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Malema Calls For Troop Withdrawal From DRC After M23 Rebel Attack Kills 13 Soldiers

1 month agoWed, 29 Jan 2025 08:26:40 GMT
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Malema Calls For Troop Withdrawal From DRC After M23 Rebel Attack Kills 13 Soldiers

South African opposition leader Julius Malema has called for the withdrawal of South African soldiers from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where they are deployed as peacekeepers under the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Mission in the DRC (SAMIDRC).

Malema’s call comes after 13 South African soldiers were killed in recent days while fighting M23 rebels in Eastern DRC.

In a post on X on Wednesday, Malema claimed that South African soldiers had surrendered to the M23, a rebel group reportedly supported by Rwanda.

However, the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) denied these claims on Tuesday, stating that its soldiers had not surrendered to the rebels. Wrote Malema:

The truth is undeniable, the SA army has surrendered, and M23 is disarming them. Today’s portfolio committee meeting has been postponed simply because the Minister of Defence chose not to appear.

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We cannot stand by and be complicit in this situation; we must take a stand and demand the immediate withdrawal of our soldiers from the DRC.

It is imperative that we increase the military budget, and all military equipment tenders must be halted without delay.

Denel must be empowered with the mandate to produce military equipment, and our soldiers must undergo re-training before considering redeployment. We will not accept anything less.

Denel SOC Ltd is a South African state-owned aerospace and military technology conglomerate that designs, integrates, and supports a wide range of products, including artillery, munitions, missiles, aerostructures, aircraft maintenance, unmanned aerial vehicle systems, and optical payloads.

Meanwhile, some South African security experts and retired military generals have warned that a withdrawal from the DRC would weaken South Africa’s position and portray it as vulnerable.

These experts argue that South African troops should not retreat in the face of a rebel group backed by a small country like Rwanda.

They pointed out that South Africa is a major power, not only in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region but across the entire African continent.



theLastAntKing · 1 month ago
some years back chaos erupted in Lesotho or Swaziland, SANDF deployed its personnel & it was given marching orders & it failed to contain an uprising in a small country. So it happened again
Novay Zemla · 1 month ago
ko kungopindira Rwanda yacho !!!
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Haasi amapiano aya kunodiwa vanhu vanorwa hondo not vanotamba ma records like SA dudes,endesai ZNA masoja amboitawo something excerpt beating citizens mu CBD
huchi.com · 1 month ago
aah guys dnt play with the rwandese army it is so strong and we'll equipped .SA has everything but aah military personell very weak .too much beer and GMO foods.plus rwandese are very strong and used to their ever raining terrain
African Observer · 1 month ago
security experts and retired military generals should go themselves in DRC to fight against the Rwandan backed rebels not just issuing statements while sitting on their lazy behinds drinking coffee in air conditioned offices.
Nimrod · 1 month ago
South African soldiers are fighting in an equatorial rain forest environment not Savvana bushes that they are used to. so this setback was expected. Recall the guys. Zimbabwe did itand we came back defeated well. South Africa is transparent about their manpower losses, mu zimbabwe taingoona ave ma body bags.
laugh emoji1
😎 · 1 month ago
Hondo is a test of build up to the soldiers, those heavenly bodied, stronger men and women, vane ma mhasuru, kana kuti those potential ly to a build up body Zvima Rey mysterio kazhinji they win mysterical, the same ne ma Chinese, but kumwe hazvina apply Ma Rwandese are a build up, very strong and tall, Akin to Mazeruru and fewer Zulus, mind you they are of the same womb, msazvirambe So I take this M23 rebel fight as a battle for supremacy, a who's the who in the zoo So SA inodakushamisira stereki inozvoiita kunge irinani ivo ari varungu vanei economy yese Saka yaka zvamburwa, zviye coz ku hondo hakudiwi GMO DRC harbours small people Pigmies so they don't war coz of the nature of their posture, but they are dangerous to just like the San, and Matsanga they use natural means to fight not heavy mechanised artillery, so by this they are susceptible to colonisation, as they can't fight back If you had a chance to watch The God's Must be crazy, The main actor died poorer yet he's had his own acts talked about ever since time immemorial, but that kind of exploitation is got him in nothing So the DRC wars is a foreground testing point strength and our much hyped neighbours vakarakashwa zvekuti heki I surrender
Kongaring Kongara · 1 month ago
No retreat no surrender,Simple. The M23 must be Eliminated. There should be send more fire,the rebels must be crushed. What is needed is more fire power like those unmaned aerial attack vehicles that can attack from above with accuracy. And other advanced attack systems.
Anonymous · 1 month ago
A small country like Rwanda should not make us tremble,it can not be.....it can't.
Bishu · 1 month ago
Va Mudenge vaka mboti timoswera taa mu Kigali pa Rwanda zvikaramba. The Tutsi are a minority, vakasaa simba they will be annihilated.
Mp · 1 month ago
south Africas are not good in war they are good I. drinking beer and music amapiyano
😎 · 1 month ago
Ma Rwandese ndiwo akapedza Capo delgado, zvima rebels zviye pa mosken apo, apa koyi ndivo vanosponsorM23 iyi🤔Kozoti SA inozviti ineyese🙄... Hamuone here kwaitove kusaizana apa ende zveshuwa timhu iri rakabudisa handkerchief,... Pane zvirikuitika so M23, Zvichirevei, 23 uyu chinombori chii,
Black-Scorpion · 1 month ago
Rwanda paMilitary yakaoma baba ,SA yakaperera Capo Delgado, Rwanda ndiyoo yakavamisa, you are talking the truth here... Rwanda siyanai nayo
huchi.com · 1 month ago
very true chibaba .ku moza uko SA was facked and moza had to call the rwandese.their army is strong
dok25 · 1 month ago
Why are there noDRC soldiers among those killed? Is it because the M23 are targeting foreign soldiers or or the DRC has no army?
mono · 1 month ago
so if Zimbabwe army was there they would have not died what's so special about zdf they failed in drc many of army died in 2021 they embarrassed at army games in russia
myron · 1 month ago
Mp · 1 month ago
M23 is not cartoons
kkk · 1 month ago
but you failed akuna hondo isingafiwe zvaida machinda epa zim apa vakapedza masports 2002
ZimSketch · 1 month ago
wakapera paya maZimbo.I have 2 uncles who died in 1999 in DRC war in different period of time
Hamuhwine match · 1 month ago
ma prezezo have the perogative of entering the war and RG exercised his right and what happened happened
@vhedza · 1 month ago
Sorry for the loss of your 2uncles however they were not the whole ZDF they were just members among others.
myron · 1 month ago
kkkkk ndezvekuden kwenyu, kwedu vakadzoka ne💰💰
Crisis after Crisis · 1 month ago
malema haana zera nechiuto ichi nema prerogative ema President kuendesa vanhu muhondo nemi vano sapota malema itaiwo ma president muitewo perogative ya commander in chief wenyika dzenyu president prezezo

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