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ZBC Head Defends Proposal For Car Radio Licences Before Vehicle Registration

2 weeks agoTue, 04 Mar 2025 07:30:18 GMT
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ZBC Head Defends Proposal For Car Radio Licences Before Vehicle Registration

Wisdom Samanyai, the head of licensing at Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC), said there was nothing wrong with the proposed changes to the Broadcasting Services Act, reported The Herald.

These changes would require motorists to buy car radio licences before they can purchase vehicle insurance and registration. 

He explained that the amendments aim to strengthen the enforcement of the law.

Samanyai said this in a presentation at a joint meeting of the Parliamentary Portfolio Committees on Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, and Transport and Infrastructural Development on Monday, February 3.

The meeting was held to discuss the changes to Clause 15 of the Broadcasting Services Amendment Bill, which is currently being debated in the National Assembly.

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The new rule would require motorists to buy car radio licences before they can obtain vehicle insurance and registration.

The money will be collected by the Zimbabwe National Road Administration (ZINARA). Said Samanyai:

So, we have a good number that would avoid and say they are removing the radio altogether. I don’t want to be found wanting, but there are also those who just choose to say we are evading, probably consciously or subconsciously.

They will just decide they are not going to comply with this very same Act, which then pushed us to then find a way. First and foremost, we wanted to help our agencies to enforce this legal requirement.

Hence, we had to be explicit in as far as this Bill is concerned, to say nobody is allowed to either go on to purchase their insurance or road licence before first complying with the Broadcasting Services Act requirement, which is making sure that your radio licence is paid for.

ZINARA CEO Nkosinathi Ncube said that his organisation is prepared to implement the law once it is enacted. He said:

We need to underline that we support Government decisions, parliamentary decisions, and the progress that it brings to the nation. So, we’re always there to support.

And as Government agents, we make sure that we fully implement that which the Government will then put through and which is good for the country.

Ncube emphasized the need to ensure that, once passed, the new requirement would not interfere with ZINARA’s mandate to collect funds for road construction and maintenance.

He also revealed that 70 per cent of vehicles on the country’s roads, or just over 800,000 cars, are compliant with license and insurance payments.



Anonymous · 1 week ago
Please stop this nonsense, who listens to ZBC now kusanyara
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
So they basically want to remove the choice for you to choose whether you should pay for a radio licence or not. How is this fair again? Or is it just another attempt to siphon people's money for a service they do not even use?
Wanguda · 2 weeks ago
Vari right .ngavatoita kana 50 chaiyo ndokuti vaya vaiti pfee pfee va m a m e
Cunha · 2 weeks ago
Pane ane number dzaVaGeza here?
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
Geza vanhu vaya vatanga uripi?
Chevron · 2 weeks ago
Achiri kuteerera zbc mukore uno ndiani? Propaganda iyoyo?bastards
Canaan Ndlovu · 2 weeks ago
Right the thing is the guys running these entities just don't care about anything because they are not in our shoes they just push everything down our throats! Who listens to our backward radio and TV statio s that are 100 years behind and have very myopic news,other than that 90 percent of people don't listen to the radio we listen to our painful broke heart bits as there is nothing I get from listening to the radio it doesn't pay the bills.If there is a state entity that needs to be offloaded either by selling it off its the ZBC! If Noone buys this white elephant then shut it down and stop burdening us with this dead entity.This is very painful The head of Zinara is unashamedly even defending and supporting this ruthless idea to rip us off! The highest a radio license can be is USD 10 per annum not the figure you are gloating about without shame,guys you just don't get it do you? This is a big sign how disconnected the zinara and ZBC management are,if only you were in our shoes you wouldn't even be talking about this or bring up such a worthless subject instead of helping fix our economy you are adding insult to injury hayi suka mani liyabhowa bafowethu
Lucky · 2 weeks ago
Well as educated as you supposedly are you think this is the way, then you **** and **** l should say .By owning a car can never be an auto entry to donate to zanupf. Truth be told all these ****s running these parastatals are zanu deployees hence this lack of sense in their demeanour.
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
Zbc isn't the only broadcaster. Neither is it the Broadcasting Authority (add to that that its content is the worst). Why then should we pay license fees to it and not to any other broadcaster..?
Dave Roberts · 2 weeks ago
The issue of vehicle listeners ****nces, and indeed home TV ****nces has been a huge bone of contention to us all for many years. I get extremely het up about this matter. Last year, the ZBC fee was higher than the actual car ****nce fee! How insane is that? I have looked up the fees for 2025 and it seems to be: Private Vehicle annual ****nce fee (2251-3000kg) is USD60 per term = USD180 per annum Private vehicle ZBC ****nce fee USD 92 per annum. Company vehicle ZBC ****nce fee USD 200 per annum. (This is of even more irritation to me - my wife's car is merely owned by a company, it is not a "Company Vehicle" So we have to pay USD 200 - ridiculous.) Here are my ongoing comments on the above: WHY should we pay such massive ****nce fees to ZBC - they do absolutely nothing, they play mostly music and have just about no other programmes of interest. All they achieve is to pay outrageous salaries to senior management and buy the usual highly expensive vehicles for said management (Toyota Landcruisers and Prados for example). We get no benefit from having these ****nses. ZBC to not share the ****ncing fee with the other radio stations (Star FM, ZiFM, Capitalk etc) Moving on to TV ****nces - most people (myself included) don't have any way to watch ZBC at all - and why would we want to as their programming is useless if not non-existent. Let's now move on to numbers - using the quoted figures in the article above - 70% of vehicles (800,000) on the road are compliant. So extrapolate this: 800,000 is 70% so 100% is circa 1,150,000 vehicles. Just use the "Private" motor vehicle rate of USD 92 per annum - that comes to USD 105,800,000 - yes, over 105 million US Dollars. Lots of cars and salaries there and NO programming! It makes me spit and, as always, as Zimbabweans, we just shrug our shoulders and say " oh well. another tax" - adding to the 90 odd taxes and fees we are already exposed to here (as per many discussions on social media). Oh, and the exemption for TV ****nces if you are over 70 years old apparently does NOT apply to vehicle radio ****nces... Time for us to STOP putting up with being ripped off by the unbelievable number of local "authorities" we are exposed to in this land.
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
Hear, hear. A very good analysis of this outrageous rip off, by another useless state entity. I would venture to say that, even the Zbc people, don't watch or listen to the drivel they put out everyday? I ripped out my car radio. 15 years ago, last saw a Zbc tv show 25+ years ago.
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
All the government needs to do is to revive the economy, have industries paying corporate tax and individuals working formally so as to pay income taxes too. This thing of trying to collect revenue from gamblers and forcing people to have licences coven without radios will not take the country out of the doldrums it is in.
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
Thieving thugs. Make it law to steal. Only country to have this law & enforced even though ZanuPF mouthpiece is as amateur as a 6 year old running the show. How & why do they always get away with it?
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
radio licence fees are too high. Make them affordable.
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
Do you even listen to local radio stations?
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
I have 7 cars, none have radios and most are 6 volt, so cannot have radios anyway,, so why must I buy car radio licenses for each car. These guys are ****s. I will not buy car licenses and if I can't license the cars so be it. It's time people said enuf. Say no to car licenses all together and if zbc closes, so be it. I know a guy with nearly 200 cars, most are exempted, now they don't want you exemption them, you have to license them and not only pay zbc on each one but also the rip off car license fees and RTA insurance, which no one can claim from, all this to drive on our stuffed roads. It's time that zinara and zbc got booted
Blah Nodza · 2 weeks ago
Daylight robbery. Mutemo wagara uripo wakanaka. If you have a car radio, buy the license nemari iri affordable. Why force poeple. Are you saying Zbc's only remaining revenue stream is thru liccnses. What happened to revenue from adverts. Why are they not developing that. Musati dzvanyirire
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
From ur stations what are we benefiting its all nonsense zbc corrupt
Daddy · 2 weeks ago
Bvutros Bvutros Gambhi · 2 weeks ago
Zvimwe zvunhu zvoda kupota muchisvoda mazvihwa??. Moda mazi mari ose iwayo by force for what?? Standard ye chunhu chenyu icho yakadhakwa a community radio station can easily perform better. Repeat programs, ancient redundant films, nuaseating jingles, talk shows and interviews. The list is endless. That contraption can be seamlessly run by one person from the discomfort of a single room armed with an equally ancient laptop and a memory card chete.
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
South Africa has more than 150 radio stations, cape town has 30 alone. That is worth a licence.. All stations in Zimbabwe are forced to play more than 50% local music and are constantly scrutinised by 'law enforcement'. Everyone should boycott.
God first · 2 weeks ago
It's time our leaders stopped pushing laws down our throats and started listening to the concerns of the citizens. -This liscencing fee is way overpriced - Most are opposed to its implementation - Most believe ZBC officials are way overpaid and should face a reality check, stop making that a citizens problem. - Digitalize ZBC so that only those who desire to tune in pay for it, if not then it's not necessary
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
Kenya has over 100 radio stations and there is no licence required. Same for TV. Wake up Zimbabwe.
sarudzai · 2 weeks ago
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
You pay the ****nse fee for the radio receiver. Not to listen to ZBC propaganda. So no radio receiver you still pay. H’ok. I’m not married so must I buy a marriage ****nse??? I have no guns! Must I buy a gun ****nse?? I have no dogs, must I buy a dog ****nse. I have no liquor outlet bar of liquor selling outlet, so must I buy a liquor ****nse?? Idjits just robbing us povo!
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
Saka muchatouya nekumFone futi coz All fones have FM radios so you might aswell make them pay pese pavanotenga airtime imi mbavha imika Mwari Ave nemi
laugh emoji2
JB · 2 weeks ago
And if I don't have a radio in my vehicle as it has been removed? Why do ZBC say they need funding and then the money is going to ZINARA? Very confusing.
useless zbc and zinara scum · 2 weeks ago
thieving dunderheads !!
Mr · 2 weeks ago
maradio akawandira mumota here kana kuti mudzimba kungobvunzawo?
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
)))) Welcome to the best adult dating site --
MutongiGava · 2 weeks ago
Ism not understanding here. If I don't have a radio in my car fo I still have to pay for it or what
wasu · 2 weeks ago
after all ndiyan anoteerera dead bc yenyu iyoyo in most cars Fm Hai bate zvekudaro
Mj · 2 weeks ago
Dictatorship I have a choice of installing or removing a radio in my car, those with radios must pay, roadblocks to check who does have and who doesn't can be put in place, problem officers on road blocks are not bringing good results
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
Why force us to pay that crap.It should be voluntary who listens to hondo yeminda these days gone are the days.ZBC has nothing to offer nothing I mean nothing except gabbage
laugh emoji1
Sylvester Mugabe · 2 weeks ago
They must find a way to make non subscribers and non payers of a licence not able to access ZBC. They know no one listen to their **** propaganda, It is zanu pf ordering everyone to fund it period, This is one license that i will never payt
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
Vose vanokwanisa inbox me. Ndinobvisa Marazion acho for free just to save you guys. Tose ngatibvisei maRadio acho tione zvanotiita. Zvave kuda kubatana
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
Varume musaite semunogara kuZambia vanhu vakaomerwa muZimbabwe
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
Robery Robery and Robery these thugs, milking and milking us of our hard earned money
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
My vehicle does not have a radio, out of choice, so why must i buy a radio license ??
Aviel · 2 weeks ago
road dzacho ndedzipiko yamotiudza imi vane midhidhi inonhuwa, kubira vanhu broad day light. ini as long muchituma zvivanhu zvenyu zviya ndovaita zvandoita vamwe venyu handibhadhare radio licence ini handisi benzi
War vet · 2 weeks ago
Ko isu vema land Rover agara haatorina pacho peradio toitawo sei . Ngavazive kuti mota dzekare hadzitori nespace yacho yeradio padashboard .
Murambwi · 2 weeks ago
Nyika rudziii inongo imposer zvisingadiwe nema citizens. Chero kudai maradio arimo mudzimotokari dzo, vangani vachikuterera Radio Zimbabwe.All the taxes introduced kuda kupedza vasina zviro kuti vaite varombo vekupedzisira. Zimbabwe inogarwa newakashinga. · 2 weeks ago
ZBC haidiwe, don't force people on something they don't like, its not good for the people. Maybe can try that on ZANU PF membership subscription cards that they first pay for the ZBC license, since zbc has become zanu pf mouthpiece.
laugh emoji1
Bob · 2 weeks ago
Huyai muone makororo aya zvino akutibhadharisa mhepo imhukai inonzi Zbc hakuna zviriko kuZbc manyepo ega ega hamusvodi makaita sei
roland · 2 weeks ago
Uuuum daylight robbery yemhando yepamusoro even $5 it's too much for a Zim radio license all radio stations have got blinkers likes horses in a race. What's only left for them to say is everyone buying a cell phone must first purchase a radio license. Radio ngaiite yevanhu not yeZanu.
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
Tsvagai nzira iri effective yeku collector mari dze ZBC radio licence kwete kuda kubatirira vanhu pakubhadhara mutero. Musade kuberekwa ne ZINARA. After all tsvagai reason why vanhu vasingade kubhadhara radio license yacho mopagadzirisa futi.
The GunzFamily @ 98 · 2 weeks ago
Zbc inopenga iyo dzangova news dzenhema dzavanotipa
President Of Pindula Hon Cde Dr Nelson Dambudzo Constantino Mohadi · 2 weeks ago
this is pure robbery you zbc scûms you cannot force to want wat I don't want imhuka ipi inonzi zbc that relic propaganda machine
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King 98 · 2 weeks ago
some things are funny, iyo radio license yacho inodhura kunge kuripa ngozi kudaro
gweja nyumwawo · 2 weeks ago
nhai hko .... Dai vaiti 10 us pa term zvaive nani wonzi 30 us kunzwa nhema dzega dzega ... vanhu ava ndivana satan
Citizen+ · 2 weeks ago
People must be free to choose what media to watch and pay for. ZBC has nothing to offer except monotonous Zanu Pf propaganda and the dynasty. Nobody would worry about propaganda if there was entertainment. It's illegal to force people. We scramble for DStv and there is no command subscription.
ZimSketch · 2 weeks ago
who in his rightful mind listen to propaganda on zbc???
laugh emoji1
chirume chirume · 2 weeks ago
kupenga chaiko, hw can u force pple to pay radio license iyo radio yacho isipo,jst do ur operation of checking for those who hv radios and let let them pay, simple, mukuenderera mberi nekudzvanyirira vanhu nhy,hamuna moyo mbwa dzavanhu
gweja nyumwawo · 2 weeks ago
30 us kuti unzwe matu..zvi ezanu ..... nyika ino igehena chairoo...
veggah · 2 weeks ago
ko kana ndisina radio yacho mumotor macho imhosva here🥺🥺
Babalao · 2 weeks ago
PaPhone unayo. Saka unobhadhara😂😂😂😂
Tsarai · 2 weeks ago
mota yese uchiitenga inenge iine radio saka hapana kunzvenga mukoma
Canaan Ndlovu · 2 weeks ago
Usanyepha hayisi Mota yeses instead gwa eine radio and anywhere the license fee amount is crazy $10 per annum is enough the short fall you guts at ZBC must come up with a plan that brings investors aboard not to rely on licensing that shows poor businesses management you just want to sit in air-conditioned offices and be putting your signatures to docs without having the headache of corporate fund raising outside license fees! Phakamani nisebenze hayi ubuvila I give you USD10 COZ I don't owe you I don't listen to radio then you go look for the USD90 YOU need work for your money
Anonymous · 2 weeks ago
But achatsvaga rueben barwe nenonsense yake ndiani?

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