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Muswere Labels War Veterans Opposing Mnangagwa Third Term As Ungrateful And Hypocritical

1 month agoWed, 29 Jan 2025 05:13:53 GMT
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Muswere Labels War Veterans Opposing Mnangagwa Third Term As Ungrateful And Hypocritical

Information, Publicity, and Broadcasting Services Minister Jenfan Muswere has criticized a group of war veterans who opposed ZANU PF’s efforts to amend the Constitution and allow President Emmerson Mnangagwa to run for a third term.

At a press conference in Harare on Sunday, January 26, war veteran and ZANU PF central committee member Blessed Runesu Geza, along with five other veterans, called for Mnangagwa to step down, saying he was “not fit to run this country.”

The group also rejected any constitutional changes and dismissed Mnangagwa’s claim that he had no intention of staying in power beyond 2028.

In a statement on Tuesday, Muswere accused Geza of hypocrisy, pointing out that he had been a strong supporter of ZANU PF’s Resolution Number 1 from the 21st National People’s Conference, which calls for the President to remain in office until 2030. Said Muswere:

We are concerned about the extent to which these individuals, while purporting to be members of the ruling party (and) bona fide members of the War Veterans fraternity, are not using legal and relevant structures to discuss their grievances.

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It is unfortunate that these individuals have also played to the whims of demonising the President for reasons best known to them.

What is surprising is that such individuals, including Cde Blessed Geza, was one of the lead proponents of Resolution Number 1 of the 21st National People’s Conference which underscores the need for the President to remain in office until 2030. Cde Geza was among the conference delegates who lobbied for that resolution to be passed.

Therefore, it is surprising that today he is turning his back against a resolution he helped create. It is unfortunate that the bitterness he suffered from the 2018 primary election defeat is now causing him to go as far as rewriting the history of the President.

Muswere called the press conference held by the war veterans a “charade” and suggested that they were ungrateful for the government’s support and contributions to war veterans. Said Muswere:

This sense of self-contradiction and hypocrisy goes against the principles of basic honesty we expect from senior citizens and genuine war veterans.

This charade is very disappointing considering the magnitude of economic transformation that Zimbabwe has enjoyed under the leadership of the President His Excellency Cde Dr Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa.



Sir African · 1 month ago
The veterans are the vanguard of the struggle and they sacrificed their lives not not for themselves but the people and they an undeniable right to voice their concerns if they feel something country .They put their lives a risk during the war and so they are entilted to reject anything that further risks their lives. Its Mnangagwa who must be grateful not them.Grateful for what?
Anonymous · 1 month ago
This guy's a taking Zimbabwean for grantege, they way they like power is dangerous
Bishu · 1 month ago
Grateful to whom should these people be. Those are fellow combatants. Maybe faced more fire in battle than number 1
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Can someone remind muswe about the then powerful people Jonathan moyo, savior kasukuwere mandi chimenya zhawo chihuri Walter mzembi. This happens kana gudo rabvuta rekeni
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Saka zvaka passisiswa 2018, nhai tazokubatai, kuramba 2039 yangu muchida 2030. Pa 2030 tichapasisa 2039 yangu na Samutoko na Wasu. Mukarambo tingoonana maenza wasu munomuziva, bvunza sekuru Dunge. Vachingoenda na Robert akamuka aakutoudzwa kunzi sign your retirement ka video ka Gaddafi
Anonymous · 1 month ago
The president is now tired. Shops are closing. Zimbabwe is now taxing everyone to death. Government departments are now dysfunctional. You have to pay a public servant in order to get a service. Its time for the president to go peacefully.
African Observer · 1 month ago
Mnangagwa is not fit to be the president of Zimbabwe ko inhema here? Kungoti what do you expect from political appointees like muswere? Chokwadi sezvachiri ndechekuti only criminals and fools are pushing for this 2030 agenda rational people won't support a load of raw sewage like this.
Anonymous · 1 month ago
2030 slogan is for few who are close to mnangagwa welcome to reality the good thing is coming from central committee member. Mapfupa ambuya nehanda akumuka manje
citizen · 1 month ago
Tibvireipo vana Muswere.Svava inobuda mukaka pamhuno inozivei nezvePolitics.Ziva zvekusevenza ndiko kubasa kwako.
Zvigananda · 1 month ago
Movie chaiyo
sad emoji1
Mp · 1 month ago
I interpretation In. shona handzi minister ava v muswere vakafa nezuru vacharaswa ku heroes acre chema yabo I. box me MHSRIP
,🏋️ · 1 month ago
jm usakanganwazvakaita chipanga
Meggah · 1 month ago
Janfer soon uchaona kukosha kwemashoko emaWar Veterans. ini zii zvangu
🤔 · 1 month ago
how can he shout someone or oppose Geza when he is just stating his side of the story. If he want the term limit to be xtended it doesn't mean I want the same too
Chokunaka · 1 month ago
Huroi hwese ihoho
Ediots · 1 month ago
here is one of those ediots i always talk about
laugh emoji1
😍😍😍 · 1 month ago
muswere kazvimb8rwa nekuba manje watch out hokoyo tokubvisa tumaglass utwo
Scarfmore · 1 month ago
Muri kufara ana Muswere nekuti muri kudya mega vazhinji vachitambura.
WHILST · 1 month ago
Pasi nezvigananda, lets stop nonsense being schemed by these crooks.
f · 1 month ago
Uriduzzvi Jenfan daj mwari akutora
MUTONGI GAVA · 1 month ago
Iye number 1 ngaamise zvose zve ammendment of the constitition. Shuwa to craft some laws to suit one petson, haaa hey God have grace on us pliz.Its total dictatorship likened to Mugabe's style.
Mp · 1 month ago
zizi remunu dai ukafa
figo · 1 month ago
Muswere kamwana kwauri uno kabakirwa nemari yehuminister kakati..ngaarambe aripo sezvo ndiye akandiita minister,,,**** you....****
figo · 1 month ago
Muswere kamwana kwauri uno kabakirwa nemari yehuminister kakati..ngaarambe aripo sezvo ndiye akandiita minister,,,**** you....****
Rebelyus · 1 month ago
The incompetent Minister OF Propaganda. Why should they tolerate lawlessness and the atay in power of a Lootocrate?? MNANGAGWA IS WORSENING THE Economic crisis. More taax ,poor currency, inflation policy inconsistencies, etc.
Jen · 1 month ago
hello my real name is Jenifer
laugh emoji1
Not a Jenny Fan ! · 1 month ago
oh poor Jennyfan, does anybody actual listen to what he has to say ? shame !
laugh emoji1
Scara · 1 month ago
businesses are closing dhop, eg. choppies, n richards etc. vision 2030 is slso just sloganeering, this vidion can't be achieve, what with no electricity, no water for businesses to deliver. unemployment is on the ruse5as businesses are closing shop. after the festive season some businesses have fsiled to open, some are downsizing just yo keep afloat. some shops now have empty shelves due to multiple punitive taxation. i can go on and on giving the challenges zim and it citizenry is facing. how then can term limits extensions be justified. even where the economy was functioning oroperly, still term limit extensions can't be justified. those in power would have done their party and must move on and leave office for the next generation in the structures/ranks of any of the political parties which are votrd into power. it's sad thst5the leadershio is dilent and fsiling to put a stop to the calls for term lomits extension, which leads to the view that the leardership is complicit in these calls. its somlpy just not right.
gumlaz · 1 month ago
ko imi mambodireiko kuramba muripo 2030 wacho imi marimwe zuro makabvisa mugabe muchiti agarisa zvimwe zvinhu itai muchiona vanhu havasi mapofu sezvamofunga
Gaffer · 1 month ago
It's **** to think a Zanu leader including Gen is against corruption, like he is the 2nd most powerful person in Zim for almost a decade now 🥹 and he has done nothing about corruption. Gen is just jealous and power hungry lyk any normal Zanu bt not serious. Don't listen to what they say watch what they do. Where did Ginimbi get his money?, was it not Gen's money from looting?,
Honest · 1 month ago
This country should stop having elections all to together. There should be a new Constitution that declares ZANU-PF as the only political party in this country!
Antman · 1 month ago
We are concerned about the extent to which these individuals, while purporting to be members of the ruling party (and) bona fide members of the War Veterans fraternity, are not using legal and relevant structures to discuss their grievances. What is surprising is that such individuals, including Cde Blessed Geza, was one of the lead proponents of Resolution Number 1 of the 21st National People’s Conference which underscores the need for the President to remain in office until 2030 Two contradicting statements same speech. So there are party members or not?
jojo · 1 month ago
its called dictatorship for a reason.
Vic Venom · 1 month ago
Wow your comprehension of the English language is laughable...Rant over sanity restored
ZimSketch · 1 month ago
and we are watching
General · 1 month ago
Muswere anopenga chete Constitution yacho Inga yanoti inoda kugadziriswa Inga yakaitwa neruzhinji Saka chanetsa chii ipapo uri kumbodeyi chaizvo vamwe vakanyarara panyaya yacho iwe Vega Vega takarasima asi unemhoswa dzauri kufukidzirwa here chiii asi uri kuda kuzosiirwa
walle · 1 month ago
Jeniffer ka!
kiri · 1 month ago
Bateleur PMC · 1 month ago
Uri ****

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