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OpenZEP Permit Holders Say Life In South Africa Has Become Unbearable

The Zimbabwe Exemption Permit Holders Association (ZEPHA) has appealed to the Zimbabwean government for assistance in fast-tracking a voluntary return programme due to the increasingly difficult conditions faced by many of its members living in South Africa.
There are approximately 178,000 people holding Zimbabwe Exemption Permits (ZEPs) in South Africa, including both permit holders and their dependent family members.
A memo sent by ZEPHA to the Zimbabwean ambassador to South Africa, David Hamadziripi, seen by MoneyWeb, reads in part:
Zimbabweans are now forced to litigate when they go to the hospital, schools, universities, travel on the roads, and at the workplace.
ZEPHA adds that it has already launched a repatriation programme, but would like the Zimbabwean government’s help in assisting with the relocation of thousands of ZEP holders in finding accommodation and business opportunities, and to assist in lowering regulatory barriers to smooth their return. Reads the memo:
Many South Africans believe that Zimbabweans are hapless ZANU PF victims useful only for their highly sought-after cheap, efficient, and trustworthy labour.
Their assistance for Zimbabwean staff extends only to prolonging exploitation, but not to provide Zimbabweans with the rights required to live full and dignified lives.
In my view, they have no interest in the stability of Zimbabweans in South Africa, and the generations that will follow.
According to the memo, the majority Black population in South Africa blames Zimbabweans for taking jobs, housing, healthcare, and economic opportunities, leading to the rise of vigilante groups targeting Zimbabweans with violence, robbery, and even murder, with little prosecution of perpetrators.
Xenophobia has been fueled by political parties like the Patriotic Alliance, MK Party, and ActionSA, while groups such as Operation Dudula and Put South Africa First have specifically targeted Zimbabweans.
These attacks often intensify during elections and national crises like COVID-19 and load shedding. The memo adds:
The white minority blames ZANU-PF for ruining the Zimbabwean economy and forcing its citizens to flee to SA to avoid poverty, political persecution and maladministration.
The mainstream media, which they control, have successfully sold the South African population the idea that Zimbabwe is a failed state, which will never recover without them, and that it stands as an example of what could happen to South Africa if their interests are not protected.
ZEPHA says the abuse of Zimbabweans in South Africa has caused significant psychological and emotional harm to the entire Zimbabwean community in the country.