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HomeCrime and Courts

"King Munhumutapa" Denied Bail

2 months agoFri, 10 Jan 2025 06:24:44 GMT
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"King Munhumutapa" Denied Bail

Timothy Chiminya, who claims to be “King Munhumutapa” with supposed powers to appoint and dethrone chiefs in Zimbabwe, was denied bail by Harare Magistrate Isheunesu Matova on Wednesday.

As reported by The Herald, Matova ruled that Chiminya posed a potential threat to national peace and stability, remanding him in custody until January 22, 2024.

Medical reports presented in court confirmed that Chiminya is mentally fit to stand trial. Prosecutors had earlier requested a mental examination to determine his fitness before proceeding with the bail hearing.

Chiminya, arrested on 16 December 2024, faces charges of undermining the authority of the President. He allegedly claims that he was appointed “King Munhumutapa” by a spirit medium, granting him the authority to install and remove traditional chiefs. Prosecutors argue that his self-proclaimed powers have caused unrest in some communities.

The Ministry of Local Government and Public Works filed a complaint against Chiminya, leading to his arrest.

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Prosecutor Rufaro Chonzi told the court that in February, Chiminya visited Chief Seke’s homestead in Dema and informed him that he had been “dethroned,” subsequently declaring Masimba Rubatika as the new Chief Seke.

Between June 11 and October 31, Chiminya is accused of appointing three more chiefs in Chirumhanzu and Zaka without legal authority.

The chiefs are Julius Chimbi as Chief Chigwegwe, Hama Piki as another chief in Chirumanzu, and Chief Nyakunhuwa in Zaka, Masvingo.

Chief Chimanike, the traditional Chief Seke, reported Chiminya’s actions to the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works in June.

The prosecution argued that Chiminya’s actions violated both the Zimbabwean Constitution and the Traditional Leaders Act, which exclusively grants the President the authority to appoint and remove chiefs.

The title Munhumutapa (or Mwenemutapa) was used by the rulers of the Kingdom of Mutapa, also known as the Mutapa Empire.

This kingdom, which existed from around 1430 to 1760, was located in what is now Zimbabwe and expanded into parts of Mozambique, Botswana, Malawi, and Zambia.

The title Munhumutapa means “he who conquers” or “owner of the conquered land,” reflecting the kingdom’s expansionist nature.

More: Pindula News



Xx · 2 months ago
@Vic umwewo uyo
Concerned · 2 months ago
Kana Iwo wacho vakaitwa ma chiefs naye vanatwovo. Something wrong with them. Saka wese angosvikirwa anongoita madirativhange without being veted?
Duma Dako · 2 months ago
akatambira Christmas mukati zvino uchaita seyi
Chasura · 2 months ago
Kana facce yacho unotoona kti anopenga dzinonyimana moto apo iquantum
· 2 months ago
He is just a Shona clown
HiLLBiLLIES VOLkSWAGEN 0774857233 · 2 months ago
Dzimba dzemabwe · 2 months ago
Of course Chiminya is wrong for undermining Local Authorities but here my Question,"If Chiminya is wrong why did Mr ED declared Munhumutapa's day a national day on the Calender on 15th September.Tiri kuvharwa they are denying him bail for a reason.They want to make sure that tavarairwa then they release him legally and they will give him his throne.ED knew what is happening kubata pfungwa chete apa
ad · 2 months ago
He described himself as munhumutapa because this is his birthday ,he was born on 15 september
Ini Zvangu · 2 months ago
Kutapa means Kupamba, to Kidnap or to enSlave, to take by force, like what happened in November 2017 in this Teapot shaped country.
Vene · 2 months ago
The meaning might have changed with passing time. The name was given by conquered peoples initially in the Zambezi valley. It has absolutely nothing to do with enslavement which all history accounts confirm that slave trade was alien to these communities.
Jongwe Ramedza Bhuru · 2 months ago
Chiminya is right anoda kuisa vanhu chaivo varidzi veushe kwete vanosiswa nekuda kwezvido zveVene
dck · 2 months ago
face yacho kuyita mutapa chayiye kkkk
HiLLBiLLIES VOLkSWAGEN 0774857233 · 2 months ago
Mambo vanofanira kutyisa nekuda kwemishonga yavanozora plus mazizi avanodya kuti pfungwa dzavo dzive neruzivo vagone kutonga vanhu vavo
ummm · 2 months ago
kkkkkkk hayas pindula kuseri kwekuseri 🙌🙌🙌🙌
kadora · 2 months ago
kkkkkkkkkk ndaseka hangu it was long he is installed as king then king Lobengula also should be installed finish and klaar
Vic Venom · 2 months ago
To my leafy home back in Matapi Flats l still echo the memories of those hot bubbly baths and lovely hot coffeed tea....Good days back then.... Now l upgraded my status and I'm proudly a citizen of a beautiful and luxurious side called Epworth....Now an exquisite home to me...Rant over sanity restored
Nevanji · 2 months ago
Is it ok that Barbara Rwodzi and Akisiriya are installing chiefs? Paita dambudziko rokuti vene varikudavo kunzi Munhumutapa. Ndosaka vaisa ****dhi yaMunhumutapa pabhavhadhi ravo. Chiminya mhosva yake ndeyokubvisa madzishe eZanu achiisa edzinza, ari patsika dzechivanhu.
Disciple · 2 months ago
Ediots · 2 months ago
he is being punished for competing with ED

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