2025 Tobacco Season Begins With Higher Prices

Zimbabwe’s 2025 tobacco selling season kicked off in Harare on Wednesday, with the first bale selling for US$4.65, a notable improvement from the US$4.35 recorded in 2024.
Speaking at the official opening of the selling season, Tobacco Industry Marketing Board (TIMB) Chairman Patrick Davenish announced that 32 buyers and 43 contractors are purchasing from 56 selling points across Zimbabwe. He said:
The Board has also approved decentralised contract sales to be conducted at 56 selling points and 7 centres. Concerning payment modalities, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) advised that the foreign currency retention for tobacco is 70% in line with the retention level for other market players. This means that 30% will be paid in local currency.
However, farmers have raised concerns that all farming inputs are sold exclusively in United States dollars.
Some farmers are in debt to suppliers in USD, but with 30% of their earnings paid in local currency, they find themselves in a difficult position.