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AMA Calls For Stricter Penalties To Combat Abuse of Government Farming Inputs

3 months agoFri, 22 Nov 2024 05:33:43 GMT
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AMA Calls For Stricter Penalties To Combat Abuse of Government Farming Inputs

The Agricultural Marketing Authority (AMA) has condemned the misuse of inputs under the Pfumvudza/Intwasa and National Enhanced Agricultural Productivity Scheme (NEAPS), calling for stricter penalties for offenders.

According to Statutory Instrument 79 of 2017, inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, and chemicals provided through these programs must be used solely for their intended purposes, with all contracted produce delivered to designated buyers.

Those found diverting inputs could face fines up to level four, which includes imprisonment for up to three months, a fine, or both. Additionally, any misused inputs or illegally sold produce may be confiscated.

AMA CEO Clever Isaya told The Herald that the abuse of agricultural inputs undermines the Government’s efforts to ensure food security, disrupts market stability, and diminishes the economic potential of the agriculture sector. He said:

Inputs provided under these schemes are a national investment in food security and agricultural resilience. Their misuse not only jeopardises household food security but also reduces the overall agricultural productivity needed to feed the nation.

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AMA has established regional offices across the country to help farmers access information on proper marketing channels and compliance requirements.

This move aims to ensure that all farmers from communal to commercial, understand their obligations under the law and the economic impact of non-compliance.

Programmes like Pfumvudza/Intwasa assist small-holder farmers while NEAPS, on the other hand, enables commercial-scale farming by providing financial and material support.

Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water, and Rural Development Permanent Secretary, Obert Jiri, recently said that individuals who sell or distribute inputs received under the climate-proofed Presidential Inputs Scheme (Pfumvudza) will face arrest.

More: Pindula News



Jumbo · 2 months ago
Walos · 3 months ago
Government must come up with the standard formula of input distribution, eg. per every household 10kg maize seed, 2 bags D fertilizer and 1 bag AN and publicize that so that everyone nationwide knows the quantities he is going to received so that if there is any shortfall, s/he argues and reports confidently knowing exactly what s/he is rightfully his/hers that has been denied to get.
Anonymous · 3 months ago
ZANU pf has been abusing for far too long... this is just a meaningless yell..
Non Aligned Movement 🇿🇼 · 3 months ago
Jist subsidize mainputs ari mumashops. Stop these free input programs. Fertilizer yaimboita $15 dai yadzokera ipapo. Isu varimi vechokwadi titenge tirime.
Patz · 3 months ago
Zvekupa mainputs izvi its not in good faith. Why are rural folk given inputs year in year out. We had seedco hadnt been paid for the last consecutive seasons for the inputs. Its not surprising the money was realeased by treasury and found some feet to walk into someone's pocket. If this corrupt gvt stop these free input programmes rural agric will actually improve like in Rhodesia. If a student knows that his teacher will provide him with answers when exam comes he will stop studying but will pass and becomes a useless someone
Botha · 3 months ago
2 pa bag_ 4 pa bag murinani nakatomboiona ruvara gwayo kkk Masvingo west kana cup zvayo kkkk regai tione ccc ikatonga izvi tichaita zvokukava nemakumbo hameno gore iro
Native · 3 months ago
Ndizvo zvakauraya Malawi under Kamuzu Banda.Aka investor kuagriculture achisiregera kusimudzira nekuvhura mamwe ma industries. Ndozvakayita kuti Malawi idzokere kumas****. Munomu MaCompany hobho akavhara mamwe akabuda zvinhu zvikadhakwa. Now vakungotaura zvekurima like kuMalawi.Hapana kwatirikuyenda. · 3 months ago
2 families per bag kkk atori ma1 plus ikutotengeswa kumagrowth points kkk vakambosunga ani mbavha idzo ngavanyarare
Corruptmore Looto · 3 months ago
Subsistence farming is unsustainable and not profitable at all. The government should rather use those funds to ramp up industry so that people can look after themselves instead of constantly depending on a slavery like system endorsed by Zanu PF so as to maintain their hold on the rural electorate.
Black-Scorpion · 3 months ago
if we have people like you kumusoro uko , nyika yaibudirira mune muono wakanaka......azvishande zvanapfumvudza izvo...
Rax · 3 months ago
Bag pavanhu 2 zvobuda here
Figo · 3 months ago
Every year same story vanhu vachingoba mainputs
jah d · 3 months ago
I do agree with you konos, even here in chipinge it was 4people per bag
Ediots · 3 months ago
any Agricultural input diverted will most likely end up in the field so there is nothing to fret about. tongotya vanobika nipper chete. when it becomes valuable and most sensible to sell inputs and cash out ore than you woukd if you invest in the field man is bound to stick to the sensible
konos · 3 months ago
uuuum kwedu vakuru vakutoba ma family 2 vanopiwa bag re fertilizer 1 vokamurirana bucket bucket re top vodaro futi,zvichireva kuti mamwe two vatora
🕺🏋️‍♂️🏃‍♂️ · 3 months ago
dzidzai kutenga main puts imi isu tirikutenga takafa here?
Non Aligned Movement 🇿🇼 · 3 months ago
Vaudze vasiyane nezvemahara dzidzai kutenga hamuite stress.

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