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Advocate Mpofu Condemns Use Of Financial Muscle To Cancel Winky D's HICC Concert

2 months agoFri, 20 Dec 2024 08:30:45 GMT
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Advocate Mpofu Condemns Use Of Financial Muscle To Cancel Winky D's HICC Concert

Advocate Thabani Mpofu has called on the Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDA) to dissociate itself from an event sponsored by Kuda Tagwirei, which led to the cancellation of Winky D’s New Year’s Eve performance at the Harare International Conference Centre (HICC).

According to ZimLive, Tagwirei, through his Bridging Gaps Foundation, paid the Rainbow Tourism Group US$245,000 to use the HICC during the time Winky D had booked the venue.

The foundation reserved the venue on behalf of the SDA Church, of which Tagwirei is a devoted member.

Advocate Mpofu, also a member of the SDA Church but aligned with Nelson Chamisa rather than ZANU PF, criticized the move.

Earlier this month, Winky D’s legal counsel, Tsunga Law International, stated that the venue owners decided to prioritize another event on December 31, 2024, despite an established agreement with Winky D.

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The law firm claimed that the venue had been secured gor Winky D’s show as early as May 2024, with all necessary arrangements in place for the show.

Posting on X this Friday, Advocate Mpofu condemned the use of financial power to act against the public interest. Below are Advocate Mpofu’s comments:

I’m compelled to share my genuine substantive concerns about the Winky D, Tagwireyi and HICC saga.

It appears that Tagwireyi, through his Bridging Gaps foundation, (which on the evidence has created more gaps than it has bridged), made a lucrative offer to HICC, essentially enticing them to abandon their long-standing partnership with Winky D.

The offer according to ZIMLIVE included booking a massive 200 rooms for five days, which translates to accommodating 200 couples (possibly threatening the city’s entire supply of Congo Dust) at the expense of more than 8000 poor Zimbabweans who were eagerly awaiting Winky D’s performance.

Winky D’s performances are as we all know, therapeutic as they are emancipating and are for that reason not just a musical journey but constitute much needed balm for the bruised and broken souls of those trampled upon.

This situation raises serious moral concerns. It highlights how the financially powerful can exert their influence to get what they want, even if it goes against the public interest.

Put differently, not only are they able to drive you to penury but they can also then use their muscle to rob you of your only source of solace. This sets a dire precedent and must drive fear into our broken hearts.

What then is to stop the financially powerful from buying off lawyers representing their opponents, bribing judges or adjudicators in public procurement or generally exploiting vulnerable individuals simply because they can and because it makes economic sense for the person(s) receiving the money to take it?
Indeed, what is to stop them from taking your wife simply because they are able to offer more? This is more sinister than the superficial commentary on these streets makes out.

This disregard for principles is alarming. In a civilized society, right must triumph over might, and we must respect the soft territory of others even if they are financially weaker than us. This does not require written rules or concluded contracts. It is a matter of common decency.

Winky D has an obligation to satisfy the expectations of his fans. For an entire year, the fans have been eagerly anticipating this annual celebration and solace, only to be deprived of it because someone with greater economic power has swooped in.

This is unacceptable and has no place in a fair and just society. This is why it is wrong. This is why all civilized sentiment must rage against it. This is why I condemn it without equivocation.

And a religious organization must never get entangled in this kind of nonsense. Wapusa Wapusa was able to avoid it for the entire duration of its phantom existence!

More: Pindula News



Xx · 2 months ago
Mose murikuri Tagwireyi ashandisa Mari kudzvinyirira show ku HICC hee hee ,seyi murikuzara ku Arundel hospital kuda kurapwa mahara ne Mari dzake,tirikuvaona vachiuyako vamwe vanotaurisa muma newspaper variko ikoko .Ma Advocate aya kana usina Mari havakumiririre ,ndeve vane Mari .Isu amongst the 8000 poor kutaura chokwadi HICC hatisununguke kunana Chitown bhoo, don't worry next year pa Mabvuku stadium pfacha na Winky
Zabalaza · 2 months ago
The sad thing about those supporting Tagwirei whilst hiding behind the business arguments is the barrenness of your morality. Then of course there are the economic rapists who run everything like a guerilla camp where their desires trump everything, Zimbabwe has become corrupted by economic saboteurs and heartless party psychopaths who don't understand that human decency is more important versus legal supremacy
coni · 2 months ago
masavadha ukanzwa achitsoropodza vanhu vanoenda kuchech Sunday unoti ingirozi vatsvene haiwa chechi yasatani mbune
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Mamwe maChurch soo
Meda Online · 2 months ago
Kuda kubvunzawo nhai abiyangu..... unogona kuita zvinhu zvese izvi panguva imwe chete usingave compromised. kuva an advocate human rights activist aligned with the opposition not the ruling party but uri a devout member of a Christian church....
Meda Online · 2 months ago
Zimbabwe is open for business.....
trababalas ruka ****to John chivende · 2 months ago
open for business indeed
Ken Nyati · 2 months ago
Advocate, thank you! You are one of the few.
watson mutetwa · 2 months ago
haaaaa dai ndirini ndairaramq sa winky d pamwe dai ndakafa ini cz ndoda violence
boss Tate · 2 months ago
Wonky ngaasiyane navo atsvake kumwe ngaauye chitown Ku aquatics complex · 2 months ago
tsvaga kumwe izvo zvevanorema siyana nazvo chikuru kufema
Richard Samanga · 2 months ago
It's about business. Rainbow Towers chose where it could maximise profits. That the poor Zimbos were deprived of joy is just political waffling.
Anonymous · 2 months ago
It’s not about business because someone booked as early as May, go into any civilization if you go to any place to book and it’s already booked nomatter what you offer they don’t push out the person who booked first unless they have an agreement
Sexmore Mudapakati · 2 months ago
kkkk congo dust yenyu garai matenge vanhu vesombo vabhukq 200rooms
lagana · 2 months ago
ma sombo clats
@double 6💪 · 2 months ago
Gafa i Gafa Boyz Ibotso
mono · 2 months ago
hicc haisi yewinky haana mashares ikoko haana contribution yanoisa muzimbabwe in terms of economy its just mafans adelusional and crazy
Corruptmore Looto · 2 months ago
Now this is just blatant ignorance. How can someone who claims to have went to school think that an economy is only made up of manufacturing 😂😂, services like concerts are also a big part of the economy 'doy😂'. As long as money is exchanging hands that's good for the economy.
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Well said...but remember our Country is manufacturing educated fools😭😭 coz how can a normal person say concerts aren't economically beneficial to the country
Chuchu · 2 months ago
SDA is my church but Tagwirei n the Ziyambi Ziyambi are dragging our church into politics... Leaders of the churches where are you
🤦🏽‍♂️ · 2 months ago
The Church has sold out bro
Vic Venom · 2 months ago
The level of bitterness by the little man Mpofu is indicative of a disturbing trend that is emerging in Zimbabwe...The HICC does not have an exclusivity clause with Winky D and thus it is free to engage with other paying clients... You would swear the entity known as Winky D was some gullible indy artist who was duped out of a venue..If he is the big musician that his sycophantic fans claim to be he should have no problem securing another venue unless it is all smoke and mirrors...Vic Venom is glad that the HICC made the financially sound decision which will ensure that they remain viable rather than persisting with the Winky D charade... Even Thabani Mpofu confirmed that the HICC would have made a loss...Rant over sanity restored
just me talking · 2 months ago
@Vic Venom ,at least you are writing in English,You know I respect other people s language but its refreshing to read something in English instead of this Japanese language that we see a lot here.Its the language that brought us to confusion.
dok25 · 2 months ago
It is no different to what you have been doing when you are promised something before an election and you see it normal for people to break or ignore promises, and you never take them to task. With tourism growing the move by the hotel to break or ignore a contract can dent the country's reputation as tourists will feel that they may be stranded for accommodation after they booked months before and be told at the hotel reception that their place or places were given to richer people
Vic Venom · 2 months ago
@ dok25 the hotel had no legal and binding contract with Winky D....Just a verbal agreement which has no legal standing in a court of law...If Winky D was that aggrieved and had any legitimate claims he could have gone to court...Winky D should have matched Tagwrirei' s offer if he was that determined to have his overhyped show at HICC...Rant over sanity restored
Simbarashe Dodidema · 2 months ago
"captured courts" laugh out loud Madedido
· 2 months ago
Its all noncense, just spend time at home with your family.Churches and nightclubs are for dunderheads,it's all noise pollution.Me I don't drink alcohol, I don't smoke cigarettes, I also don't attend church because it's all nonsense.You spend the whole night dancing and getting drunk in a Winky D concert,the other fockolls spend the night singing and praying to an invisible old bearded white man in the sky.We also used to go to church before,it doesn't change anything,you can still die in a car accident from a night of worship,God doesn't give a f.u.c.k . Israel is busy bombing Gaza, Lebanon and now Syria all in the name of God,Noncense.Just spend time with your family,go watch a movie,take your family to a restaurant.Stop chasing exterior things.Stop wasting your money on tithe and alcohol,spend it on your family.
laugh emoji1
gunvosta · 2 months ago
elder vakatsamwa kkkk · 2 months ago
praying to an invisible old bearded white man in the sky.... mukuru apo pane zveari kudenga chimbo mirayi! thnks neimwe advise
Noob · 2 months ago
You don't oppose bato rinotonga ask Mukanya but Mukanya idununu dai makangopihwa den plus mota naChivhayo - look now makutinesa kuti tiite dollar dollar pamunhu nekuti imba yenyu yakatsva.Makati Joni Joni iweee kabereka mwana tiende muchitiza Bob but 2nd republic haina mhosva nemi asi makada kufadza povho 😂😂😂😂
Prime · 2 months ago
Saka Mukanya arikupinda papu panysya iyi?
cde che guveira · 2 months ago
why not purchase hospital basics with the $245k and donate it to hospitals
Editor · 2 months ago
the problem with zim you want to politicise everything for no reason...where politics is not necessary u see them using it. And to the SDA church the church that whats to be holy what type of conference would you have while you know u suppress someone... .
readers forum · 2 months ago
Tagwirei ndeweikoo nhai can't ran away from reality.. akatoitaa maone knowing kt pane aripo same time..
Mp · 2 months ago
Winky D ngapinde SDA onoridza kumba kwa Tagwirei
laugh emoji3
Baba Jukwa · 2 months ago
Saka ibotso.

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