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New Education Guidelines Ban Corporal Punishment In Schools

2 months agoFri, 03 Jan 2025 12:59:38 GMT
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New Education Guidelines Ban Corporal Punishment In Schools

The latest guidelines from the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education explicitly prohibit teachers from administering corporal punishment and encourage parents and guardians to adopt innovative and lawful methods for disciplining children.

These guidelines stress the importance of fostering a culture of self-discipline and respect among students, moving away from fear-based disciplinary methods.

The amended Section 68A of the Education Act (Chapter 25:04) mandates that all schools establish a disciplinary framework that upholds the dignity of pupils.

The Act clearly prohibits any treatment that constitutes physical or psychological torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading punishment.

According to the Ministry’s guidelines, teachers are strictly forbidden from beating up students under any circumstances. The statement reads:

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The regulations and disciplinary policy does not permit any treatment which (i) does not respect human dignity of a pupil or (ii) amount to physical or psychological torture, or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

The guidelines provide a clear framework for disciplining students, which includes measures such as suspension, exclusion, and expulsion.

Any decision to exclude a student must receive prior approval from the Provincial Education Director (PED) and should be accompanied by comprehensive documentation detailing the student’s misconduct.

Expulsions are reserved for serious offenses, including drug abuse, theft, fighting, or vandalism. The guidelines state:

In view of the above, every school head should therefore strive to cultivate a school climate where pupils will/ can develop internal discipline which is not initiated by fear of punishment.

At the school level, leadership should strive to promote a positive ethos which promotes self-discipline among pupils supported by positive remedial disciplinary and proactive measures so that the priority focus on teaching and learning is maintained.

The guidelines further stipulate that a student expelled from a school cannot be re-admitted to the education system without the approval of the Permanent Secretary of Primary and Secondary Education.

The ministry said no school should exclude a learner without the knowledge of the PED. The document states:

Exclusion is the removal of a pupil from a particular school by the head for reasons in the best interests of either the pupil, parent or the school.

Comprehensive documentation of the pupil’s misdemeanour or deviant behaviour and circumstances surrounding the incidence must accompany the head’s request for exclusion.

All the administrative functions, tasks and ultimate exclusion should be done within 14 days.

An excluded student can submit an online application for admission to any other registered school without needing to consult the Provincial Education Director (PED).

The document states that if communication challenges arise with any parents or guardians, the social welfare system should be engaged for support.

Expulsion may be considered based on the severity of evidence regarding a student’s involvement in serious misconduct. Such misconduct includes, but is not limited to:

  • Drug and substance abuse
  • Theft, fraud, and robbery
  • Fighting and assault
  • Use of dangerous weapons
  • Sexual misconduct
  • Continued disobedience or insubordination
  • Destruction or vandalism of property
  • Prolonged absenteeism or truancy without a valid excuse

Additional grounds for expulsion include fraudulent practices during public examinations and involvement in criminal activities.

More: Pindula News



Jack · 2 months ago
not fair to children teacher don't finish stress ye pamba Ku Bana
anonymous · 2 months ago
that's very true to you Jack wonderful guts
General Lee · 2 months ago
patoratidza kuti hutungamiriri hwatinahwo munyika hwadzokera kucolonial rule zvakare, kana bhaibheri rinoti mwana unorangwa saka Iwo ma structures ehurumende vachibvumirana zvimutemo zvakadhakwa, ngavachirega kuchema nedrug abuse nekuti ndovarikuzvikurudzira.
Saka bhoo · 2 months ago
secondary socialization heyo musango . pamwe panodao shamhu guys but mwana anorangwa not kurohwa zvisina order
Saka bhoo · 2 months ago
vaschaitira mjolo mu staff room muchavaona. teacher vanotozorasa ma jombo asiiwamo
Saka bhoo · 2 months ago
Taylor's scientific management theory inotii
TelAviv · 2 months ago
Pasingashashande shamhu panooneka pega, painoshandawo maresults munoaona mega.
Jt · 2 months ago
Hanzi mwana rovai mbama...
👍 · 2 months ago
charity begins at home 🏠 ignore that child and make sure that his or her parents are the best teachers in the universe
generari · 2 months ago
vana ngavarohwe
Comrade Trabablas the First · 2 months ago
Kana toti Smith Regime was better zvonzi tashata
Comrade Trabablas the First · 2 months ago
Zvema dhidho izvo vana koda naana rombo. Asi ndiwo madedido acho here
Hwesa · 2 months ago
No Shamhu no good breed. Shamhu ndiyo chiranga kapenzi.
tight · 2 months ago
some ordar · 2 months ago
chief hwenje vafa
LOOTMORE · 2 months ago
abc · 2 months ago
...typo. miscalculated curriculum...
V · 2 months ago
Iyo zanu ichiuraira munhu vote, ngavatisiye titange vana vedu **** avo
abc · 2 months ago
T · 2 months ago
Hakuna Europe yakadai, zanu irikuda kuti vana vakure vari ma sascam
Freedom Fighter · 2 months ago
Hatidi kurasa tsika dzechivanhu nekuda kwevanhu vanoda kutora mukana wekutsigira zvakaipa kuvana.vatungamiriri vematunhu madzishe tisvitsireivo nyaya iyi ikoko kumusoro tidzoke pachinyakare chedu kana zvichibvira hurumende ngaingoita kuti vanhu vasarudze zvavanoda by casting votes kwete kuti mwana andiudze magaramoyo ndichiona nhamo nekurara ndakasvinura ndichisvinurira zvakadaro,Madzimambo tibatsireiwo panyaya iyi tidzose chivanhu chedu chaicho kuda zvingavake dwmangwana revana vedu
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Wisdom is in your bones
Optimus · 2 months ago
This is a clear cut attack on the future generations. A generation that know no discipline is a weak generation. A generation that cannot fight back. This is power consolidation.
Optimus · 2 months ago
Why is corporal punishment classified as punishment yet expulsion is not classified as punishment?
FREEDOM FIGHTER · 2 months ago
Gvt yedu haikoshese upenyu hwevana vechidiki,hazvina zvazvinoreva kuti mwana asarohwe pachikoro. kudhara taiziva kuti ukawikwa uchiputa fodya pachikoro chero kumba kwanga kusingasvikike nyore,zvaichenvetedza dignity yemhuri yaunobva zvino zvava kuda kuti Zimbabwe ticheme izwi rimwe chete rinofanira kusvika kuParliament kuti kusarohwa kwemwana kunouraya hupenyu hwevana like akadzidza kuba,kuita mabasa ebonde ari kuchikoro saka ini semubereki ndomuita sei mwana kana ndichinzi ndisarove mwana,ok vangazive sei zvakanaka nezvakaipa kana vakasapota vachirohwa.
nyamss · 2 months ago
vana vasinga rohwe indururan chaidzo
liberty · 2 months ago
nyika yazosunungurwa manje, handei tione
The Mayor · 2 months ago
My advise to you fellow teachers is ' just dont beat them up' becoz you might lose you job and those so-called peanuts that u are being paid trying to discipline someone else's child. Let the parents deal with their children and deal with your own children. Your hands are tied and thez nothing you can do about it.
Mudhibhisi · 2 months ago
Kana Uri tr Rega zvakadaro nyika ndiyo ichamuraira at an even greater expense to the nation.Tr anotova nestress ye salary musawedzerwe imwe stress. Kana nyika ichitongwa nembavha,inotoda kt mbavha dziwande. REGAZVAKADARO KANI.
citizen · 2 months ago
Muzive kuti vana vacho vanotoverengavo nhau dzinonyorwa idzi.Zvino chionai kuti basa ragadzirwa.Ingaita nyika here inonzi mwana haarohwi.Zvino isu zvatairangwa takafa.Chivarererai mutray tione kwamosvika.Ikozvino munotaura kuti ama 2000 atemesa nyika musoro,hantiti kuita kwenyu vanhu vakuru.Bible chairo rinotaura kuti munhu wakafanigwa nekurangwa neshamhu kana akaita upenzi.Isu tiri vanhu vatema-maAfricans tine mararamiro netsika dzedu.Ko sei tisingagutsikani nezvokwedu.Takarasima nezve mwana waMrs.Hapana hapana kugadzira madzenga achazogara achititemesa musoro.Ama 2000 hameno imboitai tione.
Elder Micho · 2 months ago
A recipe for grooming a rebellious behavior munyika,,asi zvakanaka in 15 years time vanenge vagadzirisa nyika
Mp · 2 months ago
vana ngava Rowe
Vic Venom · 2 months ago
Look at the savages and barbarians crashing out because all colonial laws are being repealed 😂😂😂😂...Rant over sanity restored
Optimus · 2 months ago
Children had corporal punishment administered to them traditionally in African culture way before colonization. I seen all you post. You are a shame.
matrix · 2 months ago
its good that we have this pronouncement. vana venyu vacharangwa munyika .Ndimi muchange muchivaunzira sadza kuRemand prison. muri kupembedza mapenzi enyuka. Kana vari vasikana vachatamba chipisi kubawa kuti vawane quarter yegreen bar.
Jeke · 2 months ago
Good move, tuma new teachers twaaKuuya tuma ama 2k utwo, tungatiurayire vana. Hatuzive chinonzi kuranga mwana. Check cases evana varikufa vauraiwa nekurohwa in our societies & check the parents ages.
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Pane akambofa kuchikoro here nhai vamuzivi. Why sending your child to a person whom you disparage so much. Hanzi tuma new teachers ko I've uri ,aii nhaiwe? You lack maregisters your mouth is full of filthy ,a Guage ende ndizvo zvauri kutodzidzisa mwana wako kushaya hunhu
Ediots · 2 months ago
That's a plus.
chapwititi · 2 months ago
vanofarira kubviswa kweshamhu muzvikoro farirai zvenyu asi what I know is your children will be disciplined using metal bars ( simbi)instead of shamhu kana vazokura vasina discipline nema age mates avo anenge asinawo discipline saivo.anyone who opposes what GOD said is an agent of the devil 👿. .GOD gave us the right to beat our children using the rod ( shamhu ) to maintain discipline
Corruptmore Looto · 2 months ago
One of the very few good initiatives from the REGIME, I give praise where it's due, one can only hope for such progressive mindsets to cross into the economic sphere of influence and be done with archaic policies which rotate on the command economy and employ more feasible market led initiatives.
Vic Venom · 2 months ago
Another great initiative by the government which aligns us with the civilized world...For too long savagery and barbarism has been festering in our schools with psychotic teachers dealing out corporal punishment as if their lives depended on it... There is no relation between corporal punishment and good behavior but rather the opposite is true... Corporal punishment has been known to create adults with deeply entrenched anger and violence who are prone to lashing out instead of addressing their feelings in more constructive ways.... I would advise the schools to have permanent counselors at school so that those children that are having behavioral issues can be addressed in a more civilized manner rather than via corporal punishment....The education system in Zimbabwe is about to soar to new heights as children will no longer have a deep-rooted fear for their teachers..... Thank you benevolent Ministry of Education for your magnanimous gesture , the future is bright....Rant over sanity restored
The Curator · 2 months ago
The so-called civilised world is currently suffering with the effects of banning corporal punishment of students in schools. That's why there's an increase in incidents of school shootings and bombings by fellow students, suicides and gang activities.
Vic Venom · 2 months ago
😂😂😂 do you seriously believe what you are saying??....There are plenty of reasons why such phenomena occur and they have nothing to do with corporal punishment...Am sure if they had corporal punishment it would have been 10X more... Most cases of school shootings are caused by individuals with deep rooted psychological problems something no amount of corporal punishment will ever solve... Another cause is the decline in living standards in society which again cannot be solved by corporal punishment...Next time do your research before spewing nonsense...Rant over sanity restored
Joe Cool · 2 months ago
Is school kids fighting really a “serious misconduct”? Should prisons be closed to stop adults “fearing punishment”?
Legend · 2 months ago
shamhu ndiyo inoshanda kumwana
Comrade Ndasuwa Hondo · 2 months ago
kuno hakuzi stetsi muno kambudzi kes****(deviant behaviour) kanoguta shamhu vana shamhu kumunhu

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