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Mnangagwa Warns ZANU PF Members Against Undermining Party Leadership

1 month agoWed, 19 Feb 2025 08:42:07 GMT
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Mnangagwa Warns ZANU PF Members Against Undermining Party Leadership

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has warned ZANU PF members against undermining the party leadership, particularly the Presidium, at national events, including the burials of national heroes at the National Heroes Acre.

During an interactive meeting with selected editors from both public and private media at State House on Monday, Mnangagwa said discipline is a fundamental value for ZANU PF’s survival. He stressed that every member is responsible for maintaining this discipline. He said (via Chronicle):

I am so happy; this is the vibrancy of democracy. The foolish and the wise both have their day. I think those who really are ZANU PF at heart go by the rules and decorum of ZANU PF.

We have other people who are in ZANU PF, who in themselves are not ZANU PF, but they dress in ZANU PF regalia, so you must always see when people talk and see which camp they belong to when they open their mouths.

Mnangagwa also condemned the United States for imposing sanctions on South Africa over its land reform policy.

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He said the sanctions imposed by the Donald Trump administration would not weaken the region but, instead, would strengthen Pretoria and encourage the entire region to work harder. Said Mnangagwa:

I can assure you that those who impose sanctions on other countries should have learnt a lesson. Zimbabwe’s growth was faster when we were under sanctions than before sanctions.

So, if you want an economy to grow faster, impose sanctions. So, we are a good lesson, we have developed and grown our economy under sanctions and I do not think that South Africa would be an exception.

South Africa is a solid country with a solid economy based on its resources and I believe that the people of South Africa are rooted in South Africa themselves.

The outside world can only assist what the South Africans themselves can do for their country. So do not lose sleep about people imposing sanctions on others.

Mnangagwa also expressed concern over the country’s capacity to respond to health emergencies, particularly road accidents, following the viral spread of images showing health officials using cardboard boxes to support and stabilize fractures. He said:

That was a sad situation when I saw it. We must make sure we correct that. I saw it in the media. I am happy that the media exposed such weaknesses, so we must address that immediately.

The pictures circulated following an accident last Thursday that claimed 25 lives when an Urban Connect intercity bus collided head-on with an Auro Transport commercial truck, 21 km north of Beitbridge Town.



Murambwi · 1 month ago
Inzwai zvenyu Shumba
Anonymous · 1 month ago
I thought sanctions were why Zimbabwe was struggling?
Anonymous · 1 month ago
When you have greedy selfish people running a country as much as zimbabwe is ,making his family rich ,putting his them in key positions what shall 1 expect a miracle, it's time for change in Zimbabwe,you can't have a country that promotes corruption, and a government that wants issue tenders to thieves like chivayo who is an uneducated criminal, then look at all the garages being built around the country yet 80% of the population is unemployed ,get the thieves out and those ministers that have committed murder in areas like shurugwi and kwekwe who run these gold mafias must be locked up for life and stripped of all the ill gotten wealth they have acquired through their illegal dealings
Cadre · 1 month ago
Party leadership carries out corruption in broad daylight. They brag openly and nothing happens to them. These are the same people who will deal ruthlessly with those who try to officially complain against them. There is no freedom to denounce corruption from within the party. They are are correct when they claim protection from ED. Here ED is just doing that.
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Anonymous · 1 month ago
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luca · 1 month ago
crocodile tears. his time is up now. he must be shown the exit
Pastor · 1 month ago
Mr President, please don't talk about the pain of the victims of that accident. It's an insult to those of us in real pain from that incident. Incidents like that occur only in countries where there is absolute lack of governance. Where proceeds from numerous resources of a rich country like Zimbabwe are controlled by and benefit heartless thieves. We have not seen the last of cardboard boxes as long as things remain the same.
Patz · 1 month ago
Guys tell me am confused now. Can we say Zimbabwe is growing and becoming a better country economically and politically as being said ne mukuru. In actual fact is Zimbabwean economy not becoming worse by each day that pass. Maybe ndini ndisiri kuona a better Zimbabwe
laugh emoji1
😎 · 1 month ago
It all depends on your yard stick measure, Against the European perception we are said to be down trodden and but measured the against others countries world over zvayo Zimbabweans are surviving, Ukaita su kuviri hameno hako you mis out this success
Patz · 1 month ago
@😎 su kuviri ndochii
Tango · 1 month ago
A snake with 2 heads. It doesn't have tail. It's like a train can move in both directions
Tango · 1 month ago
Mr president is south africa under sanctions? Donald Trump signed an executive order freezing aid to south africa. Is that sanctions to you. South africa isn't entitled to America's usaid
laugh emoji1
😎 · 1 month ago
Zvino zvima SouthAfrican zvacho zvazviine huteera, nungo zvichapakwanisa here ipapa
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