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Harare City Council Clarifies Position On Belvedere House Demolitions | Full Statement

3 months agoWed, 13 Nov 2024 12:13:24 GMT
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Harare City Council Clarifies Position On Belvedere House Demolitions | Full Statement

The City of Harare on Wednesday, November 13, issued a statement on the recent demolition of 30 houses in Ridgeview, Belvedere.

The local authority said it has taken action to stop illegal land allocation by land barons in Belvedere, specifically in Ridgeview, where unauthorized developments were taking place. Below is the statement:

Belvedere Demolitions: The Facts

The City of Harare is determined to stop land barons from illegally parcelling out land to unsuspecting residents and this criminality has to be stopped. It is important that we protect residents from criminals who falsify documents and sell the land to innocent victims. In the case of the Belvedere demolitions here are the facts below.

i. The land in question is Ridgeview Belvedere described as remainder of Salisbury Township Lands(STL) Plan Number TP2F/2219/3 which was approved in 2002.

ii. This land is legally owned by the City of Harare and is designated for residential purposes. This piece of Council land has fifty-two (52) unserviced residential stands. The valuation of the stands was done and approved by Council in 2021. Before Council could allocate the stands, the land was invaded by individuals led by a company going by the name Brickstone Builders and Contractors Private Limited. At that material time they erected wooden cabins on 15 stands.

iii. The stands do not have the requisite water, sewer, roads and storm water drains which are required before one can settle on land.

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iv. In 2022 meetings chaired by His Worship, Mayor of the City of Harare Clr.J. Mafume were held between Council and representatives of Brickstone Builders and Contractors (Pvt) Ltd. During the meetings, Council informed the illegal invaders to follow due process in acquiring Council land.

v. Contrary to the advice given during the meetings, Council noticed that developments had started on the ground in July 2023. The illegal developments paused a health hazard to the neighboring community.

vi. The illegal developments sparked an outrage from the neighboring community.

vii. Council responded to the illegal developments by instituting demolitions during that month. Brickstone Building and Contractors Private Limited took Council to court indicating that the company had been allocated the land by the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works. They attached the letter from the Ministry signed by a Mr. Madzivire. On inquiry from the Ministry, Council was advised by the Ministry that the letter was fake and Mr. Madzivire distanced himself from authoring that letter. The Chief Director Spatial Planning Mr. Mushamba also distanced the Ministry from the allocation of council land to Brickstone.

viii. The City of Harare issued 48 hour notices to the occupants to stop developments and in response to the notices, Brickstone Building and Contractors Private Limited, using fraudulent documents, approached the Court and were granted an interdict on the basis of the fake documents.

ix. The interdict was granted on condition that the status quo was to remain and that no further developments were to be undertaken by the illegal invaders.

x. The illegal invaders did not take heed of the interdict and proceeded to construct structures on the piece land without approved architectural building plans as well as the attendant mandatory inspections.

xi. In compliance with the relevant terms of the interdict, the City moved in to demolish those structures that were developed after the issuance of the interdict. The structures that were covered by the interdict were left intact.

xii. Thirty (30) illegal structures at various stages of construction were demolished.

xiii. The City of Harare has since approached the Courts for a court order to demolish the 3 that were covered by the interdict.

The City of Harare remains committed to addressing urban challenges and ensuring the well-being of its residents. The demolitions will also dissuade land barons who have remained undeterred and continue selling stands to desperate home seekers.

More: Pindula News



Mike · 3 months ago
So what exactly can i do to buy a genuine residential stand?
Anonymous · 3 months ago
So what exactly can i do inorder to acquire a genuine residential stand?
Anonymous · 3 months ago
What's a Land baron except to say he or she is a Zanu-PF person, who can't be arrested
yao bandera · 3 months ago
All councils must be resolved, they are a bunch of crooks and thieves, people end up falling prey to land barons because of the unavailability of proper and legal channels of land allocation of stands. If ever they are there.. you pay waiting list fees for ever and stay on that list for eternity. To hell with council. There are people on roll doing absolutely nothing . City parking, department of roads, munipsl police, you name them. all corrupt and citizenry abusers and thieves. nxaa.
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Lots of councilors are selling land it's an open secret ndivo ma land barons
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Chepa Mel fort gore riya
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Vanhu munomboziva chiiko....varikutengesa vanoziikanwa asi ndaana untouchables...ndoshamisika kuti guvhurumende inoti haidi zvinhu zvisiri pamutemo sei vasingasunge vanhu vacho vakaenda ku court nemapepa enema. Zvinhu zviri pachena wani. Ko kanzuru vanorega vanhu vachivaka sei.... vanozadza town nemapurisa anoita basa rekudzingana nema vendor kunze kwekunodzinga varikuita invade council land.. ma priorities avo ari warped. Nesuwo vanhu vanotenga TAKAPATA(TAKSPUSA) zvedi zvedi ungaburitsa mari yekutenga stand usingaite verify legitness yetransaction yose... Saka zvichinzi A FOOL AND HIS MONEY ARE SOON PARTED. Vanhu ngwarai zvinhu zvinongotaurwa mazuva ose zvema land barons asi tinongoramba tichidyirwa mari.
Lloyd · 3 months ago
why don't they name the land barons it's because they all involved but didn't get they cut people don't just build before checking out everything the rot at town house
a · 3 months ago
Haig Park Mabelreign kune land baron anonzi Joyline Munduna arikt anozivikanwa necouncil yaDenford Ngadziore asi arikuisa mapositori nemacabin pasina mvura pasina toilet... 2 weeks ago vakapisa chiutsi chisingaite vanhuvanzwa nekukosora.
x · 3 months ago
Haig park Mabelreign kune mapositori nevana vavo arikunzi macaretaker emuland baron from Mash west hapana kana toilet varikugara mucabin tinofa necholera near Harare drive.
x · 3 months ago
ko kuno muhaigpark Mabelreign kwazara macabin asina matoilets nemapositori anevana vavo and magreenways acho ese arikunzi ndeemunhu 1 arikumatengesa.... tinoita cholera .
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Havasungike I team re Zanu iro matokanganwa here chepa Harare south
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Name and shame the land barons please
Corruptmore Looto · 3 months ago
We don't want to leave in a city were people erect stuff all over the place without proper authorization. That's is exactly what leads to burst sewer pipes and traffic congestion because of the unplanned increase in the population of vehicles and people. When the opposition takes over they should demolish all such areas and build alternative housing for the affected parties. We need order in the country we're not animals.
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Opposition yacho ndoirikutodyira mastands
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Land barons are top six zanupf that's why not even one has been arrested or even mentioned
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Tauraka mazita avo if u know them kkkk
resident · 3 months ago
Murombo haarovi chinenguvo vakomana.Pension yangu yese ndakaisa paimba.Ndachembera mari yaenda down the drain,saka ramangwana rangu richipo here apa.Iyo Kanzuru yacho ndivo vanotendera maLand Barons acho and maStands mazhinji are acquired thru mabarons iwayo.Ndaitotiwo ndagona ndikaisa mari yangu yose paproject iyoyi.Ndoendepiko nhai veduweee.Mhuri iyi ndoita zvokudiii nayo.Musha wangu waputswa vakomana.
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Enda Kuna Chamisa ne council yake. Isu kwedu kumusha
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Chamisa apinda papi apa ndokudzungaira kauku dzokera kuchikoro
John Joe jonso · 3 months ago
Ko Chamisa achine chinhu here?
Ini Zvangu · 3 months ago
While you wete building, did the council at any time inspect your building and approve the various stages of the construction that is Building plan, Foundation brickwork roofing etc? If so you should have a document to that effect. If you dont then you have no claim.
· 3 months ago
I think this land baron is an elephant in the house coz mhosva dzake dzakawanda apa and haasi kusungwa. Tomboti chitsotsi che council, koo iyo ministry haisi kusungisa sei munhu akaita fodge tsamba yavo, hapana kujeka
chipoko · 3 months ago
ma land barons should join the goat herders at Chikurubi but it will never happen as they belong to the Right Party
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Kana dzimba dzakavakwa zviri illegal as they say how were their house plans approved and who was inspecting the houses as they were being built.Vanhu vaneutsinye chete ava kudarika satani. Maland barrons acho ndivanani vasingataurwe.
Dhadza · 3 months ago
no one aproved their plans.
AMT · 3 months ago
read to understand
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Dzidzai kuverenga nyaya musati mapa comment. Zvatsanangurwa wani pazvinyorwa.
MC · 3 months ago
vakatengesa ngavasungwe akatenga haana mhosva atoriwo victim here
...,. · 3 months ago
Propaganda is already saying that the demolitions are being done by the opposition led city council to tarnish the country's image ahead of the SADC meeting in Harare which will discuss Mozambican, Botswana and Namibia elections. Can the person who said that be made to explain, as such types of people always cause strife where it should not be, and they are said to be at work and getting paid at the end of every month
Madirativhange · 3 months ago
So this is a tug of war between a zanu pf controlled local government and opposition controlled city Council. Multiparty democracy is not serving us well in Zimbabwe
Jaison Ndlovu · 3 months ago
Everything should be above board
Kwachu kwachu · 3 months ago
Both atengesa neatengeserwa must be locked in jail and keys to be thrown away.The two parties committed the crime of occupation of an unauthorised land
Anonymous · 3 months ago
So sei council isiri ku reporta company iyoyo kuPolice, we want to see kuti police inozorega sei kubata munhu arikuzikanwa ne nyika youse kuti akaba land, akabira vanhu mari, akaforger madocuments, akanyepera court nema ministry
ƒяєєℓαη¢є ¢σяяυσтι¢ιαη · 3 months ago
if falsifying documents is still a criminal offense then the lands barons should be with vakomana vembudzi
Karl Max · 3 months ago
Land barons must be jailed, no court proceedings.From police cells they are to be jailed, they caused suffering to buyers of the stands.
BigBwana The Boss · 3 months ago
Land Barons=VENE
BigBwana The Boss · 3 months ago
Land Barons=VENE Vayo monopoly Capitalists.So they are above the laws of the land.
· 3 months ago
If the council statement is true, vanhu vaka vaka vachiziva, vaakuda kuti povho iti council yakashata. Ngavaende ku company yavo vano chemera ikoko.
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Council is lying varikungoita utsinye chete
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Do you have proof yekuti varikunyepa tigozivawo
Corruptmore Looto · 3 months ago
Tibvire apa, government is too blame for this, we all know where land barons come from
ok · 3 months ago
ko kuvaka ma skyscraper mopa vanhu pokugara.
Talent · 3 months ago
Kuti zvepere zve hu land baron ndavasunge zvese atengeserwa neatenga coz zvese vari kuziva mutemo kuti imba ino itirwa waiting list kucouncil land baron achiziva kuti land haisi yake .Vakaisa mutemo iwoyo zvinopera zvekuda kuchipa.Vese muchikwere
🧐 🤔 🤨 🤪 · 3 months ago
Fake is criminal
Dingto · 3 months ago
ko sungai ka vanhu vacho vanotengesera vanhu ma stand zvisiri pamutemo

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