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ZANU PF MP Awarded US$138m Harare Water Deal. Residents To Be Levied US$6 Monthly For 10 Years

1 month agoFri, 24 Jan 2025 12:20:09 GMT
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ZANU PF MP Awarded US$138m Harare Water Deal. Residents To Be Levied US$6 Monthly For 10 Years

Helcraw Electrical Projects, a private company, has been awarded a US$138 million government contract to upgrade Harare’s water infrastructure, reported the Independent.

Helcraw plans to charge each household in Harare US$5.50 monthly for 5-10 years to recoup its investment. With an estimated 350,000 houses in Harare, this could generate around US$23.1 million per year for the company.

Over 10 years, Helcraw could potentially earn a profit of US$93 million from the project, which aims to increase Harare’s daily water production to 520 million litres.

The contract was allegedly awarded to Helcraw, chaired by ZANU PF legislator Farai Jere, without a tender process. The company is responsible for various upgrades, including the Darwendale pump station, dewatering pumps, and raw water flow meters.

According to documents seen by the Independent, the government will cover the cost of clearing chemical debt and stocking chemicals, supporting the generation of 450 million litres daily from Morton Jaffray and Prince Edward water treatment plants at a cost of about US$7.9 million.

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A proposed financing model also budgets US$542.88 million for rehabilitating Harare’s distribution network.

Helcraw is tasked with key upgrades, including US$1.75 million for Alex pump station rehabilitation, US$23 million for replacing 100km of piping, and US$96 million for supplying prepaid meters to 350,000 properties.

The city will finance the replacement of 20km of piping at US$15 million, while a PPP will mobilize US$154 million for a 2,580km pipeline overhaul and new reticulation work for the new city at US$80 million.

Jere denied favouritism claims, saying the contract was awarded based on his company’s proposals and track record, not his political role. He said:

It has nothing to do with my role as a legislator. It was a matter of me proposing and being able to proffer solutions. We have notable achievements.

We have provided electricity meters. We have done water meters in Karoi. We are the ones who proposed this to ZINWA.

Jere added that the project cost is still being negotiated by the involved parties. He said:

The cost of the project is still not clear as there are meetings held daily to adjust. All we did was to propose. We are yet to get the actual figure. As per our contract, the project is a 24-month project.

Jere said Helcraw’s Chinese partner, Hangzhou Laison Technology, will provide the funding.

Commenting on how Helcraw would recover its investment, Jere said:

Modalities on how the money will be repaid are being looked at. We will be collecting our money over a period of five to 10 years (but those modalities) are still being fine-tuned.

However, an informed source told the Independent that Helcraw would allegedly be charging a monthly levy of US$5,50.

The project also includes US$930 million for wastewater infrastructure rehabilitation, US$7.92 million for a plant and equipment by December next year, and US$1.8 million for operational vehicles.

Helcraw will also set up a US$20 million solar power plant to support the initiative.



Ngolaz · 1 month ago
Tomama nekumwa ma****
Private Investigator · 1 month ago
Ko kana mayoral kuti private company ko zvekuzotiudza kuti Jere ndewe ANC Muzorewa, Zanu Ndonga, CCC (Mahere), CCC (Ching'ono) or CCC (Job Sikhala) or Zanu PF zvinebasarei
constable · 1 month ago
15ml to replace 20km of pipes then 23ml to replace 200km haa Zimbabwe isati daro so
Martin Marufu · 1 month ago
If they can deliver so that we get water the way we to in the 60s and 70s in the then city of Salisbury, that will be fine. Tanzwa nekushaya mvura isu tichida world class city status
zig zigler · 1 month ago
connections and corruption at its best
theLastAntKing · 1 month ago
only the ruling class gets these deals. An x mp supplied medical equipment to Chiredzi for free but it Was denied. But these they don't even donate, they only see $igns in every deal.
Green Bomber · 1 month ago
Zimbabwe is someone's stand/village kana wafunga kuti nyika get lost
Johm · 1 month ago
my problem is with the amounts being talked about 500 m for water distribution is ridiculous
constable · 1 month ago
no it's not, the city is so larger and huge the problem comes when. that money isn't utilised the way it was intended
The deal stinks, like the Pomona deal
Anonymous · 1 month ago
No tenders were invited but contract awarded....
laugh emoji1
wait its coming 4 you soon · 1 month ago
this gangster must not start crying when he is included in the list of people under targeted sanctions !!! its coming soon to visit him !
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Is the monthly levy of US$5.50 over and above the charge for the water actually used/consumed?
constable · 1 month ago
shadows · 1 month ago
Harare is under ccc mayor and councillors. so y vakapa contract kuna jere we zanupf. zvimwe zvacho hazvidi shanje. let the best company get the contract for better service delivery. ska munofunga kuti kuzanupf hakuna vanhu vanogona bsa hr. 🙏🙏🙏🙏 thank God, jere has come to rescue Harare from all your water problems
263 · 1 month ago
Haisi HCC yakapa contract kuna Jere but iZINWA.
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Chawama naupola · 1 month ago
nekusabhadharwa kunoitwa marates shinga
Anonymous · 1 month ago
What a joke,corruption at its finest,goodluck to all that think he's a savior!!
Irritated Zimbo · 1 month ago
Instead yekutinyaudza nenoise, why don't you people put together your own proposals and take them to Zinwa then we can debate kuti which is one is best. Mumgona kungoshora but musina practical alternative solutions. Brain dzenyu ngadzishande to solve problems not kungowandira kumuromo ana Pinjisi. No one cares about your noise making and hapana chainomisa. Action iri strategic and progressive ndiyo ine basa. Saka come up with proposals dzenyu mune funding yacho tozokupai time.
Corruptmore Looto · 1 month ago
Let's see how this will play out, if it is done correctly it will be a good initiative since HCC has totally failed to supply us with clean drinking water but the involvement of Zanu PF affiliated individuals in this deal worries me, since they could pull a Chivhayo on this one, taking all the money whilst doing nothing on the ground.
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Our job to demand that the councilors we elected play oversight role effectively. But at least with the deal, it looks like COH is not paying upfront. Civil society and opposition parties should create a group of technical experts that monitor all national tenders to empower our elected representatives. Because most of them are technically illiterate. But manje opposition yacho and NGOs vanongoda kuzogwauta after the fact instead of preventing the looting, Vanosvota mhani
Wang · 1 month ago
Jere is another Chivharo being created by ED
laugh emoji1
Satan 👹 · 1 month ago
regai vaite tigoona
alibaba · 1 month ago
Huawei the most Popular fon in Zimbabwe is Chinese
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Ma China aenda nenyika
MuZANU Muzere · 1 month ago
hatipe macontracts kuvatengesi ✊🏾🇿🇼
🤔 · 1 month ago
For Zimbabwe to change we have to grab Zanu by the scruff of the neck and punch their gonnads
laugh emoji1
🤔 · 1 month ago
How can they award the contract without the knowledge how of proceedings. Huh, that's why I call some pple p-u-s-s-i-e-s coz vakapusa😂😂
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 1 month ago
People of Manresa Park resist this evil as there is no service from council. Even water infrastructure is not there in Manresa. Tofamba tisina kupfeka here kuti mutinzwe
Account Holder · 1 month ago
Jere waita mari uyooo
Ediots · 1 month ago
💩 when you cry about corruption But u know very well who the mastermind is. Ediot
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Figures have not been finalised but the contract has been awarded. LOL.
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Wuto · 1 month ago
😭😭😭😭😭 Muchasafa mazimbo hamusat matiii

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