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Chinese Lenders May "Switch Off" Hwange Power Plant Over Debt, Warns Industry

4 months agoFri, 22 Nov 2024 07:47:18 GMT
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Chinese Lenders May "Switch Off" Hwange Power Plant Over Debt, Warns Industry

Zimbabwe’s industries are worried that Chinese lenders, who financed the US$1.4 billion refurbishment of the Hwange Thermal Power Station, may “switch off” the facility due to ZESA Holdings’ struggles to service the debt.

If banks pull the trigger, Zimbabwe faces worsening power shortages, compounding the nation’s already dire economic situation, which includes inflation, foreign currency shortages, bankruptcies, and the loss of global brands.

Blackouts of up to 18 hours a day are already hindering industrial growth, with investors warning of long-term economic ramifications from the ongoing energy crisis.

Zimbabwe’s largest power source, the 600-megawatt Hwange plant, has become crucial after a drought severely reduced generation at the Kariba South Hydroelectric Power Plant, leading to the worst blackouts in 44 years, according to some industrialists.

ZESA began paying US$36 million in monthly instalments to Chinese lenders in October of last year.

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However, it was only able to make its first payment after pushing for a tariff hike to improve its capacity to service the debt for the refurbishment of Hwange’s Units 7 and 8.

In an interview with the Zimbabwe Independent, Christopher Mugaga, chief executive officer at ZNCC, urged authorities to ensure that the debt is paid. Said Mugaga:

We have to pay the debt. We have been failing to service Hwange 7 and 8 in terms of debt repayment to the Chinese, which is an issue.

Even if units 7 and 8 continue firing on all cylinders, the debt position can make the Chinese switch off until we pay. This is the reason why I say the power situation is dire.

If you look at the impact of power shortages, they are having far and wide impacts in terms of literally all sectors of the economy.

We are looking at power outages on average of more than 60% of working hours.

The power challenges are eroding or threatening GDP (gross domestic product) growth by almost 0,8 percentage points.

Mugaga said the ongoing electricity crisis has led to approximately 45,000 people losing their jobs or facing an industry downturn, leaving it unable to create new employment opportunities. He said:

As I talk to you, if you look at the Kariba power station, we are generating an average of 100MW.

You can imagine how terrible it is. Units 7 and 8 are generating about 600MW. They are operating well. Unit 5 is literally dysfunctional; it has a capacity of about 150MW.

Then Units 1 to 4 are producing less than 100MW. They are always under repair and failing.

On average, you will see that we are not looking at less than 45 000 human bodies who could potentially have been employed but either are losing their jobs, or no jobs are created due to the power challenges alone.

The Hwange Units 7 and 8 Expansion Project was financed by the China Exim Bank, which provided a loan of around US$1 billion. The bank also provided a loan of US$319 million for the expansion project at Kariba Hydro Power Station.

However, it remains unclear whether the lenders have legally binding authority to shut down the power station over the debt.

Zimbabwe and China maintain strong diplomatic relations, and analysts suggest that these ties will play a big role in shaping how Chinese lenders address the debt issue.

More: Pindula News



Poovho · 3 months ago
Ko zvazviri kunzi ma China may switch off units 7 & 8 over unpaid $1.4 bhirioni. Apa mava kutanga rimwe zikwereti zve, handichanzisisi hangu.
Anonymous · 4 months ago
Let's pray for rains
Anonymous · 4 months ago
Government must learn to fulfill ma agreements izvi hazvidiwe mhani
NEXT YEAR · 4 months ago
Vanodzima chii we don't owe them anything,,makomo avarikuparadza vachitora goridhe zvovharana zvakadaro
Xxx · 4 months ago
1 Billion could have eetablished a 1000MW sole plant.
Anonymous · 4 months ago
Vanodzima chii ? Magetsi akadzima kare.
Sipho · 4 months ago
Nine of that power servicing the clients that are prepaying for it anyway... most going to chinese mines...
· 4 months ago
Muchapiwa ma Sanctions ne china tinganyare piko isu
Ediots · 4 months ago
ED & Zanu-PF gvt are puppets of the Chinese. These are the results of those Mega Deals marred in corruption.
WiFi · 4 months ago
Our all weather friend, what is this you are doing?
Anonymous · 4 months ago
Now what are we saying here,that what we have in our backyard someone can dictate useage? It can not be,it can't,we can not have a situation were generation of Power is stopped,Why?
qwerty · 4 months ago
why rely on foreign investment? we are now burdened by debts
Nono · 4 months ago
top government officials are safe they installed 5kvs solar systems in their homes
Gvt Ofishau · 4 months ago
usanyepe we installed 10kva systems
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 4 months ago
Ndiwe wenga hakuna munhu akadaro
🧐 🤔 🤨 🤪 · 4 months ago
The power situation is dire zveshuwa it's all compounded neDROUGHT and Chinese are not new to such negation of nature, obviously not the payments to can be forfeited above all they have not seen the fluidity of of their projects yet, saka hongu tingangove tichi bhadhara asi hazvisi zve gun point yet Instead under such force of nurture it's just the right to time for expansivity more power projects should take shape including nuclear we need that too
VR 16 · 4 months ago
With all sorts of problems hitting the country, winning elections for these cadres really illustrates rigging. Who really votes for incompetent leaders and problems?Only God knows the scret🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The Curator · 4 months ago
Just because you have access to the free news on zero data Pindula app and seem to know everything that is going on doesn't mean everyone in Zimbabwe is on the same page. Kune vakawanda vasiri kuziva zvese izvi, and vakawanda vacho ivavo ndivo vanovhota
Kingston · 4 months ago
1.4 billion here amana😭😭😭 nyangwe tikaita ma contribution haikwane futi
apes · 4 months ago
invest in solar energy black people are so slow to react after 44yrs 32% of Zimbabwe population have access to electricity a country is failing to reach at least 3gigwats
dck · 4 months ago
even SA doesn't have half a gig
Jaison Ndlovu · 4 months ago
Zimbabwe is be comic a comic. Very interesting story. Just guard the switch room 😁😁
Jaison Ndlovu · 4 months ago
Zimbabwe is becoming a comic
tsemulaz · 4 months ago
haaa ngavadzime, tongoziva kuti hapachisitorina than kunyeperana kuti tinemagetsi Iwo achiuya 4hrs usiku vanhu varara
Corruptmore Looto · 4 months ago
Hah it is indeed the worst blackouts since the formation of the state. How can our incompetent leaders be sleeping peacefully at night while this is going on huh? Simple because they know they don't have to account for their fōōłìšh actions at the ballot supported by rigging mechanisms and a brainwashed rural electorate which literally sells the country and their future for Irvine's reject chicks and the useless pfumvudza. In a normal country no government would be able to survive this at the ballot box.
Tired Zimbo · 4 months ago
Ngavadzime,hant already zvakangofanana setisina
jivaschihwehwete@gmail.com · 4 months ago
Why zesa is not accepting domestic tariffs in USD
🏃Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 4 months ago
pasi ne China pasi nezanu ....ingodzimai henyu coz parizvino magetsi akuna saka chero mukadzima azvina zvazvinochinja go hang zanupf
007 · 4 months ago
just good ez switching off since non bt only vene benefitting
Tintin · 4 months ago
slaves of China in Zimbabwe 🤔
Poolteen · 4 months ago
dear President...
Mp · 4 months ago
pasi ne China pasi naXi

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