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US$4.5 Million Disappears Without A Trace In Harare Quarry Scandal

1 month agoThu, 06 Feb 2025 15:25:09 GMT
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US$4.5 Million Disappears Without A Trace In Harare Quarry Scandal

Harare’s mayor, Jacob Mafume, has said that over US$4.5 million disappeared from the city council through one of its companies, Harare Quarry, reported NewZimbabwe.

Mafume claimed that in 2018, the council gave Harare Quarry US$4.5 million to help restart its operations, but the money was spent without any clear record of where it went.

During a hearing with the Harare Commission of Inquiry, led by retired Judge Maphios Cheda, on Thursday Mafume openly stated, “The money was stolen.”

When asked who was responsible for the theft and what steps were taken to investigate, Mafume responded:

The management of Quarry. We resolved to get the Police involved. What we did is, we instituted, what was done before we were elected as Councillors. This was done by the previous Council and the previous management.

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We were elected in 2018. The money was stolen, I am trying to think when the loan was advanced. I am not too sure.

Harare Quarry, a company owned by the City Council, has not been paying money back to the Council, even though its property is being rented out to private businesses.

Mafume admitted that Harare Quarry has been a financial problem for the City Council, needing regular financial help to stay afloat. He said:

I am very passionate about that US$4 million because that US$4 million is the one that has caused us to have differences with the management that was there. I have pursued it in different Council meetings. I have taken the actions within my power.

As of current, because the properties are being constantly attached, I have suggested that the entity be put under management or what we used to call liquidation.

For the past three weeks, as Council we have had to pay amounts that are owed by the Quarry.

Warren Chiwawa, the City of Harare’s chamber secretary, said the case has been reported to the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission.

He also claimed that the US$4.5 million went missing when Antonia Zvoutete, who is now the Marondera Chamber Secretary, was the General Manager of Harare Quarry.

According to the Municipality of Marondera, Zvoutete has a background in law and served in the Zimbabwe National Army from 2005 to 2008.

She later worked at the City of Harare in several legal roles, including Senior Legal Officer, Principal Legal Officer, and Chief Legal Officer.

She holds a law degree from the University of Zimbabwe, a diploma in Peace and Governance from Africa University, and a degree in Theology from the Zimbabwe Open University.



citizen · 1 month ago
Dai mambomuisa kuma CID sezvatinoitwa isu vasina mari,akambobatwa panodzimba nevakomana unorutsa 4million yaakadya nevamwe vake.Unoiziva kweiri.Kutadza kuziva kuti chakaitika chii pamari yose iyo.Musatamba nepfungwa dzevanhu vakomana
Satan 👹 · 1 month ago
Chivhayo arimo munyaya iyi
korruptPRIEST 🇿🇼 · 1 month ago
I smell a chivhayo, thoz atha r safe😠
Chamisa · 1 month ago
Ko mafume haasiriye aiva mayor futi here b4 2018 elections
Gamarieri · 1 month ago
Uyu mutengesi chaiye uyu ngaat ziiii! Anotibata kumeso uyu chii chaachatigonera
Sir African · 1 month ago
2018 is when the USD 4million went missing, meaning the auditor general failed to unearth the scandal.So if council lost that much under the supervision of the minister of local government, he must be fired for sleeping on the job.
theLastAntKing · 1 month ago
opposition councils are now infested with corrupt individuals who are following steps from a ruling party Ministers & Mps all with fraudulent DNA full of scandals since early 80s where people like Morris Nyagumbo had his fare share, 90s Kumbirai Kangai, 00s that's when USD 15 billion worth of diamonds were confirmed by the late RGM to have vanished. Now it's $4mil. Mazezuru andikona ini
Sir African · 1 month ago
Kangai was involved in the Paweni scandal in which millions of dollars were stolen in 1982.
Anonymous · 1 month ago
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Aton General · 1 month ago
haaaa zbakaoma
huchi.com · 1 month ago
all this mess bcz of greeedy team bhora Musango
huchi.com · 1 month ago
munhu kadzi oba Mari.
huchi.com · 1 month ago
no mgt qualifications
fugu pfeee · 1 month ago
takambozvitaura kuti ma opposition candidates aya vanhu vane nzara, vanozoba
ESCORT DOCTOR 😷 · 1 month ago
Apa tirikumamisana ikasabuda mari iyoyo itoitai mudemhe nevamwe venyu cause mukauya kwedu tikakuisai pa bench muwe anotiudza chokwadi
Apes · 1 month ago
Zimbabwe is a junky status the most corrupt institutions in zim are city Council zimra. regestiry Offices. high court.police. ministers MP councillors tongoti zvese is corrupt in Zimbabwe
Mike · 1 month ago
You hear them saying white people don't want africa to prosper sanctions bla bla when someone speak about corruption he is a western puppet Zimbabwe yakaoora corruption yacho inonyadzisa
laugh emoji1
SanchzyChizimbe🔥 · 1 month ago
kana musina kudya mese ndopamuno simudza twudzoro twunyu nhema anakamba tukukuzivai
Freedom Fighter · 1 month ago
Mafume pinda navo hard don't let them free mari yenyika haidyiwi semaputi zvinopfuka chete,Nehanda mapfupa ake omuka
Scorpion 🦂 · 1 month ago
pisai vanhu machende vataure kune mari
CIO · 1 month ago
jenduvha moriziva here baba munhu anotunda baba kupàzha tsinga dzoregedza
Scorpion 🦂 · 1 month ago
rinoda kurohwa neka rubber band jenduvha vanotaura
Anonymous · 1 month ago
All those qualifications to steal....

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