure,your health is in your hands
Corruptmore Looto · 4 months ago
Thrash ndoipi iyoyo
👀👀 · 4 months ago
zvimaronda zvemukanwa
Mike · 4 months ago
siki yemukamwa