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Mthuli Says Zimbabwe To Fund Healthcare Through Taxes Following U.S. Aid Cuts

1 month agoWed, 29 Jan 2025 10:27:22 GMT
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Mthuli Says Zimbabwe To Fund Healthcare Through Taxes Following U.S. Aid Cuts

Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube has said Zimbabwe will need to rely on taxes to fill the gap left by cuts in U.S. foreign aid.

After his inauguration, U.S. President Donald Trump issued a series of executive orders, including withdrawing the U.S. from the World Health Organization and freezing all foreign aid for 90 days to assess whether programs align with his “America First” agenda.

As reported by newZWire, by the end of 2023, the U.S. had over $300 million in active programs in Zimbabwe, according to the USAID foreign aid portal. These funds are channeled through NGOs, not the national budget.

Zimbabwe receives over $200 million annually from the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), which supports health workers’ wages and HIV prevention programs.

Speaking from the World Economic Forum in Davos recently, Ncube said Zimbabwe will now rely on taxes to fund its healthcare needs. He said:

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We are talking about $200 million or so (on PEPFAR) that is at stake. Our response really should be domestic resource mobilisation, which is what we have been doing.

When Ncube referred to “domestic resource mobilisation,” he was talking about a range of new taxes he has introduced. These include a tax on sugar content in drinks and a 1% tax on fast food.

In addition to these, Zimbabweans already pay an AIDS levy and “sin taxes” on beer, both of which are aimed at supporting healthcare. Said Ncube:

All these taxes form the base that we can use to build resource mobilisation to support our health needs. It has to be really through this kind of thinking that we raise resources to support health domestically as foreign funding is under threat.

WHO estimates that more than half of Zimbabwe’s health spending is funded by external donors. This year, the country expects to receive $461 million for health programs, up from $353 million in 2024.

However, the government has struggled to adequately fund public healthcare. In 2025, Zimbabwe plans to allocate just 2.1% of its GDP to health, down from 4% in 2024.

What little funding is allocated to health is often disbursed late. According to Treasury’s 2024 mid-year report, only 27% of the health ministry’s budget had been used by June.



Analysis · 1 month ago
Christians knows kuti mukaona zvadai it means the days dzakanyorwa mubible arikusvika havo mati madiii henyu muchafa vanhu tese ipapa ndopakuda kuonekwa manje vanonzi vanoshandira Mwari to heal people for free ipapa
pedege · 1 month ago
haaà vane Aids vakapera kufa nyika ino inosara ne20 masoldier ese apera nemukundombera
Batsi · 1 month ago
Ko makondom vacha vharisa futi here nhai imi ? 🙆‍♀️
? · 1 month ago
ko tax ye sugar content muma drinks ndeyeyi
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Yes.. Mthuli Ncube is absolutely right when he says Zimbabwe can its healthcare program through corruption/extortion levies on country's population...
theLastAntKing · 1 month ago
But surely a country with Gold Lithium Diamonds Platinum Tantalite (sp) Coal Chrome Iron Sunlight (solar) etc. with all this but tichiri ku beggar for aid. Useless leadership mhan nxaa
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Ndikauya pamba pako kuzoita project yangu yecar wash, panoswera pari busy vanhu vachindipa mari yebasa randavaitira. At the end of the month I give you the small amount yatakawirirana as rent. The rest ndeyangu. Ndozviripo. Zvekuti tine Lithium, Diamonds, Gold, Tantalize, Chrome, Tobacco, blaa blaa blaa will not give us money to cover up for the withdrawn funding. Haiisi yedu. We get just a little from royalties and the rest is repatriated back by the investors kumusha kwavo. We're still a colony, albeit with a different face. Our resources ate building their nations. Gold and Tobacco zvatorwa nema Chinese and Chrome yatorwa nema Russians cannot build Zimbabwe. Nhaka tinobisa mutero pabroilers, layers, roadrunners, cats, dogs, furniture iri mumba, muchero iri muorchard and everything of economic value. Zvikoro and medical/health centres will pay taxes. Mabhawa anobisisa ma$1 kuti vanhu vaone bhora, hokoyoi. Domestic workers including vanorisa mombe kumusha, todawo PAYE. Airtime vendor, tipeiwo twedu. Vese vanoita zvemavhiri on the sides of our highways tipeiwo chikamu. Soko is widening the tax base. Remember toda mari for the 2 referendums. Saka zvekuti ndokupai mari for HIV/AIDS imobokanganwai until 2031. After running down Barbican bank, Soko is making corrections paZimbabwe.
Ctrl Alt Del · 1 month ago
isu tirikuti ngatishande nezvarinazvo we get fombo like you we need people with brains to move forward not ediots like u
Osama · 1 month ago
Aaaah ko hanty team raishandisa Mari kutenga MaLuxurious vehicles here vanhu vachikanga waya muzvipatara, apa ukaenda kuchipatara unongonyorerwa just a prescription apa book nderako then u will be forced to pay a 5usd for then u will be told to go and buy medicine to their pharmacy. Apa mamwe magananda achipfachura kkkkkk
Mutonga. · 1 month ago
A truly comical character.
Corruptmore Looto · 1 month ago
No more cars for you Mthuli, you should redirect that cash back to its true intended purposes but knowing Zanu PF that won't happen, I mean these guys choose to ride in plushy cars over damaged roads 😂😂 talk about madness talk about Zanu PF 😅😅.
laugh emoji1
263 · 1 month ago
Makuda hondo chaiyo imi Ana msuri ncube. Musafunge kuti kunyarara tinokutyai mhani bastards
progress · 1 month ago
kana finance minister vasinaa zvekuudza vanhu better kunyarara zvake unobveyi than to talk **** the whole country is crying about being over taxed then yu keep on talking nonsense be serious yu guys this is rubbish shame
Reece · 1 month ago
chasara ndechekut munhu wega wega abhadhare tax pahembe dzake kut vanhu vane AIDS vararame bcz pashata🤣🤣🤣
Blessed Runesu Geza · 1 month ago
Vane AIDS muchapera kufa gore rino 😂🤣😂😂🤣 nyaradzo garai mota dziri furu me peturu mahwan atanga
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Ehezve USA and others vanowonaka kuti makawandirwa nemari yekutambisa. You think threy also dont read and view your posts about flamboyant lives and extravagant spending. Ende you are always bragging in their face about having plenty communist friends like Russia, Belarus, China and so on..
Anonymous · 1 month ago
SO, who else from the hierarchy of Harare went to Davos to spend USD$5000 a day??????. Need more money? - speak to Wicknell or Tigwerai, they have millions of USD$$$$$$$$. · 1 month ago
eeh pindula editor how are you.just thought of greeting you respond please
African Observer · 1 month ago
Ayaaaas this is very funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. The same country accused of assassinating the economy of Zimbabwe through imposition of the so called illegal sanctions is the same country doing all the heavy lifting in Zimbabwe's healthcare institutions while the government of dambudzo is busy calling for dambudzo's term extension..............
laugh emoji1
Ctrl Alt Del · 1 month ago
just look at his pic this guy is clueless Finance Minister my foot
laugh emoji1
Chief wemh*t* · 1 month ago
Finance Minister please make a plan for us.its about time you cut are money out..Zim kwacha rakamama..
nyonglo · 1 month ago
Aids levy tagara tirikubatirwa .saka iyo yeSpoon feeding tinoida yei,Tagara tisingambooni kwayange ichienda payaiuya hatina accountebilty nayo
Chief · 1 month ago
its sad news ey.But i dont think we have to worry hanti tine machaina ere.
gweja nyumwawo · 1 month ago
kkkk eee na chivhayo futi
ZimSketch · 1 month ago
royalties from Lithium, Gold, Platinum, Chrome and diamonds being mined by Chines is not enough to finance our health needs?????
Vic Venom · 1 month ago
Tax them Mthuli , the ignorant African Trump supporters loudly cheered when Trump signed his draconian orders as if they were some rednecks from Texas... Mthuli should come up with more ingenious ways to tax Zimbabweans since most of them have sneaky ways of dodging taxes...Rant over sanity restored
mono · 1 month ago
America is for Americans not Africans go to China mugabe said look east policy you know China can't do anything for us
do4 · 1 month ago
what about look east policy,can we not have chinaid.what have u done with the revenue u have collected over the years when our hospitals do not have even paracetamol tablets?Is there going to be magic such that all revenue will reach to the intended users without being looted,......the future looks bleak for our nation for as long we have ppl like mthuli & the rest as our leaders.
ZimSketch · 1 month ago
"sin tax" for drinking beer😮
pk · 1 month ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 drinking beer is now a sin so the big crocodile 🐊 is a sinner 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
zig zigler · 1 month ago
aids levy iri kuendepi
Mp · 1 month ago
never bit the hand that feeds you
🤔 · 1 month ago
otherwise ur feeder would have no arms
Mp · 1 month ago
kkk. but you guys you said we under Sanctions and the same country you portray Tobe bad is the country biggest donor
Mthuli Ncube · 1 month ago
my financial brilliance is unfathomable to average sadza eater,oh that reminds we will tax you for your sadza,infact we will taking prostitution tax from your salaries mowanza chi**** ndosaka muchifa neAids
laugh emoji1
Mthuli Ncube · 1 month ago
pindula how dare u sensor my truth
laugh emoji1
gweja nyumwawo · 1 month ago
kkkkk kwasara kutaxer kusura neku t.u .nda

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