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The Health Of Your People Is Your Responsibility, U.S. Tells Zimbabwe's Government

1 month agoThu, 30 Jan 2025 13:16:41 GMT
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The Health Of Your People Is Your Responsibility, U.S. Tells Zimbabwe's Government

The U.S. government has said President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration must take full responsibility for the health of Zimbabweans, including procuring anti-retroviral therapy and ensuring clinics are properly staffed with nurses.

Reports indicate that since Zimbabwe gained independence in 1980, the U.S. has provided over US$5 billion in humanitarian and development assistance, including more than $1 billion in the past three years alone.

The United States remains the largest provider of development and humanitarian aid, with key initiatives like the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), and the Feed the Future Hunger and Food Security Program.

However, the Trump administration recently suspended donor support globally. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is now working to strengthen its health, development, and cultural exchange programs.

In a statement released Wednesday, the U.S. Embassy in Zimbabwe confirmed that, in line with President Trump’s Executive Order on Reevaluating and Realigning U.S. Foreign Aid, Secretary Rubio has paused all U.S. foreign assistance funded by or through the State Department and USAID for review. Reads the statement:

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Consistent with President Trump’s Executive Order on Reevaluating and Realigning United States Foreign Aid, Secretary Rubio has paused all U.S. foreign assistance funded by or through the State Department and USAID for review.

He is initiating a review of all foreign assistance programs to ensure they are efficient and consistent with U.S. foreign policy under the America First agenda.

At this moment, in order to do a thorough review, all programs and grants without a waiver approved by the Secretary of State using foreign assistance funding are paused.

It is time for Zimbabwe to take seriously its responsibility for the health of its people. For HIV, Zimbabwe has hit the 95/95/95 targets.

They urgently need to be focused on buying ART and getting nurses in clinics. They can do this.



Ctrl Alt Del · 1 month ago
Dai tine vanhu kwavo mu gvt taikunda manje Zvigananda izvi dont care about people they would rather see people with HIV die of AIDS ivo vachingo looter vachidya with their kith n kin my heart bleeds for people who relied on NGOs for their ARVs pakaipa
Meda Online · 1 month ago
Unemployment @ our doorstep. Vamwe vanga vachirarama nedzema donor idzi ma1 akutangidza. But sometimes you were not relevant. You failed to fulfill your mandate. Kkkk In some areas where you were fighting malaria your V8 cars are more than the mosquitos
Mholoza · 1 month ago
More fancy cars to the rich people on dead roads! The poor get poorer! God, what kind of leadership is this really. The looters are crying for more years to loot. Ummm.
mhuka huru · 1 month ago
If Chinese are good friends let's see.Taingonzwa kuti USA yakaipa iyoyaitotiraramisazvayo isina chayatitorera koidzidzimwe Hama idzi
Satan 👹 · 1 month ago
chandakarovera ****
chirume chirume · 1 month ago
munogochemei hanti tine look east police
naked truth · 1 month ago
farisai henyu asi vese vane AIDS muchafa 1 by 1 henyu vakuda kuti mumboite vashoma havo maUSA hazvina basa uri vebato ripi
Anonymous · 1 month ago
Ko vasina AIDS vachafawo here?
theLastAntKing · 1 month ago
The West as it is labelled by our government reps provided over $5 bidza & over $1 bida to a country which portrays it as "Evil & satan" Politics idzodzo dzichiri kushanda kunana kule veku UMP but not urbanites. Now zvamira zvakadai takuda kuona kupona kwavo nepaburi retsono kubva pakutenga ma c.o.n.d.o.m.s kusvika kuma ARV. I forsee H.I.V patients vanegletwa kunge ma Cancer patients. Zim dwellers now masiiwa pachena kana ma nurse nema Doctors vaiwana government salary then imwe yaibva kuzvima programme izvo zvaifandwa neUSAID zvavharana soon vakarongedza ma bags vakatevera vakabira mhiri
👀👀 · 1 month ago
haurevi nhema
Zimbo · 1 month ago
How much aid has China contributed towards our health delivery ,the Americans have been very generous to us and its high we appreciate what they have doing rather than blaming them for nonexistent sanctions,the looters within us are always finding excuses so that their looting go unchecked , its time to face reality.
😎 · 1 month ago
I trust ED ANOBUDA on this akango vhiringidza nema sanctions otherwise had it been a fair play, everything else provided to a elected government, kusina zvese zvana magsinky Ed would have come up tops and infact a world leader at par naiye Trump, But ku vhiringidza uku kwa
Corruptmore Looto · 1 month ago
😂😂😂Hayas ignorance surely is bliss 😅😅, are you seriously still talking about sanctions despite all the support this country receives. The only reason they can't borrow more money is because Bob angrily stopped payments as he was piššed that the West refused to cover the budget shortfall caused by his rash decision to give war veterans unbudgeted cash handouts therefore resulting in a default. The current sanctions regime which you are talking about is just there because the US can't afford to do nothing against the regime so they just placed a few individuals and I don't know maybe that Zim defence firm, I not really sure but I do know that there is something against the regime when it comes to their ability to procure lethal equipment from the West.
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Trabablas · 1 month ago
Sorry zvako nekusaziva the reality. zvinotonzwisa tsitsi
Ctrl Alt Del · 1 month ago
@😎 shut up you dimwit its ediots like you who are dragging this country down this is not the time for blind support its time to tell your leaders the truth they should stop the looting and revive the health sector
🤔 · 1 month ago
Mitengo yezvinhu ichatokwira nekuda kweizvi mirai muone. Zim will be in shackles 🤯 vanhu vemuno vakaoma kani and I hear Zanu pple say "little did I know kut Ed and Zanu r such rubbish"
🤔 · 1 month ago
But vagona havo veUSA pamwe pa3 months maZimba tingasimudze musoro kana gvt yedu yakoniwa, hama dzikafa kna kushaya mishonga. Not kut zviri good kushaya mushonga asi zvinobatsirei kut imwe mbinga yakaita saChivhayo inoshandisa mari yakawanda kutenga madzimotokari asi mahealth facilities edu asiri up to standard. Zvimwe zvacho tofanira kumboona kut iyo hurumende yedu ine hanya neveruzhinji hre kana kut hapana hapo. Even their so called friends, Russia and China ar there to aid or loot our resources only. The yrs that have passed we have seen our gvt buying big vehicles for chiefs, mps and others for campaigning. We never heard anything for the hospitals and the situation keeps on getting worse. Vaye vemumamisha vaiti Ed pfee or huchi tichakunzwirai even vanomuda pamuchafirwa kana kushaya mushonga muchaona kut pfumvudza hair hairape AIDS
👀👀 · 1 month ago
haurevi nhema
👀👀 · 1 month ago
taakuzopera kufa ne edzi manji,ma ARVs aakuzobva wotengeswa manji manji,avo ivo anenge aripo,taakupemeka bvudzi futi,coz ukada kutarisa Zidolam ,zidovudine,Stanalev,neverapine ,all those ARVs anogadzirwa nema pharmaceuticals akasiyana,so gvt yedu as l know haina mari yekutambisa kutenga mishonga iyoyo
Mp · 1 month ago
please Comrade Trump have mercy on poor citizen just come and take the culprit
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Chigananda · 1 month ago
Yah zvigananda must fund our health sector
blaze · 1 month ago
More taxes in the crafting to find the health care system
· 1 month ago
"to fund"
dok25 · 1 month ago
If it was not for aid to the poor, the disadvantaged and the vulnerable how many of those who have received the help would still be alive by now? Are they called sanctions when only the poor are assisted?
Fireworks · 1 month ago
Roadkill · 1 month ago
SinoAid on the way 😅😅
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Ediots · 1 month ago
🤣 the US is now implementing real sanctions. withdraw all aid and leave the tyrants to stew. why is zanu pf weeping when they have attacked the US for ages. isnt it a good thing thag the US has given up on interfering in domestic affairs. The truth is that China and Russia arent willing to take up the challenge.But i have faith in the ediots they have for a long time claimed to be financially well off to build the country....we need trabablaz medicines
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Dollarboy · 1 month ago
Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo
Gegeja · 1 month ago
*Importance of Policy Independence in Health Systems* Policy independence is essential for the effective functioning of health systems. It ensures that health policies are designed and implemented based on the unique needs of the local population rather than external influences. Here are several key aspects to consider: *1. **Tailored Health Solutions*** - *Local Needs Assessment*: Policy independence allows for health policies that are tailored specifically to address the unique health challenges and priorities of the local population. - *Cultural Relevance*: Health strategies that consider cultural, social, and economic contexts are more likely to be accepted and successful within the community. *2. **Sustainability and Resilience*** - *Long-Term Planning*: Independent health policies can focus on sustainable practices that are not reliant on fluctuating foreign funding, ensuring consistent service delivery. - *Resource Allocation*: Policymakers can allocate resources according to local priorities, leading to better health outcomes and more efficient use of funds. *3. **Empowerment of Local Governance*** - *Strengthening Local Institutions*: Policy independence empowers local health institutions, enhancing their capacity to make informed decisions and respond effectively to health crises. - *Community Engagement*: When policies are developed independently, there is often greater opportunity for community involvement, fostering trust and collaboration between health authorities and the public. *4. **Protection Against External Pressures*** - *Mitigating Foreign Influence*: Independent health policymaking reduces the risk of being swayed by foreign interests that may prioritize their agendas over local health needs. - *Ethical Standards*: Health policies can be established based on ethical considerations that reflect the values and norms of the local population, rather than external expectations. *5. **Improved Accountability*** - *Local Responsibility*: Independent policies enhance accountability as local leaders are directly responsible for health outcomes, making them more responsive to the community's needs. - *Transparency*: With a focus on local governance, there is often greater transparency in the decision-making process, fostering public trust in health systems. *Conclusion* *Policy independence in health systems is vital for ensuring that health strategies are relevant, sustainable, and effective. It empowers local communities, mitigates the influence of foreign agendas, and promotes accountability, ultimately leading to improved health outcomes for the population.* Prioritizing policy independence can strengthen the overall resilience and effectiveness of healthcare systems worldwide.
Gegeja · 1 month ago
*Impact of Foreign Sponsorship on Health Systems* Foreign sponsorship in health systems can have significant and multifaceted impacts. Here are some key areas to consider: *1. **Resource Allocation*** - *Prioritization of Foreign Interests*: Funding may be directed towards health initiatives that align more closely with the interests of foreign sponsors rather than local health needs. - *Neglect of Local Issues*: Critical health issues that do not attract foreign funding may be overlooked, leading to a disparity in health services. *2. **Policy Influence*** - *Shaping Health Policies*: Foreign sponsors can exert influence on health policy decisions, which may not always align with the best interests of the local population. - *Dependency*: Health systems may become reliant on foreign funding, leading to challenges in sustainability and independence when such funding is withdrawn. *3. **Quality and Standards of Care*** - *Variation in Standards*: The introduction of foreign standards and practices may not always be applicable or beneficial to the local context, potentially impacting the quality of care. - *Training and Capacity Building*: While foreign sponsorship often includes training and capacity-building initiatives, these may favor foreign methodologies over local expertise and practices. *4. **Cultural Considerations*** - *Cultural Misalignment*: Health interventions funded by foreign entities may not always respect or align with local cultural practices and beliefs, leading to resistance or ineffective outcomes. - *Public Trust*: The perception of foreign influence can erode public trust in the health system, making individuals less likely to seek care or adhere to health advice. *5. **Economic Implications*** - *Impact on Local Economy*: Heavy reliance on foreign funding can divert resources away from local health initiatives and economic development, hindering self-sufficiency. - *Job Creation vs. Loss*: While foreign sponsorship can create jobs in some areas, it may also lead to job losses in local health sectors if foreign entities dominate the market. *Conclusion* The impact of foreign sponsorship on health systems is complex and requires a careful balance between collaboration and maintaining local autonomy. *It is essential to critically assess these influences to ensure that the health system serves the needs of the community effectively and sustainably.*
General · 1 month ago
as for me I don't see any problem with such a decision nyika imwe neimwe inofara kuzvimiririra pazvose musazoti maSanctions
Corruptmore Looto · 1 month ago
Yeah right, maybe the Zanu PF of the 80s and early 90s not this one, this current Zanu will never do that they will just watch as the catastrophe unfolds while busy chanting 2030 ndendichipo
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Hamuhwine match · 1 month ago
ndoozvo mungavadii hamuhwine match
do4 · 1 month ago
Mazvinzwaka vene &yo crew.
Hamuhwine match · 1 month ago
zvikagodii paye
Black-Scorpion · 1 month ago
naked truth
Hamuhwine match · 1 month ago
tumasvada twakasvava black scorpion unoruma ne back iwe manje wako black scorpion torova ne Burkina Faso
Dr kuviz Tokyo Japan · 1 month ago
pakaipa chaipo

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