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U.S. Eases Aid Freeze With Waiver To Resume Humanitarian Aid Programmes

1 month agoFri, 31 Jan 2025 05:38:26 GMT
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U.S. Eases Aid Freeze With Waiver To Resume Humanitarian Aid Programmes

U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio has issued a new waiver allowing humanitarian assistance programs to resume, despite a freeze on foreign aid.

The waiver enables the continuation of existing programs that provide essential medicines, medical services, food, shelter, and other vital assistance. Said Rubio:

For the purposes of carrying out the President’s Executive Order on Reevaluating and Realigning United States Foreign Aid, I am approving an additional waiver of the pause under the Executive Order on Reevaluating and Realigning United States Foreign Aid and my subsequent direction of January 24, 2025, for life-saving humanitarian assistance during the period of the review.

Implementers of existing life-saving humanitarian assistance programs should continue or resume work if they have stopped, subject to the following directions. This resumption is temporary in nature, and except by separate waiver or as required to carry out this waiver, no new contracts shall be entered into.

1.  (a) For purposes of this waiver, life-saving humanitarian assistance applies to core life-saving medicine, medical services, food, shelter, and subsistence assistance, as well as supplies and reasonable administrative costs as necessary to deliver such assistance.

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(b) This waiver does not apply to activities that involve abortions, family planning, conferences, administrative costs other than those covered by 1(a) above, gender or DEI ideology programs, transgender surgeries, or other non-life saving assistance.

(c) Migration and Refugee Assistance (MRA) may only be used to support activities under section 1(a) and for repatriation of third country nationals to their country of origin or safe-third-country.

2. Additional waivers or exceptions for humanitarian assistance not covered by this waiver may be sought through the Director of Foreign Assistance at the Department of State. Implementing partners and NGOs are to work through their U.S. government agency partners on such requests.



Xx · 1 month ago
Seriously Mp ,are you an adult or grade 4 kid?
Vic Venom · 1 month ago
Vic Venom · 1 month ago
Trimpian politics at it's best...All bark no bite , He always makes embarrassing U-turns because of his limited intellectual capacity..Rant over sanity restored
Apes · 1 month ago
You love Biden because he was weak he allowed millions of criminals in America Africa should stop relying on America for aid why don't we do our things here in africa
NetCat · 1 month ago
our own thing kuita sei ko sichupeti apa ... looking at Zimbabwe what "our own things" are we capable of doing
Anonymous · 1 month ago
This was about fixing a leak. Better to block the holes and then check which are valid and which just wash away.
Vic Venom · 1 month ago
I do not support Biden , Cruz , Harris or whoever the fück the system wants...I am Zimbabwean with zero American ancestry in my DNA so why in the fück should I care about the presidency... On the contrary America is the one that is mainly responsible for spreading the HIV virus in black communities especially those of African descent...Rant over sanity restored
Gaffer · 1 month ago
USA is a good nation, who can help us like them but yet we call them names
Dako rako rakasheneruka · 1 month ago
ko vakazotaura kuti no more US mari tingaita sei..nemari yedu iya yenhema guyz anenge atori mahwan
Mp · 1 month ago
l spoke to Comrade Trump yesterday Trump was my commander ku Mozambique in 1975 so he told that he will deal with the thief
S. Class · 1 month ago
Thank you USA. I remember your moto WE THE PEOPLE. you are the people for sure.
Ediots · 1 month ago
They tested a strategy and saw great response.this us the most effective way to implement sanctions without stating the obvious. Zanu PF had already barked and whimpered before a week had lapsed. imagine withdrawing aid for a year, the damage! the waiver is sensible as most of the aid is perishable drugs, food etc It would not benefit the US or Zim to stop the distribution of such aid.

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