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"The Situation At United Bulawayo Hospitals Is Dire"

2 weeks agoSat, 01 Mar 2025 15:31:03 GMT
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"The Situation At United Bulawayo Hospitals Is Dire"

A concerned citizen has revealed the dire conditions at United Bulawayo Hospitals (UBH) following a visit on Friday night with his cousin, who had a dislocated shoulder.

The citizen, a lawyer in Bulawayo, commended the medical staff for their dedication but pointed out that they lacked essential medication and medical equipment, leaving them helpless in treating patients.

This situation at UBH may reflect the challenges faced by public health facilities across the country, with serious consequences for patients. Below is the account shared by the concerned citizen:

THE SITUATION at UBH is terrible.

I had a first-hand experience of how bad our medical facilities are. It’s shocking, I tell you!

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Yesterday, the 28th of February 2025, l had a first-hand experience of how bad our medical facilities have become. My cousin had a shoulder dislocation injury and I had to rush him to Cyrene Clinic. It was around 20:30 hrs, the clinic was closed, and one fine gentleman had to assist us by hunting down the medical staff.

A nurse arrived. She indicated that the dislocation was bad and referred us to UBH. And all she could give my cousin was paracetamol.

We quickly drove to UBH. As we drove into the facility, we were welcomed by the concerning spectacle of darkness, as the hospital was poorly lit; and parts of it had no lights at all. Also, we noticed that the hospital did not have security guards, not even one. And we thought he was strange and dangerous.

We navigated our way through the darkness and got into the casualty department. That area was just a mess. Nothing assuring was happening there. There were patients all over the place, and some of them were screaming in pain, and the hospital staff didn’t have the necessary medical tools or medication to help the patients. Medical staff were asking relatives or people who had brought in patients to go and buy medication or medical materials for them to be able to treat the patients.

The sights and sounds of the situation I witnessed last night at UBH were unbelievable. The only consolation was that the staff was visibly committed, but their commitment did not amount to much, without the necessary medication and medical equipment. They were helpless, literally.

Back to my horrifying experience with my cousin. The committed medical staff handled him professionally, I must say. They properly attended to his “shoulder dislocation”. After that, real drama followed.

The whole UBH institution did not have an arm sling, which is a bandage that is used to support an injured arm. l am not talking of an arm sling pouch, which I am told is more comfortable and more expensive, but a simple arm-sling bandage. So, realising that my cousin needed an arm sling, the good doctor decided to improvise. She quickly grabbed some plastics and engineered it into a makeshift arm sling bandage which also looked like an improvised arm sling pouch. We were left breathless and speechless but grateful.

The good doctor then discharged my cousin and told us to go and buy a proper arm sling and painkillers at a pharmacy. This reminded me of the recent incident in which a hospital in Beitbridge used makeshift cardboard splits for victims of a bus crash.

Anyway, we left UBH after my cousin was discharged. You can see the pictures I took of him with the plastic arm sling pouch and in severe pain, because UBH did not have painkillers to give him.

By that time, it was around 03:00 hrs this morning; there was no pharmacy open in Bulawayo. I only managed to purchase the arm sling and the painkillers after pharmacies opened for business around 09:00 hrs this morning.

The situation at UBH is dire.

As I mentioned, the medical staff there is great and appears to be quite committed but it is seriously, and I would say, tragically handicapped by the lack of medication and the lack of the necessary tools of their medical profession. From what my cousin experienced and what I saw, UBH is a hospital only in name. There is no hospital there. Something must really give.

It cannot be business as usual. I wonder whether the UBH CEO is aware of this and even more seriously, I wonder whether Zimbabwe has a Minister of Healthcare. The situation out there is really, really bad.

One can only imagine with trepidation the horror that is suffered by patients who go to UBH with more serious or life-threatening injuries. I doubt if they come out alive.




Dzvinyu · 2 weeks ago
Chi**** chemuDangamvura chekusick yakabata hanzvadzi yako inozongopedzisira yakubatawo bhudhi yatenderera muchazvirega.
Mudhibhisi · 2 weeks ago
Mari yekutenga mishonga kana kubhádhara vashandi hakuchina, iri kubiwa yese nehurumende yemakororo. Mthuli naGuvamatanga ndivo vanotobhadhara makororo Achi.
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
No wonder why minister of health is ever absent from parliament. They only count days for opposition so as to recall them. We are going nowhere with zanupf
M23 🔥 · 2 weeks ago
Saad. Surely something must give or resign without incident, but voluntarily.
.. · 2 weeks ago
The main problem is that people blame health workers instead of the governmnent. You hear someone saying workers at hospitals steal, honestly what is there to steal.
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
The theft happens before it gets to the hospitals.
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
So is there any point of having ministry of health shouldn't be named ministry of death that will sound normal
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
Hospitals staff are stealing big time, some have mini pharmacies in their homes.
.. · 2 weeks ago
blame the government not workers. there is nothing in hospitals
A Level · 2 weeks ago
so it just means usarwara or mwana wako ngaasadonha cz unomama ma hospital haana material kkkkkk
gumlaz · 2 weeks ago
guys shandsai mukana vanawo pliz sekuti chisingaperi choshura makore ano atiri kurarama ndeecorruption ska vane mukana ushandisei guys isu tisina hedu tongonofa tiri hwatakwa nekuti ukatarisa munhu akapinda basa pasina kana gore atova nemota after 2yrs atova landlord saka inguva yazvo guys ichasvika nguva yazvichangopera futi kwe kwavanezvimwe nxaaa · 2 weeks ago
This is what we want, viva 2030. This should continuel.
jaa · 2 weeks ago
in other countries lawyers like you chip in to help their hospitals. professionals unite and make funds available to help their local hospitals to survive. it's NOTE solely gvt responsibility to make ends meet.we have tycoons with over 500 immovable properties in Zimbabwe with pools of cars of any expensive models but those selfish mizers will never part with a farthing for free. they got rich through the present system but they laugh when the very system that made them what they are today is under attack. instead of helping out they castigate their very system. Mr lawyer learn from others they just buy beds or blankets quietly and render numerous services to these institutions without blowing horns. PLAY YOUR PART AS A RESPONSIBLE CITIZEN. JUST DO IT IF IT PAINED YOU
I · 2 weeks ago
And you have used your brain
· 2 weeks ago
Iwe inorwarawo zvako, Saka basa reHurumende nderei , hanti iri kutora tax Mari iyoyo ngaishande kuzvipatara .
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
How much do you contribute as a "responsible" citizens? Aren't those tycoons who own hundreds of properties and pools of cars work in gvt?
Chipangamazano · 2 weeks ago
2008 is loading.....
Chipangamazano · 2 weeks ago
Vamwe vanhu varikufa vachinzi inguva inhamo.
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
Endai pa buckshot ya sekuru vangu mapepa kana Gora driver wepa hospital zvese zvamunoda munozviwana us $ renyu chete. No big.
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
Buckshot, zig
𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖉 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖐 · 2 weeks ago
What can we expect from a country run by a cabinet hailing from kwaGutu? Lasezibhedlela yibo bodwa and they are dem corrupt to the core.
ZimSketch · 2 weeks ago
the nurses there operate their private hospital right inside the hospital there. you have to know the heads of departments there and approach them directly with$$ and you get everything. Three days before schools open for first them my seven yr old son had a broken arm.... I experinced a lot about how our hospitals are being operated... I was advised by a nurse at this hospital to go straight to rehab department and ask for Mr... and he told to pay money for the casts which he offerred at what he calls relatively cheaper price than buying at phamarcy..... I also had to pay him for putting the cast and thats how our govt run hospitals operates
sad emoji1
👀👀 · 2 weeks ago
yah,ndoozvaapa ground,even post mortem chaiyo mukaburitsa $$ inoitwa ipapo ipapo,mukasadaro munoramba muchifamba even 3 or 4 days apa vanhu makaungana kumba varikuda food,ini 3rd born yangu anozvara ne op l had to pay a lot of cash for her kt akasikirwe aitwe emergency,and to my surprise,when l paid the $$ yandaive ndanzi ndibvise ,akabatwa zvakanaka akaiswa pa bed vamwe vakadaro vachigwesha vari pasi apa yaive time ye COVID,so Zim yandibvisa pachitendero changu,
👀👀 · 2 weeks ago
Zim yaakutongoda Mwari kt vapindire coz ndoovega vasingazotsvagirwa mhosva,bt pafeya mahospitals emuno as ma deathtrap,munhu akapinda bed anoita even 3 days asina kuonekwa na Doc akangochengetwa,asina kana paracetamol zvayo,l think kuno ku Chiitown kuri worse,senge ma local clinics zvako sooka,ma 1 chaiwo
kikky · 2 weeks ago
inga ma1
Traydee ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦🤴 पाहीन ...पण... · 2 weeks ago
Me · 2 weeks ago
Hospital in Zim is a structure , you just go there to be known that you were once there before your death.
laugh emoji1
root@localhost · 2 weeks ago
on mawe
TDblq · 2 weeks ago
Mainini · 2 weeks ago
Thank you very much concerned citizen asi hurumende yavaMnangagwa hainei nazvo,haina basa neruzhinji.......musandipikise😌
WalkWithElias🎸 · 2 weeks ago
...ukarwarirwa nehama yako ikapiwa mubhedha kuchipatara ndopaunoona kti kana usina mari yekuenda kuma private doctors,zveshuwa hama yako inofa wakatarisa🇿🇼🤔🙆
Mafirakureva · 2 weeks ago
ndopaunonzwa umwe achiti 2030 pwetere pwetere nxaaaaa
talent nedziwe · 2 weeks ago
but still mishonga inongodiwa
°^[MUZEZURU weTANZANIA]^° · 2 weeks ago
Pamberi naPresident
Anon · 2 weeks ago
Hi Guys
Vigilante · 2 weeks ago
Our government has failed this country dismally. If you are reading this and have never visited any hospital by November last yr, you wld think that this is all child's play. If Ed and Zanu have pple at heart and knowingly they knew that they have failed Zim, they would have stepped down already but Charo kumoora chete. Asi chimwe chezvimwe zvandodira Mwari ndechekuti vakaziva kut chine dambudziko rekusada kuzopera anogara achirambidza kutanga. Vanhuwe Mwari ariko and arikuona
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
Hot girls are waiting for you on --
ED pfocho · 2 weeks ago
Tsvaga Jesu achawanija
Botha · 2 weeks ago
Botha · 2 weeks ago
zvakaoma ichiri nyoka here. asi kuma pharmacy mishonga hobho mari yako chete and check expiry dates pliz kkk
The zebras · 2 weeks ago
Anoporesa munhu ndimwari kwete mishonga kna chipatara
· 2 weeks ago
Saka zvipatara zvovhara hazvo here?
Scud · 2 weeks ago
Zebras unofunga semunhu we Zanupf Musatany0ko wako

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