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Police Officer Gets 15 Years For Killing Wife In Jealous Rage

3 months agoWed, 20 Nov 2024 11:31:44 GMT
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Police Officer Gets 15 Years For Killing Wife In Jealous Rage

A police officer from Buhera, Cuthbert Mupfuki, was sentenced to 15 years in prison by the High Court after brutally murdering his wife, Brenda Manyara, with an Okapi knife. The attack occurred amid rumours that she was seeing another man, reported The Manica Post.

Mupfuki, 37, from Nechiwowe Village in Chief Nyashanu, was found guilty of murder under Section 47(1) (a) or (b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, Chapter 9:23. At the time of the crime, he was a member of the Zimbabwe Republic Police’s Support Unit, Sierra Troop, in Changadzi.

During sentencing, Mutare High Court Judge Justice Isaac Muzenda said he considered that Mupfuki had paid 30 head of cattle as reparation to the deceased’s family.

The court heard that on October 10 2023, Mupfuki stabbed Manyara multiple times, resulting in her death at the scene. A post-mortem conducted by Dr Elisha Murasiranwa at Birchenough Bridge Hospital determined that respiratory failure due to trauma was the cause of death.

Witness Constance Gwemba, a niece of the victim, testified that she was at Mupfuki’s home with Manyara and other family members when Mupfuki invited Manyara to their bedroom.

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Shortly after, Gwemba heard screams for help but found the door locked. Peering through a window, she saw Mupfuki pressing Manyara against the wall while accusing her of wanting to degrade him by dating a local villager, Joseph Murwisi.

Mupfuki later dragged Manyara’s body to the passage and opened the door, walking away while declaring it was better for him to be in prison than with a “cheating” wife. Gwemba discovered Manyara lying on the floor, bleeding profusely from her chest and with a deep cut on her left hand.

At around 9 PM that evening, Mupfuki called villager Chipo Madidi, instructing her to gather everyone at the homestead. When he returned, he stated that he knew why he had killed Manyara.

Another witness, Mupfuki’s daughter Barbra, recounted hearing her mother being beaten and later witnessing her father emerge, claiming he would turn himself in to the police.

Madidi testified that when she arrived at the scene, she found Manyara’s lifeless body in the sitting room. Mupfuki admitted over the phone that he had killed Manyara due to her supposed affair with Joseph Murwisi.

Murwisi himself testified that on the evening of the incident, he was attacked by Mupfuki while cycling home.

Mupfuki struck him with a log, causing him to fall. Despite his injuries, Murwisi managed to escape, leaving his bicycle and groceries behind.

After the attack, Murwisi heard people crying at Mupfuki’s home; he sustained bruises and a swollen arm from the assault.

More: Pindula News



Chasura · 3 months ago
Apedza kuuraya dai akagochera imbwa pasi nema**** emudzimba eku touchline much better than ano cheater
pee · 3 months ago
fair sentence
Aton General · 3 months ago
Munhu haaurawi unongomudzinga kana usingachamudi Vanasisi vake varikutohurirawo varume vavowo zviriko kana uchinge wasangana nazvo
cde · 3 months ago
akagona akauraya
CHicken · 3 months ago
Officer siyanai navo madzimai aya, dai makamudzinga motsvaka mumwe better.Maiwana another wifeari nane.Honai manje mofa nepamakabuda napo.
Corruptmore Looto · 3 months ago
Nhai zvako iwe, there are plenty of fish in the sea no need to ruin yourself because of one bad apple.
save rwizi rukuru · 3 months ago
zvakangooma mkadzi wangoona hako kt zvepauri hausikuwirirana nazvo ibva hako mune zvakanaka kwete kutuma varume kuita ngozi hapana munhu akambokwira mabus maviri nguva imwechete
cde razor wire · 3 months ago
hapana jeri rikuendwa apo kuvharwa uko manje manje anenge atobuda uyo asi jeri hombe ingozi iyo haina chiokomuhomhwe munopedzerana chte kusvika wadonhawo
The Curator · 3 months ago
Asi hauna kuona pakanzi akabvisa mombe 30 dzekuripa? Saka anogoita ngozi yei?
mudembare · 3 months ago
vakadzi why why why muchihura??barika revarume nhayi??no mani.its sooo painful for men to accept and live with a creating wife and mind you men dnt forgive and forget chi**** chemkadzi.
Botha · 3 months ago
Kana mukadzi uyu akaita gumbo mumba rimwe panze akaresva. Zvino hoyo mutemo. wavharirwa .1. ngozi mudzinza.2 Iwe officer no pension .3. wabuda haichina hunhu munharaunda4. Akakuudza kuti wahura unobaiwa nebanga ndiani iwe kibasa kwako hauna girl friend. usaisa mutemo mumaoko ako xaaaaa · 3 months ago
30 October 2023 ndopaitika nyaya bt why takes so long pa judgement after 1 year ummm kkkk
moyo · 3 months ago
ma cases e murder anotongwa ne High Court ,,kunenge kune nyaya dzakawanda iyi yatokurumidzirwa
ZimSketch · 3 months ago
in certain circumstances it can take upto 5 yrs before the case goes to trial
svika mati sorry · 3 months ago
bt panyaya pakanzi 30 October 2023 now in November after 1 year ndopamakutaura hre..
ben · 3 months ago
kutaura. henyu musati mahurirwa that thing is very painful panguva yay izviziva unogumirwa pakufunga, vakadzi ngavave very ornest when it comes to lov affairs now she's gone what a loss
zig zigler · 3 months ago
mujolo wanyqnya
Saddum · 3 months ago
bt vakadzi pliz pliz musahura cz seipapa cde vaidai vasina kuuraya munhu bt unoshaya kuti chiiii siye kuchengetwa wakuita barika revarume bt iye murwisi wacho anoda kuvurawa does not deserve to live dai ndirini ndakatsvaira vese kuita mapiece
🌄🧱🍓🎊💞🍒🏆🍑🌽🍕👙 · 3 months ago
many police 🚓 officers need to go for brain testing and examination because most of them are now running crazy.
Zinja · 3 months ago
The worst judgement, munhu akatouraya munhu achida apa mupurisa , potongwa mahumbwe akadai. Uyu aifanira kutodamburwa musoro
🤦🏽‍♂️ · 3 months ago
Inga wani pataurwa consideration ye 30mombe dzakabviswa cde. 15yrs moti dzishoma here? In any case there's no constitutional provision for beheading
Tate g · 3 months ago
**** **** ngarife
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Kuhura mweya yemadzinza pamwe anenge asingatozivi asi vabereki vachirarama nazvo. Peanut pondwa vozadza dangerous futi.
👍👏👏👏 · 3 months ago
ndo chii ichocho munhu mukati dodi remunhu

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