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Supporting ZANU PF Is Not A Sin, Says Moses Chunga

3 months agoTue, 03 Dec 2024 07:19:57 GMT
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Supporting ZANU PF Is Not A Sin, Says Moses Chunga

Football legend Moses “Bambo” Chunga has dismissed critics who claim he should not have accepted a car gift from controversial businessman Wicknell Chivayo, who has ties to ZANU PF.

Chunga, along with prominent musicians like Leonard Karigoka Zhakata and Mai Charamba, has faced accusations of hypocrisy for accepting vehicles from someone with a questionable reputation.

Speaking at Faramatsi Motors, where he was collecting his brand-new Toyota Fortuner from Chivayo, Chunga, recently returned from Belgium, scoffed at the notion that he should feel guilty about accepting the gift. He said:

There were rumours that Bambo was refusing to accept the car and some chatter about ZANU PF. I don’t think supporting ZANU PF is a sin… I appreciate [the gift] and I love my country.

On Friday, Chivayo, whose wealth remains somewhat enigmatic, announced that he would be gifting cars to Moses Chunga and veteran ZBC presenter Charles “CNN” Mabika.

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He said that the gesture was made in recognition of their contributions to football and their inspirational influence on millions of fans across Zimbabwe.

The previous Monday, Chivayo had also gifted cars to Mai Charamba, Leonard Karigoka Zhakata, and Mechanic Manyeruke. In a social media post about Chunga, Chivayo said:

[He] is the undisputed MAESTRO of Zimbabwean football – made history with his trailblazing debut in BELGIUM, becoming one of the first Zimbabwean players to showcase his talent on the INTERNATIONAL stage.

His brilliance on the pitch brought GLAMOUR and STYLE to Dynamos Football Club, the “GLAMOUR BOYS.” As a young boy, watching him play was nothing short of mesmerizing.

His CREATIVITY, VISION, and TECHNICAL SKILL were in a league of their own. Chunga didn’t just play football, he REDEFINED it and his legacy is worth an appropriate recognition.

More: Pindula News



ano · 2 months ago
sir chasara kutengera Ed mota
VaBhomba · 3 months ago
Kupfeka maretso ndokunokukonzeresai kufutaura zvenhando
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Supporting that party is not the sin - the sin is what that party does to the country .
$$1 · 3 months ago
Why busy muchitsvagana nana chivhayo vanemari dzavo iwe uripa pindula yamahara ukapiwa mota ungaramba hre ukaona uchiramba zvoreva kuti hauna kukwana magamba chaiwo akafa urikuda kuita hugamba wekutsvagira mumwe murume bsa
$$1 · 3 months ago
Ndikuona kuti makadzidza zvakanyanya asi vazhinji venyu hamuna kuchengera unoita 30 minutes typing zvinhu zvisina musoro panzvimbo yekutsvaga mari namatirai uchengeri sa solomon
mboko · 3 months ago
*huchenjeri, newewo namatira huchenjeri coz zviri kutooneka kuti uri **** haugoni kunyora
Amon · 3 months ago
Makorokoto Bambo,Sir Wicky ngavapewo Somahla Mafia Ndebele na Taso mota
Chamboko · 3 months ago
kana pasvika pakadai chero dai ndiri ini ndaitora vazhinji varikutuka it's only kuti mukana wenyu hausati wasvika ini handisi Zanu pf supporter but ndikapihwa mota ndotora chero mukawawata kuti chii
Ding Dong · 3 months ago
Bambo Zhakata Mtukudzi Manyeruke Charamba Scot players Macheso Mai Welly baba Tensen Vara Zipi Mai Vara Zipi murume wamai Vara Zipi vese vatengesi ivavo **** wako
Makatukura · 3 months ago
plus calaz,JP,Sulu,kapfupi,,,,,,,
mboko · 3 months ago
shave rehurombe ngarikusiyeyi ana baba, zvausiri mutengesi uneyi
Ding Dong · 3 months ago
Bhora hamugoni Maida kupiwa mota ne vote manje makavotera Bhora musango vana Kiti mi
Ding Dong · 3 months ago
Murikutuka Moz ndezve motaakapuwamota nekuda kwe vote here kana Bhora tambai vo Bhora racho Bmwa imi
Mashora · 3 months ago
Ndokumbiravo link yaChivhayo
Imhenyu · 3 months ago
I like it here, Pindula makagonesa kuisa macomment space panews dzenyu,,ini hangu I love opposition munyika kusiya kwemadissident or maarmed rebels,, but next time don't go and vote kana usikuwirirana nevoting constitution even those planing to form tumapato twenyu don't get into the election race with crooked electoral reforms,,if you get in it means newewo urikuzvida,saka mukazodyiwa or kubirwa blame yourself,, bcoz ukahwina or imi vavavhoti mukakunda against all odds,, will there be change to the electoral reforms when you go for next election,,NO,hamuzvichinje bcoz kupinda murace zvrimo kureva kt munozvida,,so mukakunda it shows kuti hamuchadiwo asingazvidi,, saka don't talk of rigged elections imi makapindamo mega,rega kovhota or kuvhoterwa kana usingadi mitemo irikutungamira sarudzo dzacho,, ZANUpf yacho haikumanikidzii or kukurambidzai kovhota,chinokutadzisa chii kuvhotera paunoda iwe uri wega mubox,,uye maopposition party isai vanokumirirai vakakwana pamapolling stations,zvikaverengwa pasina wenyu musazonyepera vavhota kuti mabirwa
Corruptmore Looto · 3 months ago
It isn't that Zanu PF engages in ballot stuffing but the way they get their votes which is particularly of concern to us, things like intimidating people or promising to take things which should be guaranteed to the people irrespective of your political affiliation and I have witnessed these things. Fear and being uneducated are the major drivers of these things , I have talked to people in the rural areas who really believe that Zanu PF will be able to see who they voted for and guess who threatens them like that, Zanu PF officials. The fear factor is real mate, people still remember what happened in 2008, that wasn't child play, people were actually murdered, mutilated and beaten, so you're gonna have a hard time to convince them to oppose Zanu PF again. One of them told me, 'we followed you urban folk in 2008 but what happened huh, nothing changed Zanu PF sent its youths to harass us and you where nowhere to be found' . I remained mum because what could I say, he was right, so don't go on dismissing the fear factor. Just recently someone changed her mind about voting for the opposition as soon as she was told she would lose a stand. Is that how politics work huh,the last time I checked the country belonged to all of us no one party should deny the right of people to the land because they support someone else politically. I also believe we could exist together because something that my fellow opposition supporters have failed to accept is that Zanu PF still has loyal supporters, those who don't benefit anything and are also not forced to support them, so why can't we have the US system of two party dominance where the two constantly fight for the independent voter to get power. Changing leadership once in a while is a good thing it makes sure that neither Party can dig in too deep to implement far reaching initiatives which favour it only.
Anonymous · 3 months ago
I honestly agree with u
jinginisa nhloko · 3 months ago
@Xxx iwe kana uri corrupt nefamily yekwenyu not everyone is corrupt nxaaaa asi washaya zvekutaura bustard
Xxx · 3 months ago
@jinginisa you ar corrupt in your small insignificant ways stop telling yourself lies it doesn't help
Xxx · 3 months ago
Usape mwana wako Mari yema lessons that's corruption tone kuti anosvika kupi
Jah🇿🇼Tsvarie-07 · 3 months ago
Jah🇿🇼Tsvarie-07 · 3 months ago
Chunga amanzi dibble and past iye akagowesa achibva adzingwa, saka izvozvo chete zvinotiudza the kind of Chunga we have 🤣🤣🤣
Hotstepper · 3 months ago
Zi**** rako chunga
Colonel Muarmar Gaddaffi · 3 months ago
Hotstepper · 3 months ago
**** yako chunga zipenzi
gas · 3 months ago
hapana gutsaruzhinji apo
ZimSketch · 3 months ago
idya wakanyarara iwe
Mp · 3 months ago
churches even now want your money we don't care about the source I dya Mari mose
Inini · 3 months ago
Its Cults that accept dirty money, not real Churches. The Charamba cults
aa · 3 months ago
imi vana imbwaaa munoda kuti Bambi arambe MOTA nekuti kwenyu hamusati mapiwa siyanayi naye atore kwete kumutika Mkanya anazvo ndosaka akaramba isu tikawana mukanwa wakadayi aaaaa tinosumudza maoko chaiwo mudenga
Tambaoga · 3 months ago
Very tru.
Scud · 3 months ago
Supporting Zanupf is not a crime/sin but Kudziya moto wembavha is a crime/sin.
Corruptmore Looto · 3 months ago
Individualism has destroyed this country
green · 3 months ago
Black scorpion you are correct, Mukanya ndiye une muoono chaiwo.If its real wealth, it must be spread like manure which should put on places with crisis.
Black-Scorpion · 3 months ago
yeah that's the truth
Black-Scorpion · 3 months ago
it's clearly shows that all Zimbabweans are wallowing in poverty,kkkk vamunotofungira kutii maybe they have something ndivo anamasaka manje vangori nemapent chete only Tomas Tafirinyika Mukanya Mapfumo owns something here, maybe inyaya yekutii haagare muno
Game · 3 months ago
Ndo selfishness iyo, especially yemunhu anotambura, unongoti zvangu zvaita vamwe hameno havo.
· 3 months ago
lwe une musoro usina mvura wakaitei muhupenyu uye unei chinobatika chaunacho. Chunga akasimudza vanhu vakawanda munyaya dzebhora kusanganisra vana Nyasha Mushekwi now Ari kuChina arikuzvidyira Mari dzake .
Ctrl Alt Del · 3 months ago
ndakambonzwa way back kuti baba ivava brain dzishoma bhora vaigona but musoro makazara mvura
mupanduki akatendeka · 3 months ago
vana tshabangu vakapanduka nepamusana pemari APA arohwa chekuseri na Welshman "ZANU PF" Nzubhe
Angirai Chacho · 3 months ago
Moooseeee!kubhora hakurambwe donation wheather $💰money, shooters🧦, jerseys,🚎buses&cars🛻 as well
mupanduki akatendeka · 3 months ago
Baba vaBona vakafa vatotendeuka vabuda makashata imomo.i repent of ZANU PF like behaviour right now nditambireiwo mafero ndauya kumba
KAYS · 3 months ago
Mmmmm urombo, poverty in the country which make these guys accept the gifts.Lets see if Masiyiwa will be given his jallop.
Chunga · 3 months ago
totonzwa nemi mbinga dzepa pindula
Bambo · 3 months ago
kusuppoter zanu makore uno chiratidzo chekuti newe uri mu SATANIST full stop..
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Car before country. Standard practice.
Jonga · 3 months ago
Apa muchiti ma nyika haina Mari inokwana vashandi we hurumende pihwawo nachivhayo vacho couz tax its long story Thea more people vachita dza kubhadhara this money couz more challenge nyika haina Mari pfungwa dzouraisa tenzi
mupanduki akatendeka · 3 months ago
ZANU PF is responsible for creating gehena in this nation so it's a gehenocentric entity
𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗰𝗵𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗵𝘆𝗹𝗹 · 3 months ago
amborinei. chunga
mupanduki akatendeka · 3 months ago
ane retso raakapfeka iro
Tambaoga · 3 months ago
ijira remudzimu kairi mmmmm bhora rine varoyi shuwa
🤦🏽‍♂️ · 3 months ago
Bambo havatambure zvavo, don't get it twisted. Guy has several fixed assets around the capital
Witika Witindov · 3 months ago
Ane hembe yeretso. kkkk
🦍 · 3 months ago
thus a biggest sin...
mupanduki akatendeka · 3 months ago
ZANU PF yacho haaa satani zvake kupera
Ediots · 3 months ago
desperate ediots

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