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Environmentalists Threaten Legal Action Over Lake Chivero Sewage Dumping

2 months agoTue, 17 Dec 2024 12:43:29 GMT
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Environmentalists Threaten Legal Action Over Lake Chivero Sewage Dumping

Environmental and water rights campaigners have given a 48-hour ultimatum to the City of Harare (CoH), the Environmental Management Agency (EMA), and the Upper Manyame Sub-Catchment Council (UMSCC) to decontaminate Lake Chivero and stop discharging raw sewage effluent into the primary water source.

The ultimatum was issued by the Harare Wetlands Trust (HWT), represented by Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights.

This follows a press statement by the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority, reporting the deaths of several animals due to cyanobacteria contamination in Lake Chivero.

HWT believes the pollution is caused by CoH’s continued dumping of raw sewage into the lake, leading to a loss of animal life and making the water unsafe for human consumption.

HWT argued that CoH has a constitutional obligation to protect the environment and ensure a safe and healthy environment for citizens, as outlined in sections 73 and 4(2)(g) of the Environmental Management Act.

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In the event of EMA failing to meet its demands, HWT said it will proceed to institute litigation against EMA.

In its letter to UMSCC, HWT demanded that the statutory water management body should within 24 hours furnish it with details of the cause, nature and extent of the cyanobacteria contamination of Lake Chivero and share information as to whether any measures are being taken to de-contaminate Lake Chivero and specify the nature of such measures being taken.

The Trust also demanded that UMSCC should advise it if it has issued any measures and or recommendations to prevent the recurrence of the contamination of water in Lake Chivero and specify such measures and recommendations.

Failure to do so, HWT said, would leave it with no option but to take legal action against UMSCC to compel it to furnish the environmental and water rights campaigners with the requested information.

More: Pindula News



Mandebvu · 2 months ago
Kumusha kwakanaka munopedzwa nezvirwere tarisai mumbare kuira semunogara mapenzi vakomana zvimwe gadzirisai
Rurue · 2 months ago
Zanu marara chaiwo
Meda Online · 2 months ago
Imi ma pseudo-environmentalist, cash-Activist, Human Rights lawyers and armchair critics kwenyu kungohwandira mari chete itai something to decontaminate the lake kucourt hakuna chinobuda uko.
,,,, dott · 2 months ago
Opposition party especially ccc vaura harare, main haa ha collecter zvakafanira, zvotipfura, zvoti suwa, mozoti the whole country mungai gone hre
Sir Zimbabwe · 2 months ago
@,,,,dot ko zvauri kkadhotie sezvita rako
SSS · 2 months ago
who is running the city council. ccc mauraya nyika. murimbw'a dzevanhu. kubva 2000 kusvika nhasi muchingotengesa mastands nekuba Mari musingagadzirise mahealth issues. chupet. he zanu ,he zanu kudii kwacho.
mono · 2 months ago
so ukuti opposition is bigger than zanu chero vakada kurunner the big guy will always crush the party
Yoyoyo · 2 months ago
muchama ma muchama ma
Sadheki Cheyameni🇿🇼 · 2 months ago
Ruling a country to the point of filling rivers with sewage, ZANU-PF is so pathetic that it should accept its failure to effectively govern. ZANU-PF's governance has resulted in severe environmental degradation, exemplified by rivers polluted with sewage, demonstrating its inability to effectively manage the country's resources and infrastructure.
Docile Sufferer · 2 months ago
kkkkkkkk MAti madii ne standard ye governance yamakazvisetera mega henyu
Sadheki Cheyameni🇿🇼 · 2 months ago
Kuronga nyika kusvika marwizi azara ne****, Zanu, kungobvuma kuti takundikana
Sir African · 2 months ago
Its not a question of kubvuma or kuramba. We convicted the City of Mutare for contaminating Sakubva river.The court order council to build bridges for the affected locals and to desist from furher contamination.
mono · 2 months ago
City Council yacho inobvuma here mhosva
7@$h!0n🎙👉🔊👉🎤 · 2 months ago
thank u
MangoPay · 2 months ago
Taking legal action doesn't make Chivero's water clean. These are avenues for someone 'to eat'. Cases like this is no news. We all know the ending.
Anonymous · 2 months ago
The lake needs to be emptied completely, dried out then refilled with 'clean' water. Re-route HCC sewerage pipe elsewhere.

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