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Rwanda’s Kagame Accuses Ramaphosa Of Lying, Says Ready For Confrontation

1 month agoThu, 30 Jan 2025 12:43:33 GMT
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Rwanda’s Kagame Accuses Ramaphosa Of Lying, Says Ready For Confrontation

Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame has accused South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa and government officials of “lying” and “distorting” discussions between the two leaders in a statement to South Africans on Wednesday.

Kagame’s response came after Ramaphosa shared a statement on X (formerly Twitter) accusing Rwanda of involvement in the deaths of 13 South African peacekeeping troops in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

He blamed the rebel group M23 which is said to be funded by Rwanda, and Rwandan troops for the killing of South African soldiers.

In his statement, Ramaphosa said the fighting was “the result of an escalation by the rebel group M23 and Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) militia engaging the Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC) and attacking peacekeepers from the SADC Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (SAMIDRC).”

In a media briefing on Wednesday, South Africa’s Minister of Defence, Angie Motshekga, said that Ramaphosa had warned Rwanda that firing on South African troops would be considered an act of war.

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Kagame confirmed on his official X page that he and Ramaphosa had held two conversations earlier this week, including one just hours before the statement.

He responded to Ramaphosa’s claims, labelling them as distortions, attacks, and outright lies. Wrote Kagame:

I held two conversations this week with President Ramaphosa on the situation in Eastern DRC, including earlier today.

What has been said about these conversations in the media by South African officials and President Ramaphosa himself contains a lot of distortion, deliberate attacks, and even lies.

If words can change so much from a conversation to a public statement, it says a lot about how these very important issues are being managed.

A few important clarifications for the record:

1. The Rwanda Defence Force is an army, not a militia.

2. SAMIDRC is not a peacekeeping force, and it has no place in this situation. It was authorized by SADC as a belligerent force engaging in offensive combat operations to help the DRC Government fight against its own people, working alongside genocidal armed groups like FDLR which target Rwanda, while also threatening to take the war to Rwanda itself.

3. SAMIDRC displaced a true peacekeeping force, the East African Community Regional Force, and this contributed to the failure of the negotiation processes.

4. President Ramaphosa has never given a “warning” of any kind, unless it was delivered in his local language which I do not understand. He did ask for support to ensure the South African force has adequate electricity, food and water, which we shall help communicate.

5. President Ramaphosa confirmed to me that M23 did not kill the soldiers from South Africa, FARDC did.

6. If South Africa wants to contribute to peaceful solutions, that is well and good, but South Africa is in no position to take on the role of a peacemaker or mediator. And if South Africa prefers confrontation, Rwanda will deal with the matter in that context any day.



Mono · 1 month ago
They say they divided us whenever there is a problem they blame west Africans cant think outside the box Europeans colonised us because they analysed that we are ****
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Rwanda actually works quite well!! That's way SA and the rest don't like it. They represent a treat to their way of government.
@vhedza · 1 month ago
Rwanda is helping the Americans to loot DRC's resources in Goma in exchange for weapons. Ndosaka Kamosiquito Kagame is boast against one of the recognised superpower of Africa.
2020fine · 1 month ago
Yaa ndinomboona zvangu bhora mubhawa ndichiona advert yakanzi visit Rwanda koo kunei ikoko kuno advertiswa kuchando? ok ndaibata
naked truth · 1 month ago
last statement iro paJoza muchadzoka kumusha
🤾‍♀️ · 1 month ago
the only thing about these leaders respectful speaking they have their indoor private meetings alone and then when they disagree they want the public to be involved. I always say if leaders are not understanding eachother and start exchanging words involving innocent people who werent there on their meetings. A system should be drafted if they fail to understand eachother, WWE is looking for them let them go there and finish on the ring
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Hanzi Asernal ndiyo irikupa Rwanda zvombo hy **** Asernal
theLastAntKing · 1 month ago
Good Ramaposa anyatsotaura kwete kutaurira kutya. Kana Kagame irimboko & a warlord it has to be said. Also Kagame attacked Al of us coz he said something about SADC & we're all SADC chairs, of which he Is saying isu ma chairs takaendaku DRC zvisiri pamutemo... Asi haanyepi hake Ana Ramaposa vakuprotecta ma interets avo muma mines avo ikoko saka ngavapedzerane ne Rwanda yacho
Account Holder · 1 month ago
Kagame rova munhu kusvika ATI twasa
Cde muchama,ma · 1 month ago
SA ngaimboma,misana neRwanda vajaira Xinophobia vapedza hama dzedu paSA apa .Vanombo tangireyi musindo ngavamamiswe vambonzwawo kuti kunomami,swa vanhu .Haisi Xinophobia ihondo Kagame arikutodawo kumbonzwawo.Munoti MaZulu akapenga apa vanotopama,ma chete.
. · 1 month ago
zulu kupiko hype yekunyepa team iri m23 vano MAMIẞA Swera tuma show twepa dstv moti SA . Rwanda vahombe
Roadkill · 1 month ago
Last statement ndiyo ine moto
. · 1 month ago
yesaya chimbo vamamisayi team SA they do black on black rascim chimbo vapeta
Bvic Bvenom · 1 month ago
please wat do these abbreviations mean....SAMIDRC,FDLR,FARDC
Sir African · 1 month ago
SADC mission in DRC ( SAMIDRC) Amred Force For DRC ( FARDC)
Sir African · 1 month ago
They french acronym no English
Maringambire · 1 month ago
pashata apo
Ediots · 1 month ago
This is a situation that is going south quick. SA is backed by Russia. Rwanda is an American ally. Ramaphosa , ED and DRC are being propped up by Russia thats why Rwanda is opposed vehemently to the joining the circus in DRC. SA soldiers never fought a war of any plausible magnitude. There was never a war in SA hence their army cannot be compared to that of Rwanda. ZAR vs SA would be bad news for ANC.
Roadkill · 1 month ago
Consider the distance first. Unless its going to be an air to air confrontation hapana nyaya. Plus both sides dont have nuclear. Which is the biggest threat these days
Fox 🦊 · 1 month ago
Anonymous · 1 month ago
No one is **** enough to go nuclear. Just look at the Russia Ukraine war. Putin uses nuclear for threats only. He will never use them . The main advantage in these fights is money. This is a proxy war between US and Russia. Russia has no money, period. Ramaphosa vano shamisa chete. Rwanda has backing of US and its allies.
TZ · 1 month ago
Pastor Rusukira vakamboti haumisi hondo nehondo,paimwe song yavo
blaze · 1 month ago
If u r really peace keepers then u shd not be aiding either part to the conflict coz if u do then u bcm a legitimate target just create a buffer btn the warring sides and talk them into negotiating
🤔 · 1 month ago
So Kagame is ready to deal with any confrontation at any day, mmm this sounds interesting
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Uyu anoda kudashurwa mhani,kaRwanda kanoda kuita kunge kane mhasuru zvekutotyisa zvekudaro saka kanongoda kumbobvuraudzwa bvuraudzwaso then tozoona arikukapa zvivindi zvakarikuratidza izvi.
🤔 · 1 month ago
Mnje if the situation remains heated like this there is a guarantee for ww3. If peace is to maintained, pc treaties sold be signed immediately across all nations for the sake of humanity.
Anonymous · 1 month ago
He definetly Needs Discipline....
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Infact That whole region around Goma needs tight monitoring. People there should be taught to respect life,they must not behave like wild animals.
Tshabangu · 1 month ago
SADC forces are a private security Company that protects the interest of corrupt, looters and heartless criminals, if you see them Mr Kagame please help us by killing them all
laugh emoji1
The Curator · 1 month ago
But Kagame himself if part of the same SADC group. Kwana
walle · 1 month ago
Rwanda haisi muSADC bambo
werkar werkar · 1 month ago
well said
Corruptmore Looto · 1 month ago
Ummm I must have missed the part when Rwanda joined SADC because last time I checked it wasn't part of the useless grouping hence the tensions when they deployed their army to Mozambique.
Fox 🦊 · 1 month ago
Kkkkkk haaaa pakaipa
anonymous · 1 month ago
uyo kagame how doy you respond ramaphosa?

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