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ZINEF Condemns Arrest And Detention Of Journalist Blessed Mhlanga {Full Statement}

3 weeks agoTue, 25 Feb 2025 08:59:10 GMT
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ZINEF Condemns Arrest And Detention Of Journalist Blessed Mhlanga {Full Statement}

The Zimbabwe National Editor’s Forum (ZINEF) is deeply disturbed and concerned by the arrest of Alpha Media Holdings’ online broadcasting platform HStv presenter Blessed Mhlanga by police earlier [on 24 February 2024] after his recent interviews with one of the war veterans leaders Blessed Geza and others.

Police had earlier said that they had been looking for Mhlanga for questioning in connection with claimed violations of Section 164 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, Chapter 9:23; for allegedly transmitting data messages that incite violence.

The two charges emanate from statements, which were allegedly uttered by Geza, a former liberation war veteran, and a Zanu PF political party central committee member during interviews on 27 January 2025 and on 11 February 2025.

Mhlanga was interrogated by police today, 24 February 2025, about the broadcaster’s operations and press conferences addressed by Geza.

Mhlanga, who is represented by Harare lawyer Chris Mhike, has been detained overnight at Harare Central Police Station and is expected to appear in court tomorrow. Mhike confirmed Mhlanga has been detained in police cells overnight and will appear in court tomorrow.

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Geza is now wanted by police who have since pressed four criminal charges against him, including undermining the authority of and insulting the President.

In the same vein, Geza’s wife Roseline Tawengwa was also picked by police over her husband’s whereabouts which remain unknown.

In this context, ZINEF strongly condemns the unwarranted arrest and harassment of Mhlanga who was simply doing his job as a journalist by interviewing war veterans in the public interest. The interviews constituted legitimate journalism practice and media business.

Mhlanga’s arrest – which has a chilling effect on journalists’ professional work – is a clear attack on press freedom and constitutionally guaranteed rights, particularly freedom of expression.

We demand the immediate release of Mhlanga and call on authorities to ensure he is not harassed, harmed or tortured while in police custody.

It is always disturbing and unacceptable to us when journalists get arrested for merely doing their job. As the now clichéd yet apt refrain goes – journalism is not a crime.

ZINEF also calls on the government to respect constitutional rights of journalists, especially media freedom enshrined in section 61 of the constitution, which protects the right to freedom of expression, including freedom to seek, receive, and communicate information, as well as freedom of the media, allowing journalists to protect their sources and enabling establishment of broadcast and electronic media subject to state licensing procedures that are independent of government influence; essentially guaranteeing the right to a free press with limitations only for necessary reasons like public safety or protecting individual reputations.

While we appreciate that freedom of expression does not include promoting violence, hate speech, or damaging people’s reputations, we are clear that Mhlanga’s interviews fall within the ambit of media freedom and freedom of expression, as read with the Bill of Rights in Chapter 4 of the constitution and other sections that protect civil and political liberties of citizens; that is freedom of expression, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of movement, and the right to a fair hearing.

Besides, we urge government to create a safe and conducive working environment for journalists to operate without fear of harassment or intimidation.

We stand in firm solidarity with Mhlanga, his family and colleagues, and we will continue to advocate for the protection of journalists’ rights and the promotion of press freedom and other democratic rights in Zimbabwe.



Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
)))))) Hot girls are waiting for you on --
Vene · 2 weeks ago
Z · 2 weeks ago
A · 2 weeks ago
Tichano**** amai vako iwe Z
Sir African · 3 weeks ago
@Gangarahwe : Professionalism is what HSTvis offering unlike unwatchable ZTV. We have never heard a disclaimer on ZTV propaganda that is churned every day by state Broadcaster. We have heard so many diffrent voices on HSTv and Big Dhara asks searching and impartial questions.We have the same methods being employed on BBC's Hard Talk.He is a Talented young man Jerasi down.
Gangarahwe · 3 weeks ago
in reality HSTv operated as Geza's personal broadcaster. No professional journalism there. In other countries, the broadcaster issues a disclaimer prior to broadcasting the statements. Or they should have labeled the broadcast as an advert and issue invoices for it. It then becomes difficult to discern whether Geza's sentiments where his personal or part of HSTv editorial. Freedom of speech vs responsible journalism.
Antman · 3 weeks ago
Are you aware the same media aired EDs voice when he was hiding in SA
kidiga · 3 weeks ago
Anonymous · 3 weeks ago
Freedom of expression hazvirevi kuti taurira mai vako kuti ndokudai. Izvo zvakaitwa na Blessed izvo ndiyo inonzi mashoko anokonzera kugedageda kwenyika nekukonzera kusagarisika munyika. It does not mean because one owns a studio then you do what you want in this country. How can he publish such information which is a threat to the countrys peace. Ndiko kufarisa ikoko nxaaa
Sir African · 3 weeks ago
Blessed did not publish anything ,to the contrary it's the company that does.Kana uchidya ne Zanu pf you become brainless Anonymous.
12qw · 3 weeks ago
iii uyo at above nyemwerero yacho kunge ... e rapangidzwa kona re dholla
12qw · 3 weeks ago
Oncemore · 3 weeks ago
We should those journalists who spread lies about Zimbabwe, but in regard to Blessed 's issue, I think he did nothing wrong,because he was reporting a true story. He is not the one who told Geza what he said. The police must do better jobs like arresting the Chinese who continues looting and harassing our people, there are more important cases out there than this
😎 · 3 weeks ago
The epic if journalism is to probe, investigate, in neutrality form not insinuating, or taking side or hiding with the other interviewee That's what this Blessed guy did, he blessed the Blessed s of the interview kupa munhu manyemwe chaiko
xxc · 3 weeks ago
I wish more suctionins to ED gvt, ,a mercy less gvt
ttttt · 3 weeks ago
Zimbabwe,muzimba remabwe munowanikwa nyoka,matsvinyu,zvinyavada nezvimwe zvakawanda zivai izvozvo
@VAULT · 3 weeks ago
back in High xul my History teacher once told me kuti in Zim there's freedom of speech (on paper) but the reality you wont be free after that
😎 · 3 weeks ago
Kana vachiti freedom of speech havarevi kurasika njere kuhumana nekudenigrader mukuru we nyika, freedom of speech actually means means there is no application submission of of CVs kuyi u bwerekete nyongorosi but spare thought kunyomba hurumende ku tsvaga chaunga
@VAULT · 3 weeks ago
tingakudiiko imwi mwahard skulls ...kudhonza pafungwa kunokuremerai
mculi nthube · 3 weeks ago
Apa Listening President vava kubhaiza apa, dai vasiya majournalists vaita basa ravo vakasununguka. As long as he did not utter or originate the the words that "incite violence," I don't see how he warrants that arrest and charge. This is persecution loud and clear.
😎 · 3 weeks ago
The interview is was done in the Blessedness protocol, so, one sharply rose against the other
litsoman · 3 weeks ago
so much troubles in the world

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