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ZIMRA Door to Door Inspections: Our Government Cannot be That Desperate

2 months agoFri, 20 Dec 2024 08:28:15 GMT
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ZIMRA Door to Door Inspections: Our Government Cannot be That Desperate

By Engineer Jacob Kudzayi Mutisi

Zimbabweans are grappling with one of the highest tax burdens in the world, facing exorbitant charges for government services that only seem to increase. In a startling turn of events, according to The Herald, the government has resorted to door-to-door inspections of imported goods, a tactic that underscores the dire financial situation the country finds itself in. When ZIMRA revenue officers begin inspecting pantries and kitchens for groceries, demanding customs duty receipts, it is clear that Zimbabwe has hit rock bottom.

Under President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s regime, the government has faced numerous challenges, not least of which is the rampant corruption that has led to the looting of public funds. This mismanagement has left the state financially crippled, forcing it to seek out increasingly bizarre and desperate measures to raise revenue. The sight of government officials knocking on doors to check for food items imported from South Africa is not just alarming, it is a stark representation of a government that has lost its way.

Imagine the scene, a government official stands at your door, requesting entry to inspect your pantry or kitchen lockers for any food that may have crossed the border. They demand to see customs receipts for items that families often rely on, sent by loved ones seeking to provide a lifeline to those back home. It is a surreal and almost comedic situation, yet it highlights the absurd lengths to which the government is willing to go to collect taxes.

Zimbabwe’s economy is plagued by the highest inflation rates in the world, which has decimated purchasing power and left many citizens struggling to meet basic needs. With very few factories producing goods domestically, many families depend on food sent from abroad, particularly from South Africa. This reliance on imported goods has now become a target for government taxation, as Mnangagwa’s regime seeks to capitalise on every avenue available to alleviate its financial woes.

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The situation is made even more ironic by the fact that citizens are already heavily taxed. The country has a complex web of taxes, including income tax, value-added tax and customs duties, among others. It seems that every effort made by citizens to cope with their suffering is met with further taxation. The idea that the government would stoop to inspecting kitchens for food items is a new low, one that many Zimbabweans never thought they would witness.

Adding to the frustration is the lack of organised political opposition to challenge these absurdities. The current political landscape is fragmented, leaving citizens feeling powerless against a regime that seems more focused on squeezing every last cent from its people than addressing the underlying economic issues. The absence of a strong opposition leaves the government unchallenged in its actions, no matter how bizarre or intrusive they may be.

Zimbabwe is at a critical juncture, where the government’s desperate attempts to raise funds have led to absurd measures like door-to-door inspections of private homes. This situation reflects a broader trend of mismanagement and corruption that has plagued the country for years. As Zimbabweans continue to endure one of the highest tax burdens globally, it is evident that the government’s policies are only exacerbating the crisis, leaving citizens to wonder what will come next in this ongoing saga of economic hardship.

Tiri pama one chaiwo



Sam · 2 months ago
Zvinenge zvapfuura sei kuma border ne security iriko😂😂🤣
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Yup, looting, looting, looting. These guys need to retire in their Dubai mansions, and set the people free from the paying Zanu PF a Xmas box for all they've done for us, namely: no power, no water, police harassment, over taxation, suppression, dilapidated infrastructure, and of course, their incompetence just killed 4 rhino, and is responsible for outbreaks of cholera and typhoid. Never mind Xmas box, why are we paying them Jan/Feb/Mar/Apr/May etc Xmas boxes too?
laugh emoji2
Anonymous · 2 months ago
The govt shud be desperate. They must stop corruption at borders by the same Zimra. Industry is collapsing again coz of dollar for two in the making. Anyone who doesn't support banning of imported goods that aren't permissible is very corrupt or just hater of Zimbabwe
Anonymous · 2 months ago
How much tax is being collected from gold and diamond mining? And from farming?
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Ndiko kunzi kupererwa nemazano
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Disparate government biz buy expensive cars musingagone kugadzirisa nyika duty ramunoda pa grocery ndereyi control ur inflation mosiyana nesu humbavha siyai
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Rovlai imbwa idzitooa motor dzeZimra pisai mthuli wacho ngaafambire mudenga matombo ngaashande guys ngavasarambe vachitijairira
citizen · 2 months ago
Zvoitwa neZIMRA kufarisa chaiko.Vanozviita vana ani vanopinda mudzimba dzevanhu.Vakatemwa nemasanhu kana kuroveswa nezvidhoma vanopa ani mhosva.Siyanai nekupinda mudzimba dzevanhu.Basa ndere kupedzera mari kumazimota,nekungopanana mari zvisina logic.Kuita kunge vanhu vari kulooter kekupedzisira.MaLaw makers rudziii anozvifunga.Saka munoti tinozvifarira zvamunotiitira ,zvatinyerere.Muchasvoda nerimwe remazuva.Denga hari rambi rinyerere.Handimi vanhu vega vanofanira kungosangana nezvakanaka.
Jah🇿🇼Tsvarie-07 · 2 months ago
Sometimes you will think the policy makers are fighting the current government indirectly, truly no-one will vote for taxes like these...
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Pasi naED nezanu pf yake
Rurue · 2 months ago
pasi pasi naye tshabangu dai afa
ScarfMore Tarabal-Babalasi · 2 months ago
Hello Zimbabweans, we need that smuggled food urgently to feed MP's and our green bombers for Xmas. Then if there is any left we will stock it at Raj Modis new supermarkets to get some cash back in our pockets. So please smuggle in as much as you can for xmas and new year.. We really appreciate the free food that you will "donate" to our much-loved zanu pf
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 2 months ago
The dictatorial tentacles of oppression being stretched out by the ruinous ZANUPF..
EXpenses · 2 months ago
Mwari pindirai, itai zvamakaita Sodomah neGomorah pamakore aye.Itai kuda kwenyu, ukuru hwenyu huonekwe paynika yeZimbabwe.Mwari just destroy and start a new government not this second republic.
comical · 2 months ago
pedze wohwaa rimwe richitii 2030
Patz · 2 months ago
Ndopaunonzwa mamwe mabharanzi achitii what what 2030
Ini Zvangu · 2 months ago
Vakauya kwangu nedzungu ndinova m a m i s a
Gh · 2 months ago
to me, Zim is more desperate than than
Trabablas · 2 months ago
Saka unochengeta receipt kusvika rini
zig zigler · 2 months ago
mmm why stooping so low
Mp · 2 months ago
Come any time isu tine maputi ne freezit mangayi mbeva
Voltaire · 2 months ago
Ukaonekwa une mbeva vachafonera vanhu ve Parks vouya kuzokusunga
eho · 2 months ago
kkkkkkk hayas pindula kuseri kwekuseri🙌🙌🙌🙌

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