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Mashaba Demands Expulsion Of Undocumented Zimbabwean Children From South African Schools

2 months agoSun, 12 Jan 2025 14:11:21 GMT
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Mashaba Demands Expulsion Of Undocumented Zimbabwean Children From South African Schools

Herman Mashaba, the leader of ActionSA, an opposition political party in South Africa, has condemned the government’s directive to allow children of undocumented foreigners, including Zimbabweans, to attend schools in the country.

According to a memo issued by South Africa’s Department of Basic Education (DBE), for the 2025 academic year, schools must admit all learners, regardless of their documentation status.

This includes students who fail to provide identification for the country’s matric years and undocumented foreign pupils.

Speaking on South Africa’s national broadcaster SABC, Mashaba said that if he were in authority, he would not allow any undocumented person or learner to benefit from South Africa’s already strained resources. Said Mashaba (via

South Africa now seems to be a country where you do not need passports or VISAs, they just have to walk through our porous borders. Our sovereignty is not there anymore…

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I do not understand the logic behind this. The people who made this decision want to make sure that South Africans are as poor as possible.

We know our neighbouring countries are dysfunctional as a result of South Africa also not assisting but we are making matters worse.

I am not sure who they are trying to satisfy. If I had my way, there was no way we would allow anyone without documentation in our country.

Allowing them to use services when we cannot afford them for our own people (does not make sense). You even find in some schools children numbering 90 in a class.

A significant number of Zimbabweans, potentially in the millions, are living and working in South Africa without legal documentation.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 month ago
Its so sad to see black people killing black people. Dudula and their kind have been bought off by the white supremacists. Dudula is an organisation led by illiterates for illiterates. SA will not progress without land reform and they have to understand this. They pick on Zimbos because they are jealous of Zimbabwe's successful land reform program. And remember SA has some of the worst literacy rates in Africa.
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Funny how, now Indians, Chinese and Pakis are true Africans and local dark skinned people who belong to the continent are aliens. This mentality makes it easy for other race groups to colonize us simply because we the ****est beings that ever walked earth. With no unity, we will crumble as individuals. Those who stand for Africa and Africans are the ones we should support. Someone with Twitter needs to start a #save &uniteAfrica otherwise, it's black against black as the enemy stands aside watching and looting while we kill our own brothers and sisters.
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Unfortunately the mandate is with others
Anonymous · 2 months ago
The problem is that Mashaba, and many Black South Africans are targeting the wrong people. All these people they are targeting are just victims of this regions Liberation nonsense politics. The core problem here is the ANC s support for ZANU. ZANU lost elections to the MDC in 2008. SA under Mbeki came in and forced a GNU, in which the loser was the dominant party, and Mugabe was President. The winner MDC became the junior partner, with Tswangirayi as the Prime Minister. Since then SA has been rushing in to Condone rigged elections. They have done everything to stop Zimbabweabs from getting rid of ZANU. What then do you expect the Zimbabweans to do, to live like normal people? Mashaba should leave Zimbabweans alone and focus on fighting the ANC and ZANU.
Anonymous · 2 months ago
go back to maputo first how can you give order to a foreign country
Sir African · 2 months ago
I diagree to certain point with Mashaba in regards to children.They shouldn't be victims of South Africa's porous border.Deplomatically, he is telling Mnangagwa to fix his country instead of looting ,leasing the country to the Chinks. Our country has been occoupied by Zanu pf and is being leased to the Chinese settlers.
P.jamie · 2 months ago
Bac5. Reel 2
Optimus · 2 months ago
Amazing that people are criticizing this man. This man is making a lot of sense. If a person is in a county illegally then that person is a criminal and should not enjoy the benefits of legal people. Also, the resources being used here will burden the South Africans and that is also true. This means that SA economy will bleed more and this will aid in it's economic demise. We had the very same thing in Zimbabwe and look where we are. In Africa we need logical Governance not emotional as I see in most of you here
. · 2 months ago
we start xenophobia again will see which zim kid will go to xul
Ctrl Alt Del · 2 months ago
black on black violence he would rather have black kids not having an education just bcoz he deems them "foreigners"
Comrade Trabablas II · 2 months ago
This is the Chamisa and CCC type who never get into to power because misguided moves and statements
Mholoza · 2 months ago
If ever Mashaba could read your comments, I wonder if he can understand Shona. Isilungu siyala yini?
Xx · 2 months ago
Hanzi if l had the authority,zvino hamuna shaz that's why usirikutonga uchagara wakadero uri opposition svika ufe
Chief Bonolo · 2 months ago
Kugarika kwamakaita I Zimbabwe yakakupayi regarding irworwo,Varungu makanga mavatadza isutisu takamirmira kuti varungu.vazoburitsa Mandela kwakutanga kutaurirana tiripo,kusvika varungu vabvuma kusungura nyika iyoyo nhasi makuti atichada isu unonyepa mwanawe,Ukashinga kudzinga mazimbabweans nyika inotongwa neD.A
Chief Bonolo · 2 months ago
You were born to work for your life where you,so don't worry about anyone from Zim,Just come to Zim and work if you have the power to mine,plant,sell& buy Noone will ask you,Africa is for us all,lf you don't want us there remove the word Afica from your country name,shanda ufe umbra unoramba nenyika ndeyako here,kudzidza hauna futi
👍 · 2 months ago
lizabona ukuthi ama Chunks asonyama
... You... · 2 months ago
SA shd be destroyed and be poor like us.
abc · 2 months ago
What's African about these boundaries? Being bound by Colonial segmentations? Zim children are naturally higher perfomers wherever they are.
Comrade Ndasuwa Hondo · 2 months ago
Tottenham FC through in FA third round
Comrade Ndasuwa Hondo · 2 months ago
Arsenal FC out of FA cup . defending champions Manchester United march on
Black Mambazo · 2 months ago
@comrade Ndasuwa Hondo yarohwa nevanhu 10
Kingston · 2 months ago
Mangwana tichanzwa bata nekupfekerwa ma jersey e ManU
Comrade Ndasuwa Hondo · 2 months ago
Arsenal trounced once again
TIMB · 2 months ago
Zim should get it's house in order period
Optimus · 2 months ago
Thank you
sinyo · 2 months ago
One Africa for us all blacks, no borders, do not divide us!!
Optimus · 2 months ago
We need borders. Removing borders will cause unnecessary chaos. What we need in Africa is a Federation of Independent States. Have you noticed how the Ndebele are always passive aggressive in Zimbabwe for independence. Remove borders and have that all over the continent and try to make progress.
Anonymous · 2 months ago
𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖉 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖐 · 2 months ago
It has been like that since time immemorial, people had been crossing too and fro, confirming the strong relations between the Zimbabwe and South America, particularly the Matebele regions. Boundaries are a colonial legacy that Africans should discard. The Mashaba clan we have in Zimbabwe and the Mashaba clan of South Africa are just one people. Thabo Mbeki is a Dlamini and Mandela was a Dlomo same same with those in Zimbabwe.
· 2 months ago
Ehe ndizvozvo asi itai muchigadzira nyika yenyu kwete kuzadza nyika dzevamwe
𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖉 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖐 · 2 months ago
Africa is our country
Maveable · 2 months ago
ko Arsenal yatambao sei
dck · 2 months ago
1-1 extra time now
Comrade Ndasuwa Hondo · 2 months ago
yarohwa 5-3 penalties
dok25 · 2 months ago
Black person against other blacks. · 2 months ago
vanhu kumusha kwavo, why do we have bounderies in the first place?
Anonymous · 2 months ago
You couldn't be more right than that! B on B everywhere you look! If it had W on B it would've been understandable.
shurushuru · 2 months ago
pamwe tingachangamuke
witty pastafarian taktikal taktician · 2 months ago
maS.Africans matemo when it comes to fazh... so vari kurwadziwa nenyaya yekuti top ten best pupils muclass anenge Ari maZimbo!
Corruptmore Looto · 2 months ago
I do feel SAs pain of being a neighbour to a dysfunctional country ruled by Ediots. But the Ediots in SA chose to sweep the Zimbabwean mess under the carpet in 2008, now this is the result. One cannot stop migration into their country if the push factors in the sending countries remain, so until Zanu PF is history SA should brace from more people from Zimbabwe.
Chamachamapinduzi · 2 months ago
2030 ZANU inenge ichipo
Baba Tino · 2 months ago
south Africa vanongoda kurohwa vese neshamhu ine munyuuuu
Zanu PF Forever · 2 months ago
✊🏽✊🏽He is being used by westerners as a puppet they cant defeat Zimbabwe now they need to frustrate us using South Africans at the farm it was 2030 and beyond ✊🏽🇿🇼
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Unfortunately he is not the president. He must tell ramaphosa to tell mnangagwa
matrix · 2 months ago
his attitude precludes him from being President. He does not have a heart.
Black Mambazo · 2 months ago
made man
S.A.S OFFICER · 2 months ago
sei Zimbabwe ichitizwa nevagari vayo
👀👀 · 2 months ago
gudhu kwesheni
gud man · 2 months ago
pane nyika isina vanhu vekune dzimwe nyika ere hama
S.A.S OFFICER · 2 months ago
adaro ndiani ,tikutaura nezve kutizwa
S.A.S OFFICER · 2 months ago
ndikutarisira answer kubva kune vanofunga. iwe imbogara pasi
Ediots · 2 months ago
Atleast he acknowledges that South Africa has played a huge part in the creation of dysfunctional economies in SADC especially in Zimbabwe. That said he must understand that barring undocumented children from school is the first step in the creation of an uneducated and unemployable generation of undocumented people in SA who will present an even bigger challenge to that economy. short sighted is his solution, the source of the problem is beyond SA's borders. Fix those issues and SA will not have to worry about foreigners even the documented ones. Ediots across SADC just like in SA make decisions that cone back to haunt them. SA helped zanu pf Regime and the regime pays them with truckloads of undocumented consignment, now they weep
laugh emoji1
Corruptmore Looto · 2 months ago
SADC is infested with all sorts of Ediots. It's like they're all cut from the same cloth, causing economic chaos wherever they rule. As we speak SA has been plagued by stagnant growth since the 2010s while its fellow peers like Malaysia and Brazil grew leaps and bounds, the variety of Ediots in SA caused unheard of economic damage under the hugely incompetent Zuma.
laugh emoji1
dck · 2 months ago
musuri wako Mashaba nambuya vako namayi nababa nasekuru nedzinza rose
Mj · 2 months ago
The problem is that Mashaba want to punish the innocent, those illegal foreigners did not wake in South Africa, he should direct his frustration to the Zimbabwean government
laugh emoji1
You have spoken well @Mj sir · 2 months ago

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