The Cotton Company of Zimbabwe (COTTCO) said that it will take delivery of a 60-tonne oil-expressing plant from a Chinese partner, expected to arrive in the first or second quarter of 2025.
Updating on the current cotton planting season on Friday, COTTCO’s acting chief executive, Rockie Mutenha, said that the new plant will be located in Gokwe. He said (via The Herald):
On oil expression and green energy projects, COTTCO is acquiring a 60-tonne oil expressing plant from a Chinese firm, and the plant will be stationed in Gokwe.
We chose Gokwe because it has the highest throughput for factory processing and population. We expect the plant to be delivered in the first or second quarter of 2025.
COTTCO is also advancing its green energy project to power the Muzarabani ginnery, which is facing electricity challenges. Said Mutenha:
We expect to generate more energy than we require, with excess power channelled into the national grid for consumption by other electricity users in Muzarabani.
The project has not yet taken off as we are in discussions with financial and technical partners, but it will take place this year.
Regarding the current season, Mutenha announced the introduction of a farmer classification system to streamline input distribution.
This new system categorizes farmers based on their historical performance in production, productivity, and loyalty in delivering to COTTCO.
Farmers are classified into three groups: gold for those with 4 hectares or more of cotton, silver for those with 1 to 3 hectares, and bronze for those with less than 1 hectare or practising Pfumvudza/Intwasa.
Mutenha said that the crop stages indicate a very late season, with most of the crop not yet reaching the productive stage. He said:
About 12 percent of the crop has just emerged, having been planted late; 31 percent is between two and four pair leaves; 32 percent is between four and six leaves; 18 percent is squaring; seven percent is at flowering to ball formation stages; and one percent is at full ball formation.
The crop is healthy, and a good harvest is expected if it continues to rain into February and March.
Mutenha said COTTCO has successfully paid 100% of the foreign currency payments due from last year, accounting for 75% of the value.
However, the remaining 25%, amounting to US$400,000 to be paid in local currency, is still outstanding.
Mutenha assured that the company is committed to clearing the balance before the 2025 marketing season begins.