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Kombi Driver Attempts To Overtake Right-Turning Audi, Causes Fatal Collision

2 months agoMon, 30 Dec 2024 10:38:27 GMT
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Kombi Driver Attempts To Overtake Right-Turning Audi, Causes Fatal Collision

Police in Masvingo have launched an investigation into a fatal crash that occurred on Friday morning along Roy-Chiredzi Road, stemming from an overtaking error.

According to a statement from the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP), the incident took place around 11:30 AM at the 43 km peg along the road.

A kombi, carrying 12 passengers and travelling towards Chiredzi, attempted to overtake an Audi A6 Sedan. However, as the Audi was turning right, the two vehicles collided. The ZRP said:

Police in Masvingo are investigating a fatal road traffic accident which occurred at the 43 km peg along Roy-Chiredzi Road on 27/12/24 at around 1130 hours.

A Toyota Hiace kombi with 12 passengers on board was travelling towards Chiredzi following behind an Audi A6 Sedan vehicle which was carrying three passengers on board.

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The Toyota Hiace Kombi tried to overtake the Audi vehicle which was turning to the right resulting in a collision.

Subsequently, one person died on admission at Musiso Mission Hospital while 14 others were injured.

The statement added that the body of the victim was taken to Musiso Mission Hospital mortuary for post-mortem while the injured were admitted at the same hospital.

More: Pindula News



Chikomborero Hove · 2 months ago
Drivers let's be very careful this can be avoided...
Freedom Fighter · 2 months ago
All drivers are wrong, an Audi driver was supposed to alert behind vehicle by signaling even if it was at the intersection, a Combi driver is also wrong for overtaking where it is not necessary to do so.He was supposed to exercise extra caution and to be more vigilant a well.
vharazipi · 2 months ago
it's an accident but kana uchitevegwa nengombi haitene tene hiace first · 2 months ago
Audi driver apa ngatimbo musiyai drver wecombi ane problem kna uchinzi u must exercise caution when following vehicle ahead zvinomboreveyi?Plz macombi drivers itayi serious life yakakosha don't estimate when driving behind another vehicle.
ngonjo · 2 months ago
maKombi driver dzimwe dzacho imboko.Shungu dzake waida kutaura ropa.Zvino zvaakaponda munhu,wochipembera nedzinza rake.Mhondi dzevanhu ****
Russian · 2 months ago
lets look both side who might be wrong there
Stepfather 🚶 · 2 months ago
The kombi driver was wrong.How can he overtake on ana intersection.Even if the Audi driver didn't show his intentions to turn he should have exercised caution.Defencive ndozvainotaura kuti unodriver mota yako iri pamberi neiri shur_e kwako.Aifanira kungotarisira kuti pane intersection saka munhu anogona kungotena asina kuisa signal
Russian · 2 months ago
sorry l don't have a license. l want to ask a question. what if the driver who was in Audi vehicle indicated what was the driver who was in a kombi supposed to do since him too was overtaking on right turn
HiLLBiLLIES VOLkSWAGEN 0774857233 · 2 months ago
. · 2 months ago
following to closely
Tttttt · 2 months ago
Ma roads should have an island pa center to avoid this. Engineers # Gov they need to go back on drawing board fast. Nyaya yekuti vamwe driving on far right against oncoming traffic yashupa in Zimbabwe and you wonder where are the city father's shuwa
jack · 2 months ago
culpable homicide, vanomukanda mukati mfana wekombi
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Bad, dangerous overtaking has become endemic on our roads. Meanwhile our valiant police force is there to ensure you have a radio licence!!!
Bolts kumunhu · 2 months ago
You are just an ïnânê scoffer..Police presence on the roads is necessary to deter accidents and not to collect licence fees for radios
§hûmb@ · 2 months ago
I think the Audi driver was drunk
😎 · 2 months ago
How, ko kana iriye faulty indicator, zvakare pa intersection of the road hapaitwe ma theatrics oku overtaker, hapamirwimirwi but you slow down or overtake on your left lane watching out cyclist pedestrians along the yellow lane
gumlaz · 2 months ago
ndoona skuti pakaisa we Audi indicator wekombi kwakuti akundiudza kuti pinda road yakanaka ndo maiitiro avanoita vapfanha vemakombi nxaaa
War Veteran · 2 months ago
did the driver indicate kuti he was turning
Bolts kumunhu · 2 months ago
good question.this type of critical thinking does not exist within the opposition ranks in Zimbabwe that is why ZANU PF will rule forever in perpetuity

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