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Japan Donates US$5 Million To Support 37,000 Farmers In Zimbabwe

3 months agoThu, 21 Nov 2024 12:19:38 GMT
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Japan Donates US$5 Million To Support 37,000 Farmers In Zimbabwe

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has welcomed a contribution of US$5.1 million from the Government of Japan to support 37,000 climate-affected smallholder farmers across five districts in Zimbabwe.

The three-year project will enhance food security and resilience for smallholder farmers by establishing water-based infrastructure, developing value chains, and strengthening agricultural extension service capacity.

Japanese Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Shinichi Yamanaka, revealed that one of the districts that will benefit is Mwenezi. He said:

Under this project, small-scale farmers will be supported in growing sesame seeds to practice market-oriented agriculture and a Japanese trading company called ITOCHU Corporation is expected to play an important role in completing the value chain of the project.

The Japanese government will provide financial assistance of approximately US$ 72,000 to ‘the project for the construction of storages for sesame farmers in Mwenezi District’ implemented by Sustainable Agriculture Technology (SAT).

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SAT is expected to support sesame production and its procurement including value addition for the local and export market.

The initiative is crucial, as Zimbabwe faces ongoing climate challenges and food insecurity due to the El Niño-induced drought.

The project combines food assistance with climate-adaptive practices, to help smallholder farmers to cultivate more sustainable crops.

Production of Sesame, a crop with high market potential, will be one of the central value chains, enhancing export opportunities for Zimbabwean smallholder farmers.

Barbara Clemens, Country Representative and Director for WFP in Zimbabwe, said:

This invaluable contribution from the Government of Japan allows us to make food more available, easier to access, and more reliable for Zimbabwean families.

By supporting farmers to grow food in a sustainable way and connect them to markets, we can address immediate food needs and empower communities to build a food-secure future.

Japan is a long-standing partner of WFP’s assistance in Zimbabwe. Since 2019, Japan has contributed over US$ 28 million to WFP-supported food assistance and resilience-building for vulnerable communities in the country.

More: Pindula News



mambo · 3 months ago
that's good which means kuti 1 farmer will get estimated of135.1351351 they do good ASI hatizoziva kuti zvichafambiswa sekuronga here?
Xxx · 3 months ago
It's not good to give people Mari directly kurasa Mari.
ZimSketch · 3 months ago
the project is already politicised, only ZPF members will benefit
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Almost all donated funds have already evaporated since the climate is scorching. O
Mrambwi · 3 months ago
Inongoperera ikoko kumusoro kune vanoigashidzwa.Kupovo kunozosvika vumvari mvari.Patogadzigwa upfumi hweumwe munhu ipapo
cde razor wire · 3 months ago
hakuna kwazviri kusvika izvo mbavha dzevanhu vakutotanga kugovana isati yatouya mari yacho zim hatina rwendo kudzengerera pa1 position. kuno chaiko kwakaitwa tournament yeEureka yakabuda zve18 000 yakangopinda MP chte mukati winning team yakupihwa 200 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣ZANU PF hatina kwatiri kuenda nayo tingori murima chte tosvika rinhiko kenani paita mbavha pamberi pedu apa
Corruptmore Looto · 3 months ago
You might say all kinds of sh!t about the Western Club and its associates such as South Korea and Japan but these guys although not perfect they're a far much better alternative than the club of dictators and authoritarians such as Russia, China, Iran, and Belarus. Those guys don't ever do anything which doesn't benefit them, they're not the kind of nations to have as key allies, yes maintain relations with them just like what India and Brazil do but don't make them your only friends you will regret it.
Japanese · 3 months ago
Ruling party will take over this project so that the funds will be shared equally to farmers and no to corruption.
Jacaranda avenue · 3 months ago
poverty yanyanya kutoshaiwa bra ye ku supporter ma bag anongorembera shame.
GB · 3 months ago
Ndokutumira katsi chikafu kut ipe mbeva . Tavutika mwandi chauta tinalakwa chan paziko la Zimbabwe

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