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HomeCrime and Courts

Mike Chimombe And Moses Mpofu Denied Bail, Again

1 month agoFri, 17 Jan 2025 14:20:30 GMT
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Mike Chimombe And Moses Mpofu Denied Bail, Again

Moses Mpofu and Mike Chimombe have said they intend to appeal to the Supreme Court against a High Court ruling that dismissed their application for bail pending appeal.

The duo is accused of siphoning US$7 million from the Presidential Goat Pass-On Scheme.

On Thursday, January 16, High Court judge Justice Pisirayi Kwenda rejected their bail application, citing the seriousness of the offense, which could result in a 20-year prison sentence if they are convicted.

He argued that such a severe penalty could easily motivate the accused to abscond from the trial, regardless of any surety offered.

Mpofu and Chimombe had attempted to assure the court of their commitment to stand trial by offering title deeds to property and surrendering their passports.

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However, the court deemed these measures inadequate, highlighting the risks of interference and non-attendance of the trial as outweighing the value of such sureties.

Through their lawyers, Chimombe and Mpofu expressed their dissatisfaction with the ruling and disagreed with Justice Kwenda’s reasoning in denying them bail.

Lovemore Madhuku, representing Chimombe, said they were disappointed by the outcome and did not agree with the judge’s reasoning. He added:

Our clients have a right to appeal to the Supreme Court and we have been given instructions to do so, so we will be appealing as soon as we get the full judgment.

Chimombe and Mpofu have been in prison since June 2024, following their arrest, with multiple bail applications rejected by both the Magistrates’ and High Courts.

Their trial is scheduled to begin on February 10 and will proceed on a continuous roll.

More: Pindula News



Satan 👹 · 1 month ago
captured courts munofira mujeri
The Lawyer · 1 month ago
kkkk ya matambira kusingaite vakomana. Zva mdara here! Apa Chivharo akatokuchekeresai kudhara mangosara kukwatiswa chete
𝙎𝙞𝙮𝙤𝙮𝙤 · 1 month ago
aaah vanoda bail what for, vangapiwa bail vanhu vakaba Mari yembudzi dzapresident Mnangagwa zvinoita here izvozvo? dai vakaba havo pondo kwete mamiriyoni manomwe emadhora
Sir African · 1 month ago
@siyoyo,they are not yet convicted so you can't be sure they stole anything until proven guilty.The courts may be protecting Chivhayo .The major issue is the USD40 million ZEC paid to Chivhayo. The goats story is just distraction ploy.
Me · 1 month ago
Very true Sir Africa, it's a distraction from Chivhayo
fugu pfeee · 1 month ago
kuba mari kuzanu pf kwakuita finance opposition...... bail hauripihwe
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Apa Havana native deeds esurerity Mari vaidya neni chibabe chembavha ndivakisa Zimba, riri muzita rangu nehanzvadzi yangu Takura. Ngaasa Buda ndidye yakasara. · 1 month ago
you go it wrong the funds does not belong to the president its state funds the president only introduced the scheme, achida kuiitisa mabhururu ake mari. Asi vafanha ava vakazofarisa vavakufumura mamwe madhiri mus**** mekunge vatadza kuvirira pakugovana mari yerimwe dhiri, ndiyo iro kufira varume ava.
Putin · 1 month ago
All this will come to pass one day,
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Kanawanzi Bata nepapa chirega kuvhunduka kana kuonererwa sa Peter mu bhaibheri akazochema akunyura nokuda kuti vamwe vaone kuti aakufamba pamusoro pemvura saJesu. Nhasi mazwa kumasure nesu ma senior ekuchikurubi, saMpofu chinoita.
chaka · 1 month ago
taura hako shamwari. l don't see e likes of Chivhayo ending well
HiLLBiLLIES VOLkSWAGEN 0774857233 · 1 month ago
ww · 1 month ago
Prof Madhuku havad**** wangu he is affordable ,his charges are not so bad as other lawyer. He has good heart ,he is a human right lawyer
HiLLBiLLIES VOLkSWAGEN 0774857233 · 1 month ago
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Chimombe hatichamudi kuunit kwedu too much kubudisa mweya kana apihwa danda ramonya kuno. Achabuda ATI zii sa Jobho. Monya akaipa kuno unosura one way.
Bray Wyatt · 1 month ago
These dullards will have all the money siphoned from their wallets by Madhuku a known ZANOID 😁😁😁
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Vakapusa wopiwa Mari yekuba woda kuonererwa. Idea wakanyarara uchienda kumusangano uchipfeka jongwe, uri ziii. Ku America zviriko izvii.

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