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Death Row Convicts In Tapiwa Makore Ritual Murder Case Appeal Ruling

1 month agoFri, 21 Feb 2025 08:00:30 GMT
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Death Row Convicts In Tapiwa Makore Ritual Murder Case Appeal Ruling

The Supreme Court on Thursday, 20 February, heard the appeal of Tafadzwa Shamba and Gweru Makore, who were convicted of the ritual murder of 7-year-old Tapiwa Makore in 2020.

The High Court had sentenced both men to death after finding them guilty of murdering Tapiwa for ritual purposes, allegedly to enhance Gweru Makore’s cabbage business.

However, before the Supreme Court could proceed with the appeal, the Death Penalty Abolition Act [Chapter 9:26] came into effect, preventing the confirmation of the death sentence.

According to the National Prosecuting Authority, arguments were presented during the appeal, and the court has reserved judgment.

The NPA added that the ruling on whether the conviction will stand, and the new sentence, will be issued in due course.

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OBERT THE KING 🫡🫅😍💌 · 1 month ago
totenda mwari life in jail cz maurarairo akaitwa mwana uyu anorwadza
😹Man to Man · 1 month ago
life in jail
kwachu · 1 month ago
zvedizve varikupedza bupfu nhubu ava musavape chikafu vafe nenzara kana vafa movanyika futi muacid movaburitsa movapwanyapwanya mapfupa acho nesando mobva maapisa moadzorera muacid moabiritsa mopisa futi ndizvo zvoga zvingaita kuti timhoturawo mafeme pahutsinye havakaita kwete kufi vawane mukana wekuita appeal aaah for wat ma****s
Cde Aratijiyesi · 1 month ago
This only means ichi chiBasket chine vanhu hobho. Who are funding their appeal applications. Iyo Supreme court ngaingovapa 2 life sentences zvipere.
👀👀 · 1 month ago
vakangoburitswa vanoda kuitwa imwe yandakaona kujoni yavanoti mob justice ,munhu anorohwa wotofa,vauraya vototsvagwa voshaikwa,
Anonymous · 1 month ago
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Vee · 1 month ago
Ngadzinyarare imbwa idzo tiri pahealing process ngavaworere ikoko nxaa appeal yei ipapa considering their heinous murder
nop · 1 month ago
mubairo wechivi rufu ngavadzorerwe death senyence iyo
😎 · 1 month ago
They were sentenced to death before it was abolished I think their sentence should stand given the grievous their case is, and rest the boy's in spirit
Defence · 1 month ago
The guilt a served as masters well looked after and highly protected whilst the poor are lead to the hangman
maenzanise · 1 month ago
zveavo zvakagara zvatongwa .ngavasaver death sentence yavo pliz..............if not so lifebin jail hatidi mabhinya kunze pliz pliz
Wrong password · 1 month ago
zvakangooma hazvo mwari hamurambe makango nyarara mhinduro ndeyenyuuúuuuuúuúu
dott · 1 month ago
thoes who have been sentence b4 abolition of death sentence pliz pliz must have ti done
dotti · 1 month ago
those who have been sentence b4
Comrade Dary · 1 month ago
but why remove death penalty
Osama · 1 month ago
Hapana appeal yavanoita and don't wry death sentence Haina dhiri hayo idzi imbwa idzi dzinongoda kungopiwa 100 years imprisonment chete zviworere ikoko. Mafiro akaita Tapiwa haafanire kungopera mahara , sure an innocent boy kuurayiwa sembudzi here. So ngavafe vachirwadziwawo
Tiktok · 1 month ago
Mwari tirangarirei nyika yarema iyi ndimi makaisika pamwe nevanhu asi vanhu venyu Mwari vapanduka zvekusatya kuuraya,Murangarirewo Mweya waTapiwa pamunozodzawo vatsvene venyu ishe.Zvinorwadza mwoyo mwana uyu akafira nhamo asi chekuita hapana Mwari weeee.
Scara · 1 month ago
a 7 year old child is dead, killed by these unrepentant murderers bit they don't get a seath sentence be ause the govt has abolushed the death sentence. where is the justice for thus very innocent 7 yesr old boy? where is the justice fir the boy and his family? these 2 murderers get to keep on breathing, albeit in jail, but still alive, still breathing
😎 · 1 month ago
Vachiri kundinya sadza vanhu ava hapana justice apa death was supposed to be imminent but 5 yrs dzavagara idzi varikuchengetrweyi

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