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ZANU PF's Mahiya Dismisses War Veterans' Call For Mnangagwa To Step Down

1 month agoWed, 29 Jan 2025 13:57:36 GMT
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ZANU PF's Mahiya Dismisses War Veterans' Call For Mnangagwa To Step Down

Douglas Mahiya, the ZANU PF Secretary for War Veterans, Ex-Political Prisoners, Detainees, and Restrictees, has criticized ZANU PF Central Committee member and fellow war veteran Blessing Runesu Geza for opposing the party’s plans to amend the Constitution, which would allow President Emmerson Mnangagwa to run for a third term.

On Sunday, January 26, Geza, along with five other veterans, publicly called for Mnangagwa to step down, declaring that he was “not fit to run this country.”

The group also rejected any changes to the Constitution and dismissed Mnangagwa’s assurances that he had no intentions of staying in power beyond 2028.

In an interview with The Herald in Harare on Tuesday, Mahiya dismissed their position as part of a “foreign agenda” aimed at sowing discord within the party. Said Mahiya:

ZANU PF will not listen to misguided elements. Cde Geza’s sentiments do not represent the position of war veterans. They are advancing the interests of their handlers, who are yet to be identified. This is a foreign agenda meant to cause disharmony within the party.

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Once a decision is made at the conference or congress, war veterans cannot oppose it. The decision of the majority will stand.

At the conference held in Bulawayo in October 2024, ZANU PF passed a resolution, Resolution Number 1 from the 21st National People’s Conference, to amend the Constitution for the President to remain in office until 2030.



Xx · 1 month ago
Please keep your comments short coz vamwe murikuzo pedzisira makungonyora nonsense and out of topic
𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖉 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖐 · 1 month ago
The masses are not worried about this extra time proposal if it only ends within the Zanu pf dominion not Zimbabwe. In Zimbabwe we don't endorse a president, we vote. Is Mnangagwa cock sure that he'll succeed rigging the elections this time. Zvanzi 2030 change ndiripo... 𝙪𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙞 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙢𝙖?
skubani · 1 month ago
nekuchembera kwawaita uko Mahiya ungagotiiko
LZW · 1 month ago
Question, why does everything have to be associated with a foreign agenda Mahiya??? Any time somebody opposes Zanu Pf whether they belong to the party or not it must be immediately misconstrued as a "foreign agenda" So if your spouse has to leave you or your own relative disagrees with you i'm sure you're the type to blame it on a foreign agenda as well right? Go sell you BS somewhere else nobody is buying into it. The fact is that your boyfriend ED has his days numbered same like what happened to R.G Mugabe. You belong to a party that eats it's own to survive, loyality or not you're just the next **** to be used when it's convenient.
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Mahiya, Matemadanda Dai mwanyarara You did exactly the same during Mugabe time in 2017 Mukazi amusi ma War vet chaiwo chaiwo!!
Sir African · 1 month ago
Mahiya akaenda kuhondo ipi yacho,kupi kwacho?
Mudhibhisi · 1 month ago
The Looter In Chief must resign by like all dictators who brought down their countries he won't.
korruptPRIEST 🇿🇼 · 1 month ago
Unongoona neface yacho kut ziduzununu😵
African Observer · 1 month ago
zvekut foreign agenda izvozvo zvno taurwa nemunhu azere matoozvi mumusoro bedzi.povho haisi kuda kumbonzwa zvematoozvi izvozvo. ma failed politician like ana mahiya knows kut hapana Chimwe chavanogona in life except kuva ma leeches mu zanu pf
Tafi · 1 month ago
chaka · 1 month ago
anyone who have got a different view is called foreign agenda. Is that so someone who is narrow minded like that purport to represent someone.
General · 1 month ago
Ana Mahiya madii kungonyarara Inga ndimi vaiti vazvo pana Mugabe vani zvadiii paGarwe
blaze · 1 month ago
Ana Mahiya makazviita wani nguva yaBob Geza and crew are just foot soldiers comment on the import of their msg but like seriously tingachinjire Constitution munhu one hre
Mp · 1 month ago
Zimbabwe is no scared by America if America day dreams it can win war with Zimbabwe let the games begin we have all missiles and drones and nuclear
🤔 · 1 month ago
Mukai mdhara, hondo munoiziva hre haisi yenyu yemuma video games kaiyi. panofiya wanzwa hre muchayanyoka
werkar werkar · 1 month ago
maguta sadza bambo
General · 1 month ago
Siyanai nazvo tsano Maiwonepi America Geza ndewe kuAmerica here ziwa nyaya tsano
Mp · 1 month ago
let the games begin watch from Terrence
Corruptmore Looto · 1 month ago
Everyone who opposes whatever the regime tries to force down our throats is apparently being influenced by foreigners, the same foreigners who also apparently help with aid but of course the regime doesn't care about that, they would rather worship their dodgy Chinese buddies who have destroyed our scenic environment. You know what, I would infact be happy if that is the case seeing that this look east policy hasn't done anything of value for us over the years, a case in example, when the Chinese lend you some money they don't actually send it to your central bank unlike Western Nations but instead the money goes directly to a Chinese firm, you don't get to choose who you want to do the project , as if that's not enough they bring almost everything from China and try to minimise as possible whatever amount they spend outside of China, meaning the benefit to your Nation is minimal. So I would rather let us be close to Western nations than be in the Chinese or Russian sphere of influence.
@vhedza · 1 month ago
It should known to you that the Chinese use Yuan in their every day transaction they are jealous of their currency and do not want their money to be converted into us$.
theLastAntKing · 1 month ago
imi madiro avanoita US$ vanhu ivava, hamusikuvazivaziva
Tate g · 1 month ago
get away vapfana Zimbabwe I Zimbabwe
Pasi Pamera Ziso · 1 month ago
Cde Mahiya should have never responded to those people. You can create your future but you can not control it. Be careful 🤔🤔🤔
Gegeja · 1 month ago
foreign agenda 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 kana umwe ataura democratic view yake 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. mozoti kana 👺zvakuipirayi👺 you start mobilising vanhu kuti ngatibisei munhu sezvamakaita pana Mugabe, this time 😬toramba kushandiswa😬🙄🙄.
luca · 1 month ago
Mahiya is conflicted. he must choose a side. is he claiming war vets to be ZANU pf ...because War Vets are independent of gvt and ZANU pf they have a right to express
Taura dare · 1 month ago
why did we say to Mugabe it was enough when we continue to do same policing....we removed Mugabe nekuti taida kudyawo or we wanted change for Zimbabweans
Advocate · 1 month ago
The way it's said it really shows we don't need to worst resources on elections.The 2030 agenda is certain to them that it will pass so its now Zanu Pf against Zanu Pf who wants to became the next president of Zimbabwe. (1)Chiwenga (2)Mutsvangwa (3)........................ (4)........................

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