Charamba: ZANU PF Vehicles Not Exempt From Paying Toll Fees

Presidential Spokesperson George Charamba has said all ZANU PF vehicles must pay toll fees when passing through toll gates, as required by law. He said no one, including Government departments, is exempt from this tax.
Charamba said that even the Office of the President must pay toll fees in advance through ZINARA. The Government receives toll certificates, not exemptions.
Charamba made the comments in response to a post on X (formerly Twitter) by The Mirror, which showed a ZANU PF branded vehicle from Zaka South Constituency avoiding a tollgate last week. Said Charamba:
There is nothing exempting party vehicles and drivers from meeting their toll obligations. All Government Departments, the Office of the President included make yearly payments to Zinara and get certificates for that facility.
No to tax abuse in the name in the name of party logo. That’s putting the ruling party into disrepute and it’s a dismissible offence, according to party rules…
There is nothing exempting party vehicles and drivers from meeting their toll obligations. Well done Mirror.
Last week, The Mirror photographer Nyasha Mariga filmed a ZANU PF vehicle owned by Zaka South MP Clemence Chiduwa passing through a tollgate without paying the toll fee.
When the crew asked the station supervisor about the incident, he admitted that the vehicle had broken the law.
Constable Chihoma from Masvingo Central Police even helped the driver avoid paying the toll fees.
ZINARA later confirmed in a statement to The Mirror that party vehicles must pay toll fees like everyone else. They also said that police officers are aware of this rule.