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Parliament Demands Ministerial Statement On Measures To Tackle Corruption

1 week agoTue, 04 Mar 2025 07:51:28 GMT
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Parliament Demands Ministerial Statement On Measures To Tackle Corruption

Parliament has requested the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Ziyambi Ziyambi, to provide a ministerial statement in the National Assembly on what President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration is doing to combat corruption.

During a National Assembly session, CCC MP Gladys Hlatywayo (pictured) called on Ziyambi to address the progress made by the Executive on whistleblower protection and witness protection legislation. She said (via

Given how disastrous the effects of corruption are, including the crowding out of social services to the citizenry, this House cannot be silent on this matter Mr. Speaker Sir.

In an era characterised by the rolling back of international aid and development, the prudential use of national resources cannot be overemphasised. After all, Parliament has the responsibility of oversight and to ensure the efficient use of national resources.

I, therefore appeal to you Mr. Speaker, for the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs to favour this very House with a Ministerial Statement on how the Executive is tackling the question of corruption, including how far the Executive has gone in terms of the whistleblowers’ protection legislation and the witness protection legislation.

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The Speaker of the National Assembly, Jacob Mudenda, stressed the importance of urgently tabling the Whistleblowers’ Act in Parliament. He said:

I am not sure about the agreement. What I can only advise in support of part of what you have said is the Whistleblowers’ Bill that must come as soon as possible to this House. As for the indexes, I have my reservation.

Hlatywayo’s call follows a recent report naming Zimbabwe as the most corrupt country in the Southern African region.

Corruption remains a persistent issue in the country, with Transparency International, the global anti-corruption watchdog, ranking Zimbabwe among the worst-performing nations globally.



Xx · 1 week ago
Unoreva Mhlanga kana Hlatwayo nhai @ Speaker.
Anonymous · 1 week ago
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Speaker · 1 week ago
Akanaka ndiyani Gladys Mhlanga na Mabel Chinomona?
xxc · 1 week ago
to be honest, corruption inonetsa kupera bcz kubva kumukuru wenyuka ndokwainotangira ,so zvinonetsa kuti vataure nezvazvo bcz ndovsnotanga , Mayor Wadyajena akaba zviri pachena vakamuprotector,Rushwaya akaba gold vamuprotector ,Mohadi akaita madhisinyongoro ake vakamuprotector,body reZac racho rinoudzirwa zvekutaura na NAMNANGAGWA,rinoudzwa vanhu vekusunga Geza akapara mhosva dzakawanda vachimuchengetedza azobuda musaga ndopavava kutaura Judicial system yose is captured by Zanu Pf so senyikakatina kwatiri kuenda the whole gvt is full of corruption
Sir African · 1 week ago
Zivhave Murakani Gobho · 1 week ago
ZACC and independent Auditors ngavapiwe mukana vapinde maGovernment Ministry ose nemaKambani, maCity Council nekuvanhu vanotaurwa taurwa nezvavo nevanozvichekera pakanuna. Munhu unogara muhotera pose paari muZimbabwe ndokudii ikoko.
The High Priest · 1 week ago
Zacc is the plant of corruption, vari muzacc vacho they are involved in corrupt scandals .Saka hapana hapana , ingori 1 team

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