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HomeCrime and Courts

Court Blocks Headman's Request To Inspect Mugabe's Grave

2 months agoFri, 10 Jan 2025 11:43:12 GMT
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Court Blocks Headman's Request To Inspect Mugabe's Grave

A Chinhoyi magistrate, Kudzanai Mahaso, blocked a Zvimba headman, Tinos Manongovere, from inspecting the gravesite of former President Robert Mugabe, reported NewsDay.

Manongovere’s request for an “inspection in loco” was opposed by Mugabe’s children, Bona, Robert Jr., and Bellarmine Chatunga, who argued the application lacked procedural and substantive compliance.

In a December 20, 2024 ruling, Magistrate Mahaso noted the children’s opposition. The magistrate subsequently granted Manongovere leave to file a response to this opposition, with a deadline of December 31, 2024. Said Mahaso:

Unfortunately, nothing was filed of record in response. Be that as it may, I am constrained to make a ruling on the application based on the papers filed of record.

Manongovere argued that Mugabe’s burial inside a house violated Zvimba traditions and customs, asserting that an on-site inspection (“inspection in loco”) was essential to resolving this factual dispute. Said Mahaso:

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According to the respondent, the basis of the application is to enable the court to observe real evidence in addition to oral evidence and ascertain whether or not the late former president was buried inside a house or not.

Following the application filed by the respondent, the appellants raised a preliminary objection to the effect that the application for the inspection in loco is defective…

An inspection in loco remains at the discretion of the court. It is not automatic that when a litigant requests for an inspection, such an application is granted.

There are no factual nor legal reasons established by the appellant to show that the judicial officer had predetermined the matter simply because she dismissed an application for an inspection in loco.

An inspection in loco is, indeed, at the discretion of the court. It should be noted that the previous inspection in loco was not done at a private property.

Last month, the court visited the empty mausoleum at the National Heroes Acre, intended for Mugabe’s burial.

Magistrate Mahaso noted that Manongovere’s request for an “inspection in loco” pertained to a private residence, not a public site. He said:

This, in my view, should be conducted with the full consent of the property owner in order not to infringe property rights.

Such an infringement may cause undue prejudice to the appellants.

This is so because entering someone’s property without permission amounts to trespass.

In any event, there are alternative means of obtaining such evidence, for example, through evidence from witnesses in order to resolve the factual dispute.

I also wish to add that inasmuch as the inspection in loco may be germane to the resolution of a factual dispute, the right to privacy is fundamental and ought to be respected.

More: Pindula News



𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖉 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖐 · 2 months ago
I think this headman muroyi, what does he want from the dead? Leave the dead alone.
Tee1 · 2 months ago
Rodex · 2 months ago
Ko agodii kunoita inspection kumaakuva emadzitateguru ake than Robert . Siyai baba Bhona vazorure murugare
Koda · 2 months ago
busy nezvisina basa regai tione huroyi uyo
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Kupenga uku unodei pakdhara kaye uchitadza kuti ED pfee. Shumba vanogona kwete mbweyete, gushing.
Talent · 2 months ago
Witchcraft. Let him rest fukunurai hama dzenyu.
GPZ · 2 months ago
ko vamwe vanhu vanofa zvisinganzwisisike munombozivawo here nezvavo sezvo muchida maparts nemapfupa evashakabvu. hatichakuchenesei pane mashura anoitika muno munyika
Black Mambazo · 2 months ago
busy kuda kufukura mugabe
Freedom Fighter · 2 months ago
Nhai kuswero temesa vanhu musoro,what's the problem with you obsessed people, you are the messengers of Satan's congregants.Nhai Mr Garwe mukunyanyodei chaizvo pane wakafa chinokurwadzai chii imi muri imi kakonzeresa kufa kwake hanty makaita cue nekusamuda pachigaro saka mukurwadziwa nei pakuvigwa kwake.Ok ko vamwe vese vakaramba kuvigwa paHeroes Acre mukuregerei kunovachera kwavakavigwa sika sika naMugabe wadiiiiii kana mashaya zvekuita naicho chivillage head chenyu chamuri kutuma icho enda munorova ndari kuZvishavane uko,makapedzisira kuen**** riini.Kana kunoona huku dzichik... w... i... r... ana zvitori nani than kurwa nezvisina basa. hamuone here kuti nyika yose iri kukushorai,nyarai mava vanhu vakuru mhani imi munoita sevana pakufunga kana mawana pakavigwa modii iye nemhuri yake vakaramba kuti aiswe kuHeroes moda kudii naye
· 2 months ago
Same story with TB Joshua,those who know they know.
Ediots · 2 months ago
ED and his minions are obsessed with the dead to the point of ignoring concerns of the living. He wants bones from UK to be repatriated back to Zim, he wants Mugabe's corpse to be found, he wants to be proclaimed Munhumutapa...we are in a mess because of this ritualist and its sad that the satanic cult has been allowed to stand on church pulpits. no wonder we are always weeping in Zim. His term in office has been plagued by natural disasters , if this is not a sign then i do not know what is. Pharoah!, cant you see?
Anonymous · 2 months ago
The headman is out of line. Chaarikuda chii?
· 2 months ago
Witchcraft, Somebody wants to do rituals,
Big Dude · 2 months ago
You now see why we say there is satanism in this government. We're in the end times. The devil is now so desperate that he now operates openly. Time has run out for him. Varoyi vafumuka.
Sadheki Cheyameni🇿🇼 · 2 months ago
Vakaudzwa kuti torai mabonzo ake tigadzire, munotonga kusvika kufa, uuye kuchiwa. Bobo aiti akataura paRadio vanhu vose vaiti ziiiiii, kuteerera radio. Manje akaudzwa mai Bona kuti musabve pedyo neni kusvika ndavigwa, muise 10m down congrete nemasimbi, hakuvhurike zveku mhanya uko, kkkk
HiLLBiLLIES VOLkSWAGEN 0774857233 · 2 months ago
Apa pane nyaya i think Mugabe aiziva kuti ukaiswa kuHeroes Acre unotorwa mabhonzo saka akatya akati regai zvangu ndivigwe mukati mukitchen yambuya Bona coz ummh uko kuHeroes Acre hakusi safe
Rhodes and Founders · 2 months ago
You have a great point my dear!
Mkayz · 2 months ago

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