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Police Officers Manning Roadblocks Instructed To Prioritize Major Traffic Offences Over Minor Infractions

1 month agoWed, 29 Jan 2025 07:01:58 GMT
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Police Officers Manning Roadblocks Instructed To Prioritize Major Traffic Offences Over Minor Infractions

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has instructed officers manning roadblocks under operation, “No to Mushikashika and Lawlessness on the Roads” to prioritise major traffic offences that promote road safety and responsible driving, rather than focusing on minor infractions.

This move follows complaints from motorists, who expressed concerns that some officers were overly focused on trivial offences, such as the type of fire extinguisher or reflective vests carried by drivers.

Police officers are reportedly checking a wide range of items, including driver’s licenses, reflective triangles, reflective vests, specific types of fire extinguishers, spare wheels, brake and indicator functionality, and reflectors at roadblocks.

While these checks are part of routine policing, many motorists feel that the focus on minor details distracts from addressing more pressing road safety issues.

In response to the complaints, ZRP spokesperson Commissioner Paul Nyathi told The Herald that officers should prioritize key traffic offences to ensure better road safety. Said Nyathi:

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The police should focus on key issues which promote road safety and responsible driving. Yes, we have taken note of some of the complaints raised by the public.

However, they should also know that some of these issues are highlighted in the country’s laws. Our officers have been fully briefed on what they should check at police checkpoints.

In a separate statement, Nyathi affirmed that the operation “No to Mushikashika and Lawlessness on the Roads” would continue without compromise.

He said that only registered kombis with all necessary and verifiable documents would be permitted to operate as public service vehicles.

Nyathi also urged passengers to avoid boarding unroadworthy kombis, particularly those without registration plates or with windows covered by cardboard boxes or other makeshift materials.



pee · 1 month ago
prioritise fixing pot holes to reduce axxdts ...issue tickets to road authorities tor failing to maintain public infrastructure..
kiki · 1 month ago
mbavha idzi vakaoma une zvakakwana vanokutsvakira mhosva
Best · 1 month ago
fix potholes first road safety on potholes kkkkkkk
kiki · 1 month ago
government ngaigadzirise ma roads than kushungurudza vanhu ne twunhu twusina basa.
African Observer · 1 month ago
Passengers should avoid boarding dzimwe mota idi unotoona kuti that one is a moving grave with yellow plates apo munenge makatozara vanhu.Type of fire extinguisher haisi trivial hayo that's a very important matter.Vemushika shika chingoitai compliant zve zvnhu zvenyu zvive registered nhau yekusada kubvisa mitero iyi haisi bo.
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Instead of collecting $5 for illegal taxis you can now charge them $15 by calling it an accident prone vehicle with passengers on board.
ZimSketch · 1 month ago
most of these Mushikashika vihecles are owned by police officers
pee · 1 month ago
true the new CG of police should,at least take stock on all his subordinates life style..he should discourage those who engage in unscrupulous behavior that tarnishes the image of the police service.
xxc · 1 month ago
operations yakanaka but upto now mushikashika steel pass on the block , Motor dzavo mapurisa ndodzisina zvakakwana ndodzirikusiwa muroad wyyyyyyyyyy
tembenene · 1 month ago
tangai magadzira road first vanhu weeeee
chigananda · 1 month ago
Matangaaa wooyee wakasiirei basaaaaaa ....tokurangariraa
trabablas · 1 month ago
zvamanje manje vaitaa marii ..ana kedha central vatonematumbu ..marii muhomwe commissioner mafanana na chihuri
😎 · 1 month ago
Pama purisa manning roadblocks there's supposed to be, one musoja(military police), one Vid, one council police,, ne remainder of Zrp chaivo crime, Ivava vaka rotater, maduties, corruption kisses goodbye
CIO · 1 month ago
usanyepe vid are and military depents on corruption
Ediots · 1 month ago
tora mare united
Abeshto · 1 month ago
Police yaita mari

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